Gears of Revolution: Notes on my campaign


Yeah, they pasted my PCs too, dropping multiple players and bringing one PC within one saving throw of death. I expected that, though, otherwise I would have scaled them down. My PCs probably won't be able to face them on semi-even footing for another 1-2 levels, so I may actually push the resolution of that thread out to after the end of adventure 2.

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Sound of Azure

Contemplative Soul
Before going to bed, I thought I'd pop in and give a friendly warning to other DMs about the Arson encounter. It's deadly.

Yeah, I was incredibly worried when my party's team leader rounded up some of the night-time Constables at RHC headquarters and went after the arsonists.

Lucky for her (a monk), Eberando couldn't connect with his Greatsword attack. Her tactics, and working well with the other (player-controlled) NPC constables saved her bacon, but there was still a huge component of luck.

I'm starting to get used to my PCs having long odds and still pulling through. I expect that the encounter with the Bleak Golem is going to be a tricky one.


First Post
Session 13: Twin Dragons

Session Summary (part one):

[sblock]Almost as soon as the manor’s guards allowed RT3 through the gates, the constables found themselves surrounded by armed and armoured Risuri soldiers. Their leader, Lieutenant Dale of the 4th Regiment, stepped forward and demanded to know why the investigators had been up on the hill at night. At that precise moment, Mayor MacBannin emerged from the house, and assured the lieutenant that RT3 had ascended the hill with his permission.

When Tok spoke up, Dale recognised him as a fellow student at the Battalion academy. Recalling other classmates, Tok asked after Cassi (who had also been at the Batallion at the same time), and expressed his condolences when Tok sadly gestured to the little carrying the knight’s body.

MacBannin brought the constables and Nevard into the manor. He checked the wards on the investigators and performed rituals to cleanse them of any lingering taint, then went with them to his study to ask what had happened on the mountain. Erik relayed to him all they had seen at the peak, particularly the dark man, but MacBannin had never heard of such a creature. He told the constables he would think on it, and would contact them if he came to any conclusions.

RT3 knew that they needed to get to Parity Lake quickly check Heward’s factory, so they asked the mayor to take possession of Cassi’s body and to care for Nevard until an escort to Flint could be arranged. MacBannin graciously agreed to do so.

However, when the investigators relayed their plan to the aged skyseer, Nevard wordlessly reminded them that the Bond of Forced Faith ritual was still in full effect (and thus he was perfectly capable of keeping up with them) and then expressed the wish to return to Flint and his retainers as soon as possible. MacBannin repeated the offer of hospitality, but Nevard was keen to reach his henge and ponder his vision.

After making arrangements with MacBannin’s provisioner to requisition some of the manor’s healing elixirs, RT3 hastened to Parity Lake. As they moved, Erik shared with his companions Nevard’s vision about Sara. None of the investigators knew what to make of it. Passing through the streets, they noticed that the area was quiet but not deserted. Even before dawn, the Lake’s industry didn’t sleep. All but a few stalwart protesters had gone home, and those that remained lay sleeping in the street.

In an alley beside Heward Sechim’s factory, they discovered a crew of men and a towering dragonborn unloading crates and bottles. The greatsword slung across the dragonborn’s back hinted strongly that the group were up to no good. When Erik and Tok stepped forward to question the dragonborn, they noted the contents of a bag lying open on the ground: firegems.

Almost before they could act, the dragonborn’s mouth opened and fire filled the alleyway. Wilheim vaulted forward and felled one of the human arsonists and then Tok moved forward to catch the dragonborn and the humans behind him in a blast of musical magic. In return, the scaled warrior almost felled the changeling with a vicious blow from his blade.

Already worn by the events on Cauldron Hill, the investigators quickly began to suspect that they were outmatched, and proof soon appeared on the roof above. Another dragonborn, skinnier than the first and carrying a gem-tipped staff, pointed the weapon down into the alley and a bolt of flame burst beside Tok, Erik and Thornt. Then he swept his free hand and a wall of blazing fire filled the alley, cutting the investigators off from their quarry. The dragonborn warrior laughed, the turned and ran off.

