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Games you won't play


I'm a big gaming slut I have an expansive and inclusive love of games. Other than sexually explicit games, I can't think of anything I wouldn't even play a one-shot of -- although I have much less love for highly simulationist games. Not my thing.

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Truth Seeker

Ya know, you are the second guy I know, who has admitted that...

I'm a big gaming slut I have an expansive and inclusive love of games. Other than sexually explicit games, I can't think of anything I wouldn't even play a one-shot of -- although I have much less love for highly simulationist games. Not my thing.


First Post
Okay, honest question, going beyond the OP's question somewhat.

How do those statements above go together? Why is it that the tools of LARP are disqualified, but pretty much any other set of tools is okay?

By extension, why exclude any genre, style, or rule set that you've never tried before from consideration?

I have LARPed and it was as fun. It is like Tabletop, finding a good group may be difficult. But the years in which I played, I remember very fondly.

I shy away from CoC type games. I love the lit, but the hopless struggle with a ordinary guy character does not hold my interest.



Is there a game, genre, setting, or character type that you will not play, at all? Is there a deal breaker game element (like the previously mentioned) that will make you consider walking away from the table if the DM was absolutely intent on playing it? (I am not talking about a DM/personal characteristic.)


Before I post my response, let's all get one thing straight--I don't think there is any such thing as a "bad" or "stupid" game. If you play it and you like it, that's great. If your favorite game makes my list, don't dish out the crap on me that I don't like your favorite game that's given you all your happy childhood memories, saved your marriage, got you your big promotion, and has made your children the well-rounded upstanding citizens they are today. Good for you and I wish you the best of success (really!) so here's my list of games that I won't play:

1. Anything White Wolf. My own experience is that is that I played Vampire and Werewolf with goths who were more concerned being goths than gamers and it didn't jive well with me. I want Underworld, not a reminensce of a depressing state of being as a vampire/werewolf/whatever. Not a fan of the system either, but who knows, I may change my feelings on that.

2. 4e. Read it. Didn't like it. No interest.

3. Palladium stuff. I played TMNT and got tired that a simple battle took 3 hours to resolve.

4. Anything "anime-ish". I like some anime, but I'm not some Japanophile.


I'll play just about any genre except the anime one. I'm more into PG-13 kind of games so I don't dig games that are into gratuitous sex or violence and I certainly don't roleplay that. I try to be the kind of player that people from all walks of life (within normality) can game with.


I typically play just about any character but I like to define my own personality. If I run into a GM that wants to assert control of my character's development and personality, that's crossing the line with me. I won't give an example as that I think it's a violation of TOS here. I try to make my characters also individuals that players wouldn't find offensive. I don't create chaotic evil assassins if the campaign is going to be about heroics.


First Post
Specific games I wouldn't play:

Shadowrun: I tried it, but hated the setting and the rules.

Tunnels and Trolls: Tried it, too simple and jokey for me.

Runequest: After a long process of character generation my PC stabbed himself in the gut with his two-handed spear in his first combat (possibly on his first attack roll) due to a fumble. Kind of left a bad taste in my mouth...

Warhammer: The nihilism inherent in the setting repulsed me. I will play Call of Cthulhu, though, so I guess that it's more than that. I suppose that determining my "character class" by a die roll, with "rat catcher" as a possible result, repels me also.

3E or 4E: I prefer older versions of D&D.

FATAL: I know of this game only by rumor, but its sounds repugnant.

Genres I wouldn't play:

Anything totally mundane. Frex, I'd play Deadlands but not Boot Hill, Call of Cthulhu but not Gangbusters. Actually, I guess that I would play such games, but only as one-offs.

Role Assumption type games. I.e., I loved Star Trek, but I wouldn't want to play Kirk, Spock, or McCoy. I want to create my own PC.

Anything sexually explicit.

Anything that's saturated with real-world stuff that I find repellent. Frex, racism will be a fact of life in some game worlds, but if the game itself was racist I wouldn't play it.


I could not sit down to enjoy Axis and Allies if I were forced to play the Axis; nor would I particularly enjoy playing the game against anyone who wasn't similarly resistant to playing the Axis.

I am somewhat of the same mindset. I could not Play Axis and Allies if I were forced to play the Axis. On the other hand, I am willing to play (though it is not one of my favorite games by a long shot) if I am on the side of the Allies. Heck, I will happily play the poor, doomed, Russians if only because their strategy is fairly simple (more troops! more troops!!!!). Though I do notice that I pretty much ignore Japan and spend my energy attacking Germany.

It probably has to do with my grandfather living in a Nazi death camp, and my great-grandparents dying in another one. I just can't abstract away from that in Axis and Allies.

Invisible Stalker

First Post
The proportionate powers of the gecko. That would be so awesome! I'd love to be able to cling to things, have rubbery fingers, and be able to lick my own eyes. I may have my next superhero character for M&M.

At DC there is a Venezuelan super hero that has various reptile powers including the gecko, Bushmaster.

Invisible Stalker

First Post
Superheroes. I understand that there's at least one very well constructed supers game out there that is one of the flagship products of a publisher I like. I'm glad someone is doing it well and I wish them all the success in the world, but I've always thought the entire superhero concept is lame. I think superheroes is some sort of cultural outgrowth from Greek Mythology. The problem is that it was cool when it was Greek but not so cool once they started wearing tights. In my opinion, the superhero genre strips the accomplishments of these characters because they always had some special power that nobody else has to fall back on.

I wish Gary Gygax had created a super hero game in the 1970s instead of D&D. :)

Frankly, I find the "street level" wing of super heroes to be far more boring on average than their super powered cousins.

Vyvyan Basterd

There are lots of categories of games on my list similar to other folks here-- the extremely obscene, the extremely goofy-- but only one that I can think of off the top of my head that I've ever specifically and consciously refused to play:

Axis and Allies.

I just find it ghoulish.

If we are expanding this beyond RPGs you can add me to the no Axis and Allies list. Never found it ghoulish, just extremely tedious. I might play if I was suffering from insomnia.

There aren't any other board games I can think of that I wouldn't play. I'm a huge boardgame whore I have extensive experience with a multitude of board and card games.

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