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Gaming w/Jemal : Circle of Champions OOC (Full for now)

Walking Dad

First Post
Walking Dad, you're the next contestant on "The Character is done?"!

First note : You didn't specify trait. I can tell its powerful b/c you have 130pp, but please note it somewhere near the beginning of the sheet. :D
I presume the numbers for str/stam after the / are with the powers, and before are what you paid for? seems to be what the cost would indicate.
Yes, you are right here.

What's the description on the various damage attacks? shoot spikes, form daggers, cause stalagmites to jut from the ground?
*Edit: N/m just noticed the variable 1 on all of them, so the answer to my question is "yes, all of those" lol*
Yes, any "physical" descriptor, like slashing, piercing, bludgeoning.

For the create object, keep in mind 'close' means you have to form it so that it's in contact with you, not just 'near' you (Unless you apply the * flat modifier)
That was intended, the crystal "grows" from his body.

Why do you Accurate 2 on Create? (A non-attack ability)
This part of the effect requires an attack roll (BBM):

You can trap a target inside a large enough hollow object (a cage or bubble, for example). This requires both an attack check against the target’s Dodge and a Dodge resistance check against the effect’s rank. A trapped character can break out of the object normally. Imposing conditions on the target other than just trapping them requires a separate effect, such as Affliction (see Affliction), which you may wish to acquire as an Alternate Effect of Create (see Alternate Effect).
Encase - Overcome by damage. I assume this replaces the normal 'save' to recover from an affliction with a 'use your damage ranks to break free' style effect? Or is it a limit that allows others to attempt to break the target free with their damage? Cost would seem to indicate the former, as you don't need a limit to fit it within the 23pt cost limit.
No limit. The power is from the "Element" power profile, I just reduced the range to his create rank and added cumulative, as with each touch more and more crystals grow

Encase: Ranged Affliction (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome by Damage; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobilized), Extra Condition, Limited Degree • 2 points per rank.

As I said to Hafrogman, I'll allow you to put these in a 'crystal body' container and add Innate for a single point if you wish.
Have done so. Removed Accurate Attack advantage to pay for it.

The abnormal height and weight of 'unusual form' thing isn't a complication, as that's already a built-in drawback of the Growth power.
Also the vulnerability is very limited. as your impervious only works against rank 6 or lower attacks, it'll only come into play if you get hit by a rank 6 or lower sonic attack (As a larger one would not be affected by the impervious anyways).
The prejudice is ok, but in this era of weird and crazy stuff, it's about the equivalent of being black today - people aren't going to run screaming or attack you on sight, but you'll likely experience some prejudice.
Finally, you need a motivation complication.
All changed/done.

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First Post
I might be looking at the wrong numbers, just trying to go off by what the book says in terms of rule simplicity, but it doesn't state the starting/average mass of a human being, or some such, so decided to add some numbers, heh.
Last edited:


Well I suppose he could be made of some space age material. But do you really want the proverbial 98 lb weakling, to be able to bench press you over his head?


First Post
I'd rather not hehe, just be nice for the book to tell the average weight, which IMO is important for certain things. I thought it implied that -2 mass was the average, and I r smrt when it comes to math of any kind, durrr :(

Walking Dad

First Post
Size isn't only implied but listed with the Growth effect:

Every 4 ranks of Growth increases your size rank by 1 (ordinary humans start out at size rank –2, between 3 and 6 feet tall).

And every rank in growth increases your mass by 1, so each size increase come with 4 extra ranks in mass.

The Joker

First Post
so are you full up? (if so, i dont think i should even bother further explaining my charicter idea, but if not, ill post the full version as soon as i can.)


First up, Hafrogman :

Just making sure you know the 'fades' will make this go down one damage rank each time its used, and recharging is an out of combat thing (So the second time you fire breath in a combat will be a rank 7 damage, then 6, etc).
Yup, understood. The goal (besides reducing the cost) was to model the idea that he can't just breathe fire all day long. I was aiming for something like a "can only be used every X rounds", but unreliable isn't quite right. Fades works nicely I think. Takes a nice heavy meal to give him the fuel to get back up to snuff.
Also, how'd you figure the 16pp cost with area: Cone(+1/rank) and Fades(-1/rank). Unless you're using Area twice(Which should be listed), it should be 8. (1 for damage, +1 area, -1 fades = 1/rank X 8 = 8.
Yeah, that was my fault. I was still thinking of it like a ranged attack. Blast with an area effect. But that would represent dropping cones of fire at a distance like fireballs. So I brought it back to 8 points, freeing up some points for more advantages and skills.
All fine, but you may wish to add Innate to these to represent them being part of you, otherwise they could be nullified/counted by special powers.
If you want to put it all into one "Dragon physical traits" 'container' I'll let you just buy Innate for the whole once.
Done, took one of the points from the fire breath refund.
How have you gained your wealth? is it stock holdings, shares in a company, an actual pile of gold, people that owe you?
Why/how does he have connections? Do they know who/what he is or are they online connections from the techno-info-dragon?
Also please specify which languages before the game starts. :)
Added a note section to answer these questions and some more you didn't ask. :)
It's spelled summary with an a.
Wow. . . that's embarrassing. Fixed.

So yeah, revised character sheet is up in the RG.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Only question here is on 'radiant'. Does that mean sun based, any light based, or things that are specifically 'radiant' descriptor?

