Gaming catchphrases, expressions, and idioms--what are yours?


There's a paladin in my group that detects evil on every thing he possibly can.

The group calls him "palanoid."


Does anyone else have any amusing game related terminology?

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We once had our cleric talking to some dwarven bard, and he wasn't to quick on the ball, so one of the other players was wispering to him what to say. So the cleric is basically sitting there, the guy whispers and he repeats it verbatim. This went on for a few minutes until at one point the guy whispered something like "back off some", which the cleric heard, and quickly regergitated as "bad du bum". He said it with a completely straight face, while the whole rest of the group burst out laughing. He didn't get it until we explained it to him, now whenever he's talking to someone we're all whispering "bad du bum". :D


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About 4 years the group is investigating the Evil Baron's Castle. We sneak through the kitchen, and the Ranger asks "What's cooking in the firepit." "Stew" the DM answers. We explore and kill some gaurds and sneak back through the kitchen. and the Cleric asks "Hey, what's cooking in the firepit?" "Stew," the DM ansers. More exploring, fine some clues, kill gaurds, back into the kitchen: "I go taste what's cooking on the firepit" says the rogue (me). "It's a nice stew," answers the DM. Wee finish exploreing the castle, defeat the Baron and walk through the kitch: "Hey, what's on the firepit?" asks the wizard. "Stew" everyone says in unison. So, now whenever someone misses a fact due to looking through books or otherwise distracted and asks a question the DM already answered we say, "Stew".

That's one of ours, we have many. :D


First Post

An old standby in my old gaming circle. Usually for when the group was doing any standard tactics or pre-combat buff's. Or when going through any repetitive motions, or glossing over any non-story specific travel.

First heard by me in a Living Greyhawk event:

"Relate story" - to prevent repeating everything one character has just learned from the DM (while the character is by him/herself (or communicating in a language no one else understands), but the players are all right there listening), we'll just say "Relate story" instead of repeating everything. Speeds up the game when you're tight on time (more a problem at cons than home games).


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Crothian said:

About 4 years the group is investigating the Evil Baron's Castle. We sneak through the kitchen, and the Ranger asks "What's cooking in the firepit." "Stew" the DM answers. We explore and kill some gaurds and sneak back through the kitchen. and the Cleric asks "Hey, what's cooking in the firepit?" "Stew," the DM ansers. More exploring, fine some clues, kill gaurds, back into the kitchen: "I go taste what's cooking on the firepit" says the rogue (me). "It's a nice stew," answers the DM. Wee finish exploreing the castle, defeat the Baron and walk through the kitch: "Hey, what's on the firepit?" asks the wizard. "Stew" everyone says in unison. So, now whenever someone misses a fact due to looking through books or otherwise distracted and asks a question the DM already answered we say, "Stew".

That's one of ours, we have many. :D

LOL! My group has almost the same story. It goes something like this:

DM (me): You come across 10-foot square shack with a padlocked door.
Player #1: Does it have any windows?
DM: No, it doesn't have any windows.
Player #2 (reading her character sheet and not listening): I wonder what's inside? Are there any windows?
DM: Sigh.... No.
Player #2: I peek through the keyhole.
DM: I already explained that its padlocked, there's no keyhole to look through.
Player #3 (reading his character sheet and half listening): Padlock huh? I smash a window and crawl inside.
DM: Sigh. OK, you smash a window and crawl inside...
Players 1&2: ROTFLOL!

So now whenever someone isn't paying attention and asks me a question I already answered I always answer "No, it doesn't have any windows."

Aitch Eye

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"Whoa -- hey!"

The party was undercover in a town that had been secretly taken over by a demon, and all the clergy and prominent citizens possessed. One of the characters was wandering around at night on a flying carpet with a ring that was a variation on a Wand of Wonder. He came across three guys who were levitating near the roof of a temple, trying to remove a body my character had stuffed down the chimney earlier in the evening (The demons had been turning people to wood and sacrificing them in temple fireplaces.).

He'd been wanting to do some testing on the ring, so he fired it at one of the guys, who disappeared. The others reacted, the PC ducked out of sight, and the guy reappeared in a different location and yelled "Whoa -- hey!" Stuff happened, the guy disappeared again, more stuff happened, he reappeared and yelled "Whoa -- hey!" Stuff, disappearance, stuff, reappearance and "Whoa -- hey!" And three more times.

The DM had noticed us quietly laughing after the exclamations -- and trying not to laugh before them -- but it was only as he said it the seventh time that he realized what he'd been doing. He sort of half laughed/half cried, but felt obligated to continue it for the rest of the encounter. Since then we've shouted it out for NPCs on his behalf, when it seemed appropriate and we could get it in before he said "But he doesn't say...'"


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Early in a campaign I ran, a barbarian who had just recently left his tribe entered a tavern in the first town he had ever visited. He noticed a dwarf sitting at a table enjoying a mug of ale. The barbarian saunters over and takes a seat opposite the dwarf and promptly offers to buy him another drink. The dwarf's first inclination is to take the ale w/o asking questions, but curiosity gets the better part of him and he inquires as to what prompts this gift. The barbarian is quick to reply how sorry he is to see a poor crippled half-soldier, and the ale is just his way of paying respect. The dwarf of course took offense; the barbarian thought he had had his legs chopped off!

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