The heat of the flames dropped Thornt and Tok to their knees, and Erik himself only narrowly escaped. Heedless of the danger and fortified by a potion Erik handed him, Wilheim sped into the flames and dragged Tok clear. As he turned to go back for Thornt, the flames guttered and died. When the investigators looked to the roof, the arcanist above had also fled.

RT3 patched their wounds. Perhaps shaken by two such close calls with death on the same night, they chose not to pursue the fleeing dragonborn. They secured the one surviving human arsonist (his companions having expired in the flaming wall erected by their former partner in crime), and then Heward Sechim came out of his factory to find out what was going on.[/sblock]


Imagine what went through my mind when the players suggested that Nevard should remain behind at MacBannin's manor. For a split second, I contemplated having Nevard remain behind only to be murdered in his sleep. Ultimately I decided against it largely because I wanted his prophecy to be heard. It's so relevant to the campaign overall that I thought it would be a shame to miss it. So I had Nevard insist on returning to Flint.

If I had a spirit medium PC, I might not have been so generous (because I could have relayed the vision via Nevard's ghost).

As already mentioned, the combat against Eberardo and Valando was a whitewash, and very nearly resulted in Thornt's (unintended and shockingly sudden) death. Two deaths in two sessions would have certainly had my players cursing me :)

As it was, no one had managed to land a Slowed or Immobilised condition on Eberardo, so with the alleyway blocked by a wall of fire that none of the PCs could survive a trip through, the dragonborn brothers took the perfect opportunity to escape.

Later in the session, the party discovered a hint of the greater Obscurati plot and received Gale's messenger wind. But more on that in a later post.


First Post
Session Summary (part 2):

[sblock]After ensuring that the arsonists had truly fled, RT3 conducted a thorough search of Heward’s Alkahest & Etchings. They found nothing to indicate that the dragonborn had been inside, but Thornt’s keen nose did lead him to a small vial hidden under a bat of acid. The lack of fresh tracks in the soot-covered area suggested that either the vial had been there for some time or that whoever left it there had flown.

When the shifter uncorked it, he noticed an odour similar – but not identical – to the stench left behind after Nilasa’s spectre vanished on Cauldron Hill: burnt engine grease. Thornt took the oil to his companions. Tok examined it and noted similarities to the sample that they had collected from the headless golem on Axis Island, but the aura around the oil seemed incomplete; as if it were missing its most powerful ingredient.

When Erik showed the oil to Heward, the industrialist had no idea what it was. At RT3’s request, he carefully mixed a portion of it with his stock of universal solvent. The two swirled in their sample dish, but nothing momentous occurred. As the constables pondered their next move, Heward confirmed what he had written in his note. A member of his staff had tracked the visiting dwarf and a half-orc to the Nettles end of Parity Lake, but then lost track of them.

Exhausted after their long night, RT3 returned to RHC headquarters and delivered both oil samples to Elbert, the constabulary’s alchemist. The bespectacled gnome gladly took the samples and promised to ‘rush’ his analysis of them. He asked after Cassi, and was saddened to learn of her death.

Before RT3 could head to their respective homes, they were called into Assistant Chief Inspector Delft’s office. The superior officer was not impressed, and between stamping around his office with his cane and spitting gobs of tobacco juice into his bin, soundly berated first Wilheim for his heavy handling of the scholar Hennett, and then Erik for failing to keep his squad under control. Flint was heaving with unrest, and the last thing the RHC needed was a groundswell of public distrust of the constabulary caused by a spurious arrest in front of a group of minstrels! “And then you didn’t even question him!”

When Delft’s ire subsided, the constables quickly left the building. They paused only long enough to check their message boxes, where Erik found a note from Dr Camp. Camp had received a missive from Dr Recklinghausen, asking him arrange safe passage out of the city for the doctor, and the message alluded that Dr Recklinghausen had made deals with criminals in order to avoid a monster that he thought was chasing him. Dr Recklinghausen directed Camp to contact Lynn Kindleton at Pardwight University, who would know how to get in touch with him.

