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Gamer Guilt Over Potential Gaming Shift

However, I do feel responsible for some of the players. Some of them followed me to my Star Wars Saga game and picked up those rules. Some of them picked up the Pathfinder rules because I was running a game and they wanted in. I feel like I almost owe them as many sessions as I can squeeze out to repay their trust in me. However, I really don't think I have another Pathfinder campaign in me at this time.

Games are to be played for the enjoyment of all, including the GM. You should not run a game that isn't fun for you out of some sense of duty to other players. Anyone who who would want you to run a game that isn't fun for you just to make them happy frankly isn't worth running anything for.

Talk to your players and let them know how you feel. Grinding through a campaign just to complete it doesn't make any sense. If the GM isn't having fun then sooner or later no one else will either. If your players are worthy of your concern for them then they will understand why you need to run something else.

Life is too short to run games that don't make you happy.

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Honestly, telling your players that you feel the campaign is wrapping up might even motivate them to push your game into a satisfying conclusion, which would make DMing much easier.

And if they take this as an excuse to wreck your campaign, then it's all for the best, because it's ending! ;)

Since I don't have a degree in psychology at all, I would hazard to guess that your sense of obligation is also partly rooted in the hope that the campaign will end well, and you want to give your group this awesome finale.

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