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Galactic Empire: Serving the New Order

The man saluted hastily, "Private Dalen Kardon, sir," through heavy breathing, he looked to all of them and then motioned towards the door he'd entered from, "I'm sorry there wasn't anyone here to meet you, sir. Everyone's busy holding a security perimeter. Unless you need anything, I can lead you there now."

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Lobo Lurker

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Capt. Archimedes Daxxon

"How long have they been in there?" Archimedes asks, his armored face-plate inscrutable. "How many entrances are there in the building in question? Has anyone tried going in through the ventilation shafts?" He thinks some more. "There must surely be security cameras in the area, what do they show? If they've been blocked, then what was the last thing they saw? Better yet, just get us the latest security footage from the area."

Traitors on Carida... who'd of thought it could happen. How many minds had they poisoned? "Commander Dralon perhaps, when we finish here, we should find any moles they might have left behind... they could do irreprable damage here if they left any complices."

Tyrcon turned to the stormtrooper. "I do not think ferreting out conspiritors will be a problem," a cruel glint in his eye as he spoke. "Just leave one alive for me to question. We shall see how far their allegiance to the Rebellion will hold."
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Lobo Lurker

First Post
Capt. Archimedes Daxxon

Archimedes nodded an acknowledgement to the Intelligence Officer. "I'll keep that in mind." He was still an unknown factor and Archimedes didn't know if he could trust him... he was with Imperial Intelligence after all.

Rumors in the barracks ran rampant about what exactly happend during Intelligence interrogations and Archimedes suspected that the truth was far worse than any rumor. But, at the end of the day they were on the same side... weren't they? The Emperor sactioned them, and if they were good enough for the Emperor, he'd just have to get used to them.
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[ooc: I am SO sorry for not posting sooner. It's been a horrible week to find time to do anything, and I've unfortunately been neglecting all my games. I'll be paying more attention now. Sorry again.]

Major Rannik had remained quiet through the briefing, confident that the Vice Admiral would provide them with all the information and equipment they would require for their mission. It angered him beyond words that men who's entire existance was owed to the Empire, and who were training the future officers and soldiers that served that Empire would turn against it! They were no better than mynocks, feeding off the system and depleting it with their infestation. Well, just like mynocks, they would be exterminated, and the more public the better, so as to deter anyone else from these traitorous thoughts.

Now on the surface, he checks his rifle and slaps in a fresh powerpack. Hearing the Intelligence officer comment on interrogation, he nods in agreement, however in his estimation, ISB would be better suited for this activity. He remains quiet on his thoughts though... a skill that allowed him to survive his training.

"Ready here, sir." Rannick reports.
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"They're completely sealed in as far as we can tell," Private Kardon said, still speaking quickly and somewhat out of breath, "The holorecorders didn't pick anything up. The only way we know who's in there was from running through all the personnel in the facility. We've not been able to get much else information as the transmission that was sent out used an encryption we've never seen before."


First Post
Devlin stepped off of the shuttle looking the private up and down. The private was busy explaining the situation to the commander; Devlin would have to admonish the soldier about the poor condition of his uniform later. For all he knew, the private could be one of the traitors as well.

He heard the intelligence officer speak of conducting the interrogations. A slight grin crossed his face as he thought and when your interrogation methods prove to soft, I'll get some results from the infidels.

Devlin's attention turned back to the private's briefing. Something did not seem to be adding up with his story.

"Private, could you please get us a full list of suspected traitors and their backgrounds. Also, if I could look at the roster of personnel stationed here, I might be able to pinpoint other rebel sympathizers. I am certain there are more than jut the three we have been briefed about."
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First Post
Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
he man saluted hastily, "Private Dalen Kardon, sir," through heavy breathing, he looked to all of them and then motioned towards the door he'd entered from, "I'm sorry there wasn't anyone here to meet you, sir. Everyone's busy holding a security perimeter. Unless you need anything, I can lead you there now."

Commander Dralon coldly eyes the soldier, looking for any signs of deceipt in his eyes. As his piercing eyes penetrate into the man, he sees something deeper in him, something not right.

The Commander silently stood there, letting his men ask their questions. After they finished speaking, he looks over at Devlin and nods, then returning his glance at the Imperial.

"Yes, I would like to see those records Private. But before we do, there is something we must discuss..." He looks down for a moment, then delivers a cold punch to the stomach of the man with one hand, and unsheathing his Pistol with the other.

"Now my dear friend, here is the deal. My friend Devlin here doesn't believe a word you say, nor do I. So we're going to do it like this. I'm going to ask you a question. Every time I don't like the answer, Devlin breaks a limb. Got it?"


First Post
Major Rannik smirks when he sees the Commander slug the young soldier. The fool didn't even see it coming. he thinks

He steps down the ramp, his rifle held at the hip but ready, scanning the rest of the bay for anyone who might try to interfere.

(Spot check: 17-1=16)
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The hangar seems empty

The young Private grunts painfully and stumbles back and then down to his knees. He shuffles back some, trying to catch his breath and looking terrified and surprised. Kardon's eyes widened as a realization came over him.

((We're going to go ahead and go into Initiative order here.
Joric: 15
Archimedes: 9
Devlin: 18
Rannick: 13
Dralon: 4
Private Kardon: 20.))

Quickly, the young private got to his feet, stepping back and drawing his pistol as his free hand reached up and tapped his left ear. In a voice still desperate for air, he called out, "General, sir! The Rebels are in hangar 325A! I need backup now!!"


Voidrunner's Codex

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