Too exhausted to follow this new lead immediately, RT3 left headquarters and began to make their way across Central District for a well-earned rest. But as they moved through the crowd, a gust of wind sprang up and a golden canary swept down out of the sky. The wind itself seemed to speak to them, and Gale’s voice invited the investigators to a meeting at Nevard’s request. Erik accepted, setting the meeting time two days hence. Then the wind was gone, leaving only the golden canary perched on Tok’s shoulder.

Wondering what could possibly happen next, RT3 said quick goodbyes and hurried home to get some sleep.[/sblock]


I was a bit surprised when the players chose to search the inside of Heward's factory, but ultimately it proved quite a significant decision. An excellent perception check by Thornt, and then an equally good Arcana check by Tok built on their Axis Island decision to keep a sample of witchoil.

During the week, Erik's players sent a group email outlining the various clues that they have uncovered but not yet followed, including Nilasa's associates in the Goodson Estuarial Refomatory. It'll be very interesting if they pursue that lead, because at the time of writing it's about noon on the 4th of Summer in Flint. They'll need to interview the prisoners, find and interrogate the Wareyes, and get to the smuggler's meeting all in one afternoon.

Rangerwickett will be pleased to note that the same email included this:

I'm getting the feeling that we are in a multi crossing thread story and we might be lucky and spot where the threads cross now but won't really see the picture till later...




First Post
Session 14: Theatre of Scoundrels

Session summary:

[sblock]When the investigators reconvened at RHC headquarters that afternoon, they set out for Pardwright University, a loose collection of buildings and offices on streets in the souther portion of Central District. They soon found Professor Lynn Kindleton in her office. Professor Kindleton was distraught to hear that her friend Dr Recklinghausen was in trouble, but maintained that she had not heard from him for some time. While Tok and Erik quizzed the surgeon, Thornt studied her office and soon cam across an envelope with the initials WvR on the reverse. Confronted with evidence that the two had been in touch, Kindleton reluctantly confirmed that she had been exchanging daily letters carried by child courier - with the missing doctor, and had begun to fear for Dr Recklinghausen’s safety. She agreed to send a letter rquesting a meeting the following day.

RT3 then split up to try to track down the dragonborn arsonist. Each investigator crossed Flint to meet with their contacts.

Thornt crossed Central District to meet with Jimmy “the eyes” Tibs in a dingy alley near the gate to East Bank. Tibs was certain that the two dragonborn had not passed through the gate at any time in the recent past - “I would’ve taken note of two bloody great lizards” – but agreed to put the word out. If Jimmy’s informants turned up any information, he would get a message to Thornt via the ex-RHC tavern owner at the Open Door.

Wilheim headed for the north-eastern quarter of Central District. He met with a bardic contact there, calling the man offstage between acts to quiz him about dragonborn in the city. Although the actor had not encountered any – “not big fans of the exquisite arts, you know” – he recalled that dragonborn consumed large amounts of raw meat (10 to 15kg a day) and suggested that Wilheim make enquiries with butchers. Wilheim thanked his friend for the tip, and then returned to the agreed meeting point.

Erik and Tok headed to Bosun Strand and a small gambling den run by Wilfredo Zinger. Zinger had served with Erik in the famous Risuri 4th company, but the two had never seen eye to eye and the enmity had simmered over the years. Nevertheless, Zinger’s involvement in the seedier side of Flint life had sometimes proved useful to the investigator. Zinger’s dislike of Erik had not abated, but the proprietor did see any opportunity for profit. If RT3 could deliver to him a crate of contraband that had been seized by RT3 customs, Zinger would have his connections track down the dragonborn.

After reuniting with the other constables, RT3 continued to the headquarters of the Flint's Butchers and Meatmen Guild. RT3 explained to the guild’s morbidly obese secretary that they were searching for dragonborn arsonists, and the man agreed to enquire with the guild’s members whether they had had an unusual spike in sales recently.