Radian descriptor, added that.

Not sure how you got 1 point, Immortality is 2/rank, Limited reduces it to 1/rank, so three ranks would be 3pp.
Got confused when you said you would allow it as a 1 pp feature, but reduced it to 1 rank and got done with it.

OK, the big one..
I believe you overpayed by one for this. It should be 24 (2/rank) + 1/alt power. You pick one of the powers to be the primary (Which you pay for) and then pay one for each additional power (4 others), for a total cost of 28.
You are right of course, weeee 1 more pp!!

What's the descriptor for the damage on Grasp of the Dying? Poison?

Necrotic :devil: Added.

Thief of the gods - a few questions/comments about this one.
Is the alt form (Shadow) Identical to the example in the book, and then the rest is added on? Or are the listed powers replacing those in the book, but the descriptor is still 'shadow'?

The last thing, I replaced those in the actual example for the ones I picked, and left shadow. It's actually something this guy does in the mythology, to steal the bones of the ancient gods, so I thought it was kinda cool.

Also, concealment : Gustatory? So in other words, he's tasteless? lol.. Amusing, but I honestly cant think of a time that would come into play.. if you want to be 'tasteless' I'd allow that for a 1pt feature.. Smell, I can see mattering. If you're going for concealment from snakes, I'm going to be ruling their 'tongue sense' as primarily scent based for this campaign.
I was more thinking of what a shadow is, and its tasteless and oddorless, but not invisible. I replaced gustatory by tremor sense.

Immunities - Environmental effects by itself is 10 ranks, Entrapment is another 5 for 15 total immunity.
Movement should be 4 (Slithering, Wall Crawling 2, Trackless.)


Limited to one task is -2/rank, which would take Quickness to 1/3 not 1/4, making 8 ranks cost 3. You could get 6 for 2, or go up to 9 for still 3.

You are right again, corrected.

Only note here is that they actually don't have a Sneak Attack advantage anymore in 3e. I'll allow it as a variant/benefit/whatever, but like the other damage bonus advantages(Throwing mastery, improvised weapons), it won't be allowed to break PL.
I'll replace it or 2 more ranks in stealth.


Never worked with this system before so I'll need some help. I want to make sure what I have is correct before I finish putting all the points in.

[SBLOCK=Samuel Aran]Samuel Aran: Goes by Sam
Trait: Powerful
Gender: Male, Race: Human
Size: 6'2" tall, 240 lbs, 36 yrs old
Brown hair; Blue eyes; Tanned skin

Statistics: (2 pts)
Str 00 = -5 [-10] +05 [10]
Sta 08 = 00 [ 00] +08 [16]
Dex 00 = -5 [-10] +05 [10]
Agi 00 = -5 [-10] +05 [10]
Fgt 08 = 08 [ 16] +00 [00]
Int 00 = 00 [ 00] +00 [00]
Awa 08 = 08 [ 16] +00 [00]
Pre 00 = 00 [ 00] +00 [00]

Powers: (? pts)

Battle Suit: Removable (- ? pts)

Armor: (24 pts)
• Enhanced Stamina 8, Impervious 8

Anti-Gravity Propulsion: (5 pts)
• Flight 2 (120ft)
• Aquatic (30 ft)

Comm System: (8 pts)
• Radio Communication 2

Computer Translator: (4 pts)
• Understand and Read All Languages 2
• Communicate with Machines 2

Life Support: (7 pts)
• Cold, Heat, High Pressure, Radiation, Vacuum
• No Need to Breathe

Sensors: (12 pts)
• Accurate Radio Extended 3 [radar]
• Darkvision, Infravision, Ultra-Hearing
• Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Time Sense

Camouflage: (?)
• Activation - Standard (-2 pts)

Tactical Computer: (16 pp)
• Enhanced Dodge 8
• Enhanced Ranged Attack 8

Motors: (30 pts)
• +5 Str (10 pts)
• +5 Dex (10 pts)
• +5 Agi (10 pts)

Arm Cannon: (28 pts)
• Energy Cannon - Ranged Penetrating Damage 8 (24 pts)
AE: Rapid Fire - Ranged Multiattack Damage 8 (1 pt)
AE: Flash Bomb - Dazzle 8, 30 ft sphere (1 pt)
AE: Force Bomb - Ranged Area Damage 8, 30 ft sphere (1 pt)
AE: Force Blade - Penetrating Damage 8, Reach 2 (1 pt)

Improved Initiative 2
Instant Up

SKILLS: 5 pts
Acrobatics +2 (1 pt)
Athletics +2 (1 pt)
Close Combat +8 (+8 Fgt)
Expertise [Soldier] +2 (1 pt)
Insight +8 (+8 Awe)
Perception +8 (+8 Awe)
Technology +2 (1 pt)
Vehicles +2 (1 pt)

Initiative +8 (+8 Improved Initiative)
Arm Cannon +8 (Ranged, Damage 8)
Force Blade +8 (Close, Damage 8)

Dodge: +8 = (+8 Suit)
Parry: +8 = (+8 Fighting)
Fortitude: +8 = (+8 Stamina)
Will: +8 = (+8 Awareness)
Toughness: +8 = (+8 Stamina)



Abilities 2 pp + Powers 112 pp + Advantages 5 pp + Skills 5 pp + Defense 00 pp = 130 pp







Voidrunner's Codex

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