Pathfinder 2E From the Depths of the Abomination Vaults


If you are playing or planning on playing Abomination Vaults, be warned: unmarked spoilers are in this thread and associated documents.

For a while now I have been GMing a group through Abomination Vaults (with Troubles In Otari providing side quests) and we are finally moving into the transition between books 1 and 2 (eventually). And though the default transition is pretty good, while at home from work with a killer migraine I had a vision of a much better transition (well a more of a hypomanic episode than a vision) and created six modular adventures to handle the transition. And as the top two Pathfinder Infinite sellers on the list Paizo just put out are expansions to Abomination Vaults, I figured that I would clean five of them up and post them. Thus this thread, where I will post the drafts as they are completed. I plan on posting the following adventures:
  • Death in Otari -- The characters investigate a series of murders in Otari. Uses custom CSI and Suppression subsystems. Very, very loosely based on Depths of Madness from Dungeon Magazine #162. Meant to link in with Terror in the Smuggler's Tunnels and Into the Silent Warren.
  • Terror in the Smuggler's Tunnels -- an experimental dungeon based on a scene in the serial webnovel Pact by Wildbow.
  • Into the Silent Warren -- another experimental dungeon, inspired by Alien, the characters skirmish through an abandoned kobold warren.
  • Darkly Dreaming in Otari -- Occult investigation in Otari taking inspiration from The House on Hook Street.
  • Tomb of the Slumbering Warlord -- a rework of the Starhand Barrow from Troubles in Otari to make it fit in with Darkly Dreaming in Otari.
Note: that these haven't been edited, playtested, or even proofread and they are intended for skilled and experienced GMs. They also use my slightly modified version of Otari.

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And here is a draft of Death in Otari! This is a framing adventure for some of the other adventures. It still needs a lot of work, but it should be playable. If anyone actually reads it, let me know what you think!


  • Death in Otari.pdf
    1.9 MB · Views: 1,357


Here is a draft of Terror in the Smuggler's Tunnels. This is an experimental horror adventure with a lurking monster that’s to powerful to fight.


  • Terror In the Smugglers Tunnels.pdf
    6.1 MB · Views: 1,364


Here is a draft of Tomb of the Slumbering Warlord. It is a replacement for the starhand barrow in Troubles in Otari. The timing in this one is extremely tricky, but when I ran it worked perfectly with the fighter being koed by poison in the first round of the spider fight and then interacting with the dream and delaying reinforcements, which allowed the remaining party members to face a series of fights instead of one big fight.


  • Tomb of the Slumbering Warlord.pdf
    8.2 MB · Views: 155

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