Next RT3 headed to the customs impound lot at the Royal Shipyard. They convinced the clerk on duty there that Zinger’s crate was needed urgently as evidence for a case the next day, signed it out, and then took it to a secluded location to open it. When the crate was opened, they discovered it packed with fey pepper (wrapped with coffee to mask the drug’s scent), poisons, and illicit potions and scrolls. By vote, RT3 decided to destroy the fey pepper and the poisons rather than hand such dangerous substances over. They repacked the scrolls and potions and resealed the crate as best they could, then delivered it to Zinger.

the fey pepper and poisons missing, he refused to co-operate. When Erik and Tok attempted to convince him that some contraband was better than none, Zinger was not persuaded. “And if I let you rip me off this time, you’ll do it next time too. And then everyone else will. You need to keep to your word in this business, Pride!”

~ ~ ~​

Dejected that their best lead had fallen through, RT3 returned the half-empty crate to customs impound, uncomfortably aware that the missing contents would be reported and that they would need to answer to ACI Delft soon enough. They were making their way through the darkening streets towards RHC headquarters when a man approached them. He confirmed that they were the ones looking for “that foreign doctor”, then led them to Dr Recklinghausen.

Or so RT3 thought.

On the northeastern corner of Parity Lake, a woman cried out in alarm as two bandits waylaid her carriage driver. RT3 pursued the fleeing felons into a darkened building, only for a vast velvet curtain to open and reveal that they were standing on the stage of a disused theatre. A mean-looking crowd armed with pistols and crossbows prevented any immediate move to escape.

A voice called out from the upper circle of theatre boxes, and the constables were shown to a small bex at the centre of the ring. Lorcan Kell, criminal overlord, awaited them inside. While Kell calmly ate a sandwich, Tok studied their surroundings and realised that musket-armed criminals were stationed at each end of the round, with clear lines of sight into the box. Six more thugs waited just outside the box. Kell was taking no chances.

The gang leader eventually turned to the investigators and offered them a deal: he would reveal to them the location of Dr Recklinghausen in return for one thousand gold pieces. RT3 initially scoffed at the idea, but then Kell called for a ‘comedy’ and a drugged docker was brought on stage. Initially a strumpet flirted with him and made a show of picking his pockets, but then another gang member appeared and stage and the entertainment took a turn for the darker. The Kell guildmembers took turns beating the docker, first with their fists but then with a piece of timber.

RT3 held out as long as they could, arguing with Kell that Dr Recklinghausen was not worth 1000 gp because no one else wanted him, but when Thornt saw blood and teeth spray across the stage, his reserve cracked. He tossed his pouch - filled with almost seven hundred gold pieces of stipend - into Kell’s lap, and Erik and Wilheim soon made up the difference. Kell amiably thanked the investigators for the trade, and then ordered his crew to release the docker and RT3, and then show them to Dr Recklinghausen.

Tok administered first aid to the drugged docker in the street, and then RT3 delivered him to an infirmary. Only once they were sure he would recover did they follow Kell’s henchman Johan to an abandoned church built into a cliff-face in the Nettles. Dr Recklinghausen waited inside, guarded by a trio of Kell Guilders who left without incident when Johan arrived.

~ ~ ~​

Dr Recklinghausen was initially suspicious of RT3, but they soon convinced him they could be trusted. When asked about Nilasa’s death, Dr Recklinghausen freely admitted that it was he that collected the documents and pendant from the dying half-elf. He handed the documents to Tok, who flicked through them.

The changeling quickly identified numerous reports and notes written by Security Chief Julian LeBrix that referenced financial irregularities of Danoran-owned factories. He also came across papers detailing LeBrix visiting factories and discovering flasks of strange black oil with floating motes of white light in them.

Tok pointed the documents out to Erik, and Dr Recklinghausen identified the substance as witchoil. He was familiar with it from his homeland of Arrovia, where it was created in small quantities by alchemists for use as a power source and as a stand-in for ritual components. He also vouched that he had never heard of it being manufactured in the quantities mentioned in LeBrix’s reports, and that certainly no moral man would use it, since it was composed of souls that were awaiting their final rest.

