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Fury over Black Hermione Granger

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Elf Witch

First Post
Tell that to the Irish and other white minorities who were oppressed by the U.S. when they came over. White lives have not always mattered. Nor is Obama's birth certificate of any particular meaning. Democrats screamed just as loudly over George Bush, but about different things. The certificate was just one way to scream at the sitting President, not something that was about race. Unreasonable screams happen from the other party in this country.

You're conflating race with wealth there. Over here in California a rich black man murdered two people and got off scott free. Rich is the key, not wealth. Plenty of white people who aren't rich get drunk, kill one person, and then go to jail.

People tend to look at things in a vacuum when that vacuum never exists. I don't know the area, but it's very possible that some of that is racist, but that much if it has to do with most crime in that area being done either by black people, or the amount of black crime vastly outweighing the white when it comes to auto theft.

I've noticed a pattern over the years. When black activists and others want to cry racism for the media, they rarely look at any possible reason other than skin color to base their claims on. They are unwilling to hear that there could be other legitimate reasons for what happened. In doing so, the remove any semblance of legitimacy from their claims. If they held an open mind and were willing to admit that some of the cases were not racism, but these ones over here are because of X, Y and Z, then I would be more willing give credence to their racism claims. As it stands, whenever they yell racism over a shooting, my initial response is "Here we go again. Another knee jerk racism reaction." It's only when non-black media gets involved and reveals things independent of black claims that show racism that I get on board, like the recent Chicago case.

Right. Pride is okay. Racism is not and those minorities involved with pride very often cross that line.

Uh, no. I think liberals would scream at Ted Cruz for not being born in the U.S. Both sides are very good at using the same tactics against each other. As I said, the liberals would also find many other reasons to scream at Ted Cruz as well. The screaming at Obama is happening over politics, not color.

Edit: In general. There are of course some racists who do scream at Obama about color. The birther movement isn't, though.

You don't know your history. The discrimination you are talking about happened to immigrants coming into America from Europe in the late 1800s. But the ones who came before did not for example Andrew Jackson who became president was born two years after his parents immigrated from Ireland. And though they faced discrimination they could change their names lose their accents and no one could tell them from other white Americans. Black Americans never could do that. Nor where they lynched by crowds well into the next century. It is not the same thing. They were not targeted because they were white.

His birth certificate certainly does matter no other president or candidate ever had to go through this not after showing the same birth certificates that every other citizen born in Hawaii uses to prove citizenship. And no it is not a democrat/republican thing. In 2008 democrats were not screaming to see McCain certificate and he was born in the Panama. I have not read one blog, article written by a liberal demanding Ted Cruz prove his right to run for president what I have read is the hypocrisy involved in this.

If you are denying race had anything to do with this then you are either naive or deliberately ignorant.

I did say he had both white privilege and economic privilege. But there is enough documented evidence on the injustice in sentencing that minorities face. Black defendants tend to get harsher sentences and the death penalty more than white defendants. White defendants brought up on drug charges are offered rehab and probation for first time offences where minorities are more often sentenced to jail time for first time offenses.

I seriously doubt that in 2015 silver 2011 Lexus were stolen 36 times in that area and white and Hispanics steal cars too as a matter of fact there was a Hispanic gang of car thieves operating in South Miami at the time. But his example is far from being unique. I know another doctor who drives a sports car he lives in Parkland a rich neighborhood and practices in an upscale hospital he was pulled over several times last year for the same excuse. The only problem is his very expensive car is a custom build with a custom paint job. Go ahead and make excuses for why he was pulled over but it had to do with a black man driving a sports car. He was also hassled by the police when he first moved into his neighborhood when he was out walking his dog one evening. It seemed someone reported suspicious behavior. He was detained by the police placed in the cruiser because he had no ID on him. It took over 50 minutes to straighten it out . I walk my dogs every night too and I don't usually have ID on me either.

Like I said go ahead and twist yourself in knots trying to explain how this is not racism and how it does not happen often.

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Mod Squad
Staff member

This thread was about works of fiction, a play. And you're butting heads over whether the "birthers" are racist?

Not that this is forbidden in a politics thread, but, really, does anyone think this portion of it is constructive, in any fashion whatsoever?

Elf Witch

First Post
Tell that to the Irish and other white minorities who were oppressed by the U.S. when they came over. White lives have not always mattered. Nor is Obama's birth certificate of any particular meaning. Democrats screamed just as loudly over George Bush, but about different things. The certificate was just one way to scream at the sitting President, not something that was about race. Unreasonable screams happen from the other party in this country.

You're conflating race with wealth there. Over here in California a rich black man murdered two people and got off scott free. Rich is the key, not wealth. Plenty of white people who aren't rich get drunk, kill one person, and then go to jail.

People tend to look at things in a vacuum when that vacuum never exists. I don't know the area, but it's very possible that some of that is racist, but that much if it has to do with most crime in that area being done either by black people, or the amount of black crime vastly outweighing the white when it comes to auto theft.

