While i obviously love the new archetypes and heritages and such, one thing i would love to see in a future product, gpg or otherwise, would be an expanded list of knacks, lessions tricks, etc.. while i do love the ones we already have, i think going back over them with the experience the development team has gained since making them could lead to some interesting developments. i know a player in my game had mention that their was no 1d10 slight of hand knack for rogue for example. Another being an ability that lets you get 1d10 expertise die on deception, but there are only 2 ways to get an expertise die on deception in the first place, meaning there would be essentially no way for a player to even get to d8, let alone 1d10. a different but slightly related idea is anytime a class gets one of those choose one of three abilities, that could be another great design space for class abilities to be added to classes that already exist, but require you to give up something else you could have gotten instead, also, it means that characters who've already made their subclass and heritage decision can still sometimes get cool new options to choose from with the new releases other then the martial traditions.