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Also another reconforting news;

"We have every intention of releasing the books in electronic versions. But we don't have a date at this time."


That single newsfeed should have made many, many, people very, very, very happy and alleviate a lot of concerns. I'm also happy about the AAA hollywood movie interest. D&D NEEDS THAT. No more direct to video b.s. -- D&D deserves better than that.

Patrick McGill

First Post
I was surprised to see them mention the OGL without the caveat of "something LIKE the OGL" or "something equivalent". Kind of gives me an expectation for the same kind of freedom, but it might just be wishful thinking on my part.

I will say that if they go forward with an OGL, they're pretty much bound to this edition.


Well, he does make me think "identical to 3e OGL" but you're right, that might not be the case. But still, it's good news.



Well, he does make me think "identical to 3e OGL" but you're right, that might not be the case. But still, it's good news.

I seriously doubt the 5e license will be the exact same as the 3e OGL. There's no way they want another Pathfinder. That said, I don't know what the right answer is.

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