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Games you won't play

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First Post
I'll pretty much play anything if the GM and rest of the players are really interested. Those games that I won't play is broken into 2 groups. Those that are an absolute no, and those that I might play if there was a significant and continuous inducement. The first group includes Wraeththu & FATAL while the second is comprised of Palladium, Synnibar and 4E.


First Post
Any RPG that has inherent the stench of pretentiousness, highly offensive belief systems, or shrieking honking illogic every other page. Also, anything created by people I have taken issue with in a more than trivial way, for whatever reason. Yes, even if I've never met them.

Other than that, I'll try any RPG once. Assuming at least a half decent group, anyway.


Is there a game, genre, setting, or character type that you will not play, at all? Is there a deal breaker game element (like the previously mentioned) that will make you consider walking away from the table if the DM was absolutely intent on playing it?

Games and Genre

An over-emphasis on picky detail and memorization would be a system deal killer, but it depends on how prevelant that sub-system is. When I play D&D I simply don't bother keeping track of encumbrance. I refuse to do it. I know around about what is within the realm of 'light' and I keep it there, but there's simply no way I'm constantly going to add and subtract every time I drop my backpack. Same thing with spell componants. I might as well take 'Eschew materials' every time since I'm never going to keep track of anything under about 20 gp value. Shoot, after about fifth or sixth level I stop bothering to keep track of money under about 1000gp.

I can't think of a single game, per se, that I refuse to play under any circumstances because a good GM can make a bad system enjoyable usually long enough to get through a short campaign but there are several that I wouldn't normally go out of my way to play.

Champions is one because, related to the above, I refuse to keep track of END. I used to love Champions, but about the last half of my time with it, I simply played characters that had minimal END requirements or bought it off.

It would take a pretty special GM to get me interested in any genre that didn't involve some kind of 'cool powers', be those actual powers or supernatual abilities, or access to interesting advanced tech, etc. Cold War - era Spy games are a good example. Westerns. I could do it for 1-2 games as a change of pace, but under normal circumstances that would be about it.

I do not like 'grim and gritty' genres, but for the most part I lay that at the feet of bad GMing in the past. I've had enough games like that go horribly awry that I'm gun-shy of it.

On a related note, I probably will not play a system with a critical hits subsystem that allows for permanent injuries. See below.

I have come to really dislike systems that have no way of compensating for terrible dice luck. Action points, hero points, whatever - nowadays I almost always have to have something that can mitigate a bad roll at a critical moment. I had an entire campaign fall through because the main character bricked the roll at the most critical time, and I swore that I'd never see that happen again.

I will not LARP. I've tried it, and with friends and sane, friendly people that recommended that knew what they were doing and otherwise ran an exceptional and interesting game. I'm too out of shape and too used to my own bed and such to enjoy lots of moving around or camping out. Also, my suspension of disbelief cannot extend to myself. If I were a svelte handsome 20-year old IRL, yeah, I probably would like it. Now? Nope.

I don't really consider FATAL a game so much as a fratboy joke, so to me it doesn't count.

I think it would be difficult to play something like TOON or TFOS in an ongoing campaign; I usually have difficulty being funny on demand. I've never tried those, though.

We make a lot of jokes about "D&D: Serious Business", but I really despise playing in a game where all but one guy has put some effort into their PC, but you have this guy who thinks it's just perfectly fine to have a PC named 'Johnny Buttkisser' or who says 'My character dresses in nothing but bright gold plaids' (and said PC is not, say, a gnome bard or something like that) or something like that. That'll make me leave quicker than just about anything else. Humor has it's place but silly joke characters don't unless it's a one-shot and meant to be somewhat silly.

Usually that's not so much a problem but in superhero games I find it's almost par for the course that almost half the people will choose to create something truly stupid. Like Super Pimp, able to shoot adamantium styling combs like shurikens


Hmm. Right off the top of my head I cannot think of a setting that is an instant turn-off. Usually by the time I think about 'setting', we've gotten past the hard parts of game system and genre.

