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Full Game: Land of the Seven Realms, Glossary and General Background


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The Seven Realms – Overview

The Seven Realms is a term that generally refers to the seven different nations that share the continent of Dalathen. The term refers to Kythraen, Mordwyr, Al-Kar, Araestos, Shadowen, Nordheim, and the Sunrise Isles (Selathaen). These Realms have been in existence, under diverse names, and with ever-shifting borders and states of government, for more than a thousand years.

Kythraen is the first of the twin kingdoms, born in the travail of the Kin-Strife War. It is a place of high mountains, deep forests, lush farmlands, where all the Five Races live in relative harmony. The Elven Queen Tailennara rules from Whiteheart with a light hand, her rule strengthened by the Lord Protector Kalvedin, who commands the armies of the land.

Mordwyr is the second of the twins, a hard land, where a score of kings hold their own counsel in castles of stone, all answering, when they must, to the High King Caldor, whose hatred of all things Elven is inherited from a long line of High Kings before him. His citadel is Caer Mord, one of the greatest fortresses of the Known World.

Al_Kar is a land of contrasts, of shining cities, nomadic herdsmen, lush river valleys and dry grasslands. Each city is named for a tribal king from days long past, and the greatest city of the land is Turik, where all the sheiks and sultans meet each year to decide their policy. Al Kar is famed for it’s horses, it’s feuds, and for it’s mystic Blademasters, said by some to be the finest swordsmen in the world.

Araestos the southernmost of the Realms, ancient seat of a fallen empire, land of trade, and intrigue. Hills and fertile valleys have all seen their share of blood spilled. Great houses clash, city-states struggling for preeminence. The largest of the cities is the former imperial capitol, Araes itself, yet in these fallen days it is little more then one among many. Araestan traders, assassins, and sailors are all equally notorious, and ubiquitous, in the Seven Realms.

Shadowen is justly named, a land where the Shadow is strongest. Darkness rules this land, from great citadels thrust up like erupting wounds upon the land. All the Dark Races thrive in this place of evil, and always it’s fell influence seeps out into the lands surrounding. Great rents in the earth spew smoke into the air, legacy of the Apocalypse itself. A place of dark malice, it’s greatest citadel is Karak Vordun, the Tower of Mourning.

Nordheim is a land of barbaric splendor. High mountain peaks, crashing waterfalls, deep fjords, all teeming with game, and beasts to bring joy to a warriors heart. There is no ruler here, instead a hundred kings and jarls constantly feud, argue, and brawl. Yet as more then one invader has found to his cost, the Northmen will brook no invasion lightly, and have united several times in the past to sweep down upon a southern foe with grim efficiency, and brutal power.

The Sunrise Isles are the last home of the Elves, those who have chosen not to live among Men. They are zealously guarded, both physically and magically. Islands of deep, sunny glades, softly green hills, and mists. It is ruled by the Elven Council, which meets in the White Spire, atop the highest mountain of the largest island. The gleaming spire can be seen far out into ocean. Only one port is open to the ships of other lands, and Trademeet is one of the largest trade centers of the Known World.

Cosmology Notes:

Delathen's planar arrangement isn't quite the same as the standard DnD wheelshaped arrangement.

Basically, you have the Mortal Realm, which would equate to the Prime Material Plane. The Ethereal coexists with the Mortal Realm.

The Higher Realms include the Realm of Elemental Fury, the Realm of Spirits, and the Realm of Glory.

The Lower Realms consist of the Realm of Shadow, the Realm of the Infernal, and the Realm of the Damned.

The Astral connects all Seven Realms (another reason for the name, btw) and coexists with and overlays all.


Order of the Stone Tiger, based in the north of Kythraen. It is an order of lawful good and lawful neutral monks dedicated to Heironeous.

Order of the Eclipsed Sun, a religious order dedicated to Solarus, a godling slain in ancient times. According to their dogma, Solarus merely sleeps. The Order of the Eclipsed Sun holds political sway over the city of Taladae, and is widely revered in all the cities of Araestos.

Gentle Dreams, a group of spies in the service of the Order of the Eclipsed Sun.

Brothers of the Serpent. They are a cult that is dedicated to Lakash the Serpent, Solarus' ancient foe, who is also dead.