I've noticed a pattern over the years. When black activists and others want to cry racism for the media, they rarely look at any possible reason other than skin color to base their claims on. They are unwilling to hear that there could be other legitimate reasons for what happened. In doing so, the remove any semblance of legitimacy from their claims. If they held an open mind and were willing to admit that some of the cases were not racism, but these ones over here are because of X, Y and Z, then I would be more willing give credence to their racism claims. As it stands, whenever they yell racism over a shooting, my initial response is "Here we go again. Another knee jerk racism reaction." It's only when non-black media gets involved and reveals things independent of black claims that show racism that I get on board, like the recent Chicago case.

Right. Pride is okay. Racism is not and those minorities involved with pride very often cross that line.

Uh, no. I think liberals would scream at Ted Cruz for not being born in the U.S. Both sides are very good at using the same tactics against each other. As I said, the liberals would also find many other reasons to scream at Ted Cruz as well. The screaming at Obama is happening over politics, not color.

Edit: In general. There are of course some racists who do scream at Obama about color. The birther movement isn't, though.

It was disingenuous, though. It's pretty obvious from the books and the casting that Hermione was intended to be white. I could have respected Rowling if she had just owned up to it and then said that she thought the idea of a black Hermione was great, too.

I assumed that she was white but I have over the years read many people of color especially if they are British posts theories that she was not white. People keep missing what Rowling has said she has not claimed that she was written as a black girl what she said was her race was never mentioned and was not part of who she was and she is fine with the casting of the new play.


Morkus from Orkus
1) you most certainly CAN be president if born outside of the the boundaries of the USA if you meet one of the several classifications of being labeled a "natural born citizen".

Yep. I didn't remember the passage in the Constitution correctly.

2) your prediction is already on shaky grounds Re:Cruz since the Democrats had exactly that chance in 2008 regarding McCain. Instead of drying to gin up a controversy regarding the Panamanian-born Arizona Senator's ancestry, Obama and Clinton co sponsored a bill proclaiming him to meet the Constitutional requirements to serve as POTUS. (It passed unanimously.)

That was then. Both parties have a bur up their rears about what has been done to them and do it back to the other side when possible.

3) what does it say about the collective brainpower of the GOP if they keep flirting with- and even sometimes choosing- candidates who might run afoul of the citizenship clause of POTUS eligibility? (Nearly all of the presidential candidates in US history for whom there was an issue of being a "natural born citizen" were right-wingers of some kind, except Obama.)

The collective brain power of both parties is about the same. It's only the particulars about what stupid stuff they do that varies, and even that stuff is mostly the same.

It is called integrity, and regardless of what you think, politicians have managed to show it on occasion. Even when pushed by members of his own party, W maintained his position that Islam is not inherently violent. When on Fox, McCain corrected his interviewers by noting that "Allahu Akbar!" as souted in a video from some battle in the Middle East is merely Arabic for "God is great!", and as such, no different than something an English-speaking Christian soldier might exclaim after a successful military strike.

It does happen on occasion. The vast majority of the time integrity is nowhere to be seen in a politician, including McCain.

And, because you missed it, the Barry Goldwater citizenship issue WAS raised by members of the GOP, and they decided it was a non-issue.

Until Obama.

It really isn't the GOP that did it to Obama. It was the Tea Party seizing on something that may or may not have started out as racially motivated and making it a political thing. The birther movement sprung from that political motivation.


Morkus from Orkus

This thread was about works of fiction, a play. And you're butting heads over whether the "birthers" are racist?

Not that this is forbidden in a politics thread, but, really, does anyone think this portion of it is constructive, in any fashion whatsoever?

Okay. I posted that last response before I saw this. I'll back off this tangent.

I've got no problems with this casting decision. It irks my continuity-sense whenever recastings happen, but I can think of several times where it was for the best. Plus, I'm not likely to see any stage plays in England anytime soon, so I doubt this will affect me at all.

Cody C. Lewis

First Post
Just want to chip in here...

I do not care for Hermoine suddenly going through an ethnicity change. It's truly idiotic.

Here's my problem: STOP CHANGING EXISTING characters to give yourself (brand) ethnic or gender diversity. It's exhausting. I'm looking at you Marvel.

Instead... make NEW AWESOME CHARACTERS with ethnic and gender diversity that consumers want to read/watch/discover. I'm looking at you DC Comics. Cyborg replacing Martian Manhunter in the Justice League completely, Simon Baz, etc.


Just want to chip in here...

I do not care for Hermoine suddenly going through an ethnicity change.

That's not what's actually happening though. Rowling herself has said that the race of the Hermione character has never been specified. The fact that Hermione was white in a film adaptation of that source material doesn't change the source material any more than Yul Brenner playing the King in The King and I changes the race of the character of the King of Siam.

Cody C. Lewis

First Post
That's not what's actually happening though. Rowling herself has said that the race of the Hermione character has never been specified. The fact that Hermione was white in a film adaptation of that source material doesn't change the source material any more than Yul Brenner playing the King in The King and I changes the race of the character of the King of Siam.

I completely disagree with you. If it was that simple, this thread wouldn't exist. I would wager before you heard this news, it never crossed your mind that she could be black. So sorry, as far as I am concerned, yes, this is a change.


I completely disagree with you. If it was that simple, this thread wouldn't exist.

It IS that simple. Some people are just so attached to what was portrayed in the films that they think that's the way it was in the source material and that that's the way it has to be going forward.

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