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Galactic Empire: Serving the New Order

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((Possible defenses could be anything from snipers and spotters to holocams, etc...however, you've seen nothing at this point.))

Climbing up, Devlin finds a good spot with a wide view of the canyon path only a few meters up. The ledge isn't all the way up, but its protected while still giving a very good sight of the area. From the looks of it this small path in the canyon goes on straight ahead for a good distance, though it winds slightly here and there, you still have a very good view of the area. As far as you can tell...there doesn't seem to be anything there, though you do notice that from this height, the ground looks oddly well crafted into a nice, almost even path.

Sri, however, has trouble getting up. He manages to get about a meter up before he has trouble finding footholds, and slips down back to the rocky ground below. Thankfully, he lands on his feet and not on his backside.

The others on the ground move forward, finding that, while the path in the canyon seems to go on in a back and forth, winding way, there is actually an almost flat portion of lightly coloured sand at your feet that goes straight through. Whether this has been created by sentient beings, animals, or just plain coincidence, the fact still stands that it looks and feels like a dirt road of sorts. Still, though, you see nothing...but according to the sensor readings now on your datapad, the source is still there, and could just be out of sight.


First Post
Mrj Rannick

Rannick continues to lead them forwards, but rather than walking on the "dirt road", he will keep them closer to the canyon walls, taking a winding path, as the canyon wall winds. If there is a side that offers more shadows, he will take that side.


*Sri curses, and moves somewhat down the path, following beneath Devlin, and looking for better routes up.* "I'm not built for canyon work...."


Devlin, Imperial 'soldier'

Devlin grunts in surprise as Sri slips back down the slope. He thought that it would be him on his ass in the dust. He does a scan of the area to ensure that there is no one around, then turns back around to assist Sri.

Once Sri is up, Devlin pulls his monoculars from his belt and does a more careful check of the area. This time he takes particular care to check possible site points along the way for sentry devices and other military installations.

ooc: Spot -1. Aid another if possible. Knowledge (tactics) +6.

A few meters down, Devlin finally managed to help Sri up to an outcropping in the canyon wall. There was at least some room to walk back and forth and follow the others, but it eventually cut off and you'd have to climb up to nearly the top of the canyon, itself.

As Devlin and Sri finally situated themselves, they caught sight of the same thing that Rannick and those on the ground did. A good distance down the canyon 'path', it looks to run to either a dead end, or a turn of sorts. You can't tell from this distance. However, you can see colours that are definitely not rock.

Strong greys and silvers line the wall close to the ground. From the looks of it, its a bunker of some sort. And the datapad points towards the lifesigns being that direction.


*Sri considers the bunker.* "So, I'm going to guess that we might consider that a possible target?" *As he talks, he flips open the silver case he carries, and quickly assembles a rifle clearly designed to put holes in people from far away.*


Devlin, male human Imperial 'soldier'

Devlin considers the bunker through his glasses for a moment longer, then pulls back behind cover.

"Mjr. We have some form of structure up ahead. Probably a bunker of sorts. Can you see it?"

ooc: DR: So Sri has two rifles?


First Post
Mjr Rannick

ooc: I'm assuming that the canyon walls are restricting our view...

Edit: whoops, edited... see below...
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OOC: He does indeed. He has his general purpose Longblaster for all purpose killin' and blastin', and then he has a Sorosuub modified Sniper Rifle for long range engagement which is kept in a briefcase.

*Sri lays himself prone, propping up the rifle to give himself clear aim and a stable firing position, and looks through the sight, trying to spot defenses, people, or anything of interest. As he does so, he concentrates on his training, finding the focus of an empty mind, where his aim and his action are one.*

OOC: Sniper Rifle has a laser sight, 74 meter range increment. And post 500!
AMG: [sblock]Activating Enhance Ability, taking 10, for Dex[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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