Character Type

Here, I have a veritable raft of problems.

There's tons of things I dislike or will not play. Sometimes I might be in a mood to break one of these, but it's few and far between. Interestingly, none of these apply when I'm the GM. I'll portray pretty much anything, but I'll admit that my PC is usually a major bit of wish fullfillment for me and so comes with a laundry list of things that I won't accept.

I will not play a character that is ugly, or usually even plain unless being plain is a major facet of that character (mainly, the thief who is so ordinary that he simply blends into the background).

I will not accept a GM telling me I've been permanently deformed, defaced, or missing a limb.

I won't have a character that smokes or has a drug habit.

I don't much like non-human-looking races. It's a huge stretch for me to play a dwarf. Star Wars is usually kinda difficult for me because most of the rest of the players insist on playing aliens. For superhero games, I really, really dislike people playing monsters and freaks, sort of like the current X-men setting is like. If your PC can't take off his costume and go to the grocery store, I don't much care to play in that game.

This is one of the few areas that encompasses the characters other people play. If the majority of the players in a superhero game insist on playing monsters and freaks (or worse, 'heroes' that routinely maim or kill), there's no way for me to have a good time.

The only character trait I've found myself unable to roleplay is the inability to read. I had one guy and I just could not do it. I kept tripping up and forgetting it, and just bought off the disad the next time I got XP.


Is there a game, genre, setting, or character type that you will not play, at all? Is there a deal breaker game element (like the previously mentioned) that will make you consider walking away from the table if the DM was absolutely intent on playing it? (I am not talking about a DM/personal characteristic.)


Most of the time it depends on the skill of the DM.

Otherwise, I am very wary when someone gets out a low print experimental indy game from the garage. And no 4e for me.


First Post
Let's see here...

A lot of different rules systems have never really appealed to me. White Wolf's main mechanics and BESM stuff for example. I have not really played enough games of the sort to judge them all.

I probably will never play a game based off of a licensed property, especially Star Wars.

There are many published settings that I just don't like, such as Rokugan.

I am not really a fan of the horror genre, so anything that tries to be genuinely scary wouldn't work for me.

Groups of PCs that run around like amoral killers are terrifying and unsettling for me.

There are all kinds of player personalities that I simply can't stand. For example, I doubt I could ever happily play a game alongside someone who enjoys denouncing editions of D&D to anyone who is within earshot.


Victoria Rules
Never want to say never, but there's some RPG genres and systems you'd have to be mighty persuasive about in order to get me to play:

Anything modern/western/superheroes
Anything that tries to be silly e.g. toon-based but fails to make me laugh
Anything where char-gen is not at least somewhat random
Anything where in-game randomness has been eliminated or overly curtailed
Anything where creative play or ideas are consistently trumped by rules
Anything diceless
Anything clueless (or so badly designed it's not worth the effort)
Anything where trying to remember abilities, numbers and powers gets in the way of trying to remember the ongoing story (3e, I'm looking at you)

That said, there's some things I *would* like to at least try sometime:

LARP in some form or other
D+D 4e
Any number of D+D-like games I've never had the chance or time to get into

And some things that don't bother me:

R-rated or even X-rated content or themes in a game
Evil characters
PC-vs-PC throwdowns, plots, and bloodletting

As for character class or type, in D+D I do my best to avoid playing:

Monster races

All in all, however, as others have said the main determinant of a game's playability (or lack thereof) is usually the other people around the table.


Truth Seeker

Well, I will admit, I would play any game, if put forward, and if the mechanics are that simple to understand (after a while, of course).

But I will not touch SuperHeroes games, and being a constant comic book collector, I should not be that way. But I recently made the discovery, as to why that refusal to touch a game dealing with SH.

It feels just alien...that only way to best explain it. DOn't disdain, hate or dislike, just will not entertain the thought, (although I once played a marvel Super hero game years ago...came away, just not feeling it...)

Correction:Any game, that does not include 4E.
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