As Dr Recklinghausen finished his revelation, Tok asked about the golden canary pendant around his neck. Wolfgang had earlier confirmed that Nilasa gave it to him, but when Tok moved to take it, Dr Recklinghausen reflexively stepped back. Simultaneously, crumbled masonry crunched underfoot and a whispered voice at the church’s entrance said “Get them”. Thornt, Wilheim and Erik looked up in time to see shadowy figures moving into the light. Barely visible behind them was a silhouetted figure; just like the one they had seen the night before on Cauldron Hill.[/sblock]


As anticipated, my players were very keen to track down the dragonborn arsonits, but they seem to be doing it (or at least it's the expressed reason for it) on the entirely civic basis that an arsonist in an industrial-era city has the capacity to set the whole place aflame. Erik's player has spent his stipend on leather armour of fire resistance, but so far none of the others have taken active steps to prepare for the rematch they're all obviously keen to have.

It was good to have the players use their contacts for the first time in the adventure, and I plan to reward them by having news of the dragonborn reach them on day 5 (the next day), but that will align with Nevard's speech so I'm not sure whether they'll be interested in pursuing the lead eventually. In the meantime, I'm trying to track down a sewerish map (or a shanty area) suitable for use in Maptool as the dragonborn brothers' lair.

The meeting with Kell engendered the sort of enmity that I expected it would (indeed, Erik's player emailed me the next day along the lines of "It's okay so long as we get to take him down"). My players will probably expect their revenge to come sooner rather than later, so to assuage that bloodlust I'm going to reward their largesse by reversing the previously poor relations they had been building with the dockers. The public learning that constables outlayed 1000 gp of their own money to save the life of a docker is going to do wonders for RT3's currently poor public image.

Cool times. 15kg of meat a day? Dang. I guess they're still growing boys.

I'm running a group through the adventure now, and they just thwomped the arsonists in their first meet-up. When you daze and knock prone an elite, it really kills the enemy side's momentum, and they managed to do it to both brothers once each. They even hypnotized Eberardo to attack his own brother.

They're probably going to meet Lorcan Kell next session. I've got a schtick of bringing themed food to each session -- donuts for the first session, tropical fruit on Axis Island, actual brigadeiros (a Brazilian snack) for the investigation at the consulate, and cherry pie for when they met Lieutenant Dale after Cauldron Hill.

I think next session, I'll bring a bunch of delicious food, and eat it all by myself when they meet Kell.


First Post
I only wanted to convey appreciation for posting a log of your campaign, Colmarr. I'm kicking off my Zeitgeist campaign this coming up weekend, and getting the chance to read through what you have done has been fantastic help.

So, thank you. I hope you keep it up :)


First Post
Cool times. 15kg of meat a day? Dang. I guess they're still growing boys.

10 to 15kg, yeah. I might have overestimated a little (the informant was a lower-class thespian after all), but I figured that a race with an average height of 6'5, an average weight of 123kg, a metabolism that creates fire/lightning/acid etc and teeth that appear to all be incisors probably get through a lot of protein.

I also wanted to play up the monstrous nature of the dragonborn, as well as give them some quality that would allow them to be 'tracked' by means other than "yeah, I saw two scaly guys go down that alley", and "eats a heck of a lot of raw meat" fit the bill nicely.

It's actually the bit of DMing ad lib that I'm most proud of from the session. A little detail that nevertheless has pretty big impacts on the setting.

I only wanted to convey appreciation for posting a log of your campaign, Colmarr. I'm kicking off my Zeitgeist campaign this coming up weekend, and getting the chance to read through what you have done has been fantastic help.

Not a problem. Glad you're enjoying it/finding it useful.

Feel free to join us in the campaign journal brigade. It's always interesting to see how different DM and different groups react to the same core adventures.


First Post
Session 15: Old Faith

Session Summary:

[sblock]One of the attackers gestured with his wooden orb, and the sunrod Wilheim held aloft instantly filled with darkness, then exploded in a flash of searing cold. In the sudden confusion, Tok stuffed the recovered documents into his clothing and Erik snatched the golden canary pendant from around Dr Recklinghausen’s neck.

Another nethermancer gestured at a torch burning on the wall, and it too fell dark. The attackers moved in, taking advantage of their ability to see in the suddenly darkened room. While his companions struck out ineffectually against the attackers, Thornt sought to even the score. Calling on the primal spirits of nature, the shifter coaxed the weeds and lichen that covered the floor into a burst of life. Plants surged up, filling the main chamber with brambles so thick that finding targets within was almost impossible.