Taladae, a city of Araestos. It is the center of the Order of the Eclipsed Sun, a religious order dedicated to Solarus, a godling slain in ancient times.

Tredeshan, city at the Great Falls of the Crystal River. Tredeshan is in Al'Kar, though it's just across the river from Araestos, and is a great center for trade and intrigue, considering that three nations converge there. (Kythraen, to the north, being the third.)


Old Nord is the ancient language of the Nordheim tribes.

Each realm has it's own version of Common, and while they are mutually understandable, it's usually very easy to tell which realm a person is from by their speech. A good bluffer can fool people though.

High Solaric, the language of the ancient Solarian Empire, related closely to Celestial.

Lakashan, the language of the ancient Lakashan Empire, related both to Infernal and Draconic.

Karsa, the language of the Al'Karan tribesmen, rarely spoken in front of outsiders.

Religious Matters:

Gods of the Seven Realms (quick overview)

First, all the gods of the PHB are alive and well, and worshipped in the realms, as are Lolth, Tiamat, and Bahamut, from Deities and Demigods.

The White Lady: Demigoddess of Mercy and Healing, raised to divinity by Pelor after giving her life selflessly caring for the victims of an Apocalyptic plague.

NG (Clerics LG, NG, CG, usually female)
Symbol: Two feminine hands offering a loaf of bread, with a sun disk in the background.
Domains: Healing, Protection, Sun

Solarus: Demigod of dominion and just rule, raised to divinity by Pelor after founding the Solarian Empire, in ancient times. His death battling the Serpent God Lakash brought forth the Apocalypse.

LN (Clerics LG, LN)
Symbol: Eagle clutching a crown and a blade, with a sun disk in the background.
Domains: Community, Law, Sun

Lakash the Serpent: Demigod of deceit, madness, raised to divinity by Erythnul, after creating the Yuan Ti race, and founding the Lakashan Empire of ancient times. His death battling Solarus brought forth the Apocalypse.

NE (Clerics LE, NE, CE)
Symbol: Serpent's head, usually depicted in act of devouring a sun disk.
Domains: Trickery, Madness, Scalykind
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Game Announcement and Player Information

Hello all,

I've been lurking on these boards for a bit more then a year now, reading story hours, and the various PbP games going on, so I thought I'd give it a shot, using the same homebrew world I've used for some little time in my tabletop games.

The style of campaign will be fairly heroic. It's not likely the characters will radically alter the entire scheme of things, but they will definitely be major players, at least eventually.

As far as character guidelines, they are pretty simple.

Rules: Core Books (PHB, DMG, MM) only to start.

Characters will start at level 5, with 28 points to spend according to the DMG chart. Keep in mind the stat increase for 4th level.

9,000 gp are available for equipment, however no single item worth more then 3,000 gp can be purchased.

That should cover the mechanical side of things fairly well.

Deities are those outlined in the PHB, although if you have some idea for something you'd like to add, we can discuss it. Many demigods, heroes, and lesser deities can and do certainly exist, beyond what the PHB outlines.

Good or Neutrally aligned characters would be best for the ideas I have in mind.

Keep in mind these are 5th level characters, when you consider a background. They've done some things, had adventures of some kind, to get where they are now. If you need some help or have questions of any kind, drop a post here.

Liminal Syzygy

Community Supporter
I would like to join.

I'll go with either a pure rogue (from Araestan) or a Rogue 1/Cleric 4 if the party needs a cleric. But if someone really wants to play similar types I'm also totally ok with changing to something else.

What kind of races are most common in Araestan?


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Cordo, in answer to your question, Araestos is 90% human, 5% gnome, with the last 5% being a mixed bag of the rest of the PHB races. For now, go with what feels right to you, we'll see what people come up with.


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I would like to join as Turik, an aspiring Al-Karan (?) blademaster / adventurer. He has learned the ancient tales and seeks to prove himself worthy of the great name. Most like will take the form of a human bard 1 / fighter 4.


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Welcome. Sounds good. Here in a moment I'll post the prestige class, so you know what you are getting into.

It's fairly demanding, both in terms of roleplaying, and in terms of qualifying in game terms.

But my sole and only Blademaster PC in my home game seems to think it's worth it. heh

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