Fortunately for RT3, the attackers seemed more interested in Dr Recklinghausen than in the constables themselves. A dagger-wielding assailant moved in to attack the doctor, and the shadowy figure followed suit. The dark man fired a chrome pistol, then began slashing with shadowy claws. Dr Recklinghausen and his defenders fought back as best they could, but the dark man seemed to exist only partly in the world, and RT3 struggled to land a telling blow against him.

Two dagger-wielding assailants eventually fell, but not before Dr Recklinghausen had been sorely pressed. Even through the pressing vegetation and despite a continuous barrage of shots, blows and spells from RT3, the shadowy figure managed to land blow after blow on the surgeon. Finally, the figure retrieved a chrome syringe from somewhere within its form and sank the instrument into Dr Recklinghausen’s neck. The Arrovian’e eyes rolled up in his head and he sank to the floor.

In the confusion that followed, Tok called on ancient magic. His chant evoked the energy of a dawning sun, and when the blast struck the shadowy figure, it burned away his matte black skin. For the few seconds before the cloak of shadowy flesh returned, the light of Thornt’s hastily-lit sunrod revealed raw muscle and sinew weeping rivulets of blood. The figure snarled in anger, before bending to scoop up the unconscious Dr Recklinghausen. Erik was ready. As the dark man turned to carry off his victim, RT3’s sergeant lunged forward and cracked the figure across the back of the skull with the butt of his pistol, sending him sprawling unconscious on the floor of the church.

The two remaining nethermancers desperately extinguished the room’s lights and tried to extract Dr Recklinghausen from his protectors, but could not prevail. As the first fell, the other turned and fled for the entrance, shouting briefly in a tongue that none of the constables recognised. He stood no chance of outrunning Wilheim. The deva quickly chased him down, and a flying kick sent the nethermancer flying head-first into a wall. He did not stir.

Looking up from his fallen foe, Wilheim could see the lights of Flint, glittering on buildings and reflected from the clouds above Parity Lake, framed in the church’s narrow entrance. A dozen steel bars now blocked that entrance, somehow embedded in the stone of the doorway. Beyond, a carriage sat in the plaza fronting the church, and a dozen figures milled around it.

Wilheim called his companions to see, and as Erik and Tok moved forward, one of the figures brought a chair from the carriage and placed it on the ground. A bearded man calmly took a seat in the chair, and a metal tray bearing cheese and expensive-looking wine floated to his side. The man spoke to his companions and they hurried away, boarding two other carriages, which moved away towards the Nettles.

The figure waited calmly for a minute, then called for Tok by name.[/sblock]


This session was dominated almost entirely by the combat with Creed and his shadow operatives. Between the nethermancers putting out the lights in the church and the party druid filling the space with briars, I don't think there were many attacks made during the combat that didn't have an attack penalty involved. It slowed the combat down significantly, but was a sound tactical choice.

The other notable aspect of the encounter was that the party - having paid Kell for Dr Recklinghausen's location - had a full-strength doctor on their side for the combat. Even though there are currently only 4 PCs, Recklinghausen drew so much fire that the PCs never really looked like losing. It was really just a question of whether the doctor would go down or not and whether Creed & Co would successfully retreat or not.

As it turned out, the attackers were close to taking Wolfgang down, so hung around probably one round too long. The PCs thus prevented any from escaping and therefore have access to 6 amulets that will let them bypass Leone's metal bars. They don't know that yet, of course...

After the session, we had an extensive exchange of emails in which 3 of the 4 players expressed concern about the tone of the campaign. Specifically, they feel powerless and clueless.

On reflection, the first complaint is justified in context. The PCs' last 3 NPC encounters were with Wilfredo Zinger (who refused to deal with them and taunted Erik over their personal dislike for each other), Lorcan Kell (who blackmailed them into handing over 1000gp) and now Leone Quital (who has them trapped in a church). That unfortunate sequence of events, playing out over 2 sessions, has left the players feeling like extremely small fish in a big pond.

I've been relatively up-front about the issue, informing them that they've encountered the last of the "don't mess with this guy" moments in the adventure.

As for feeling clueless, they feel like they have so many clues and leads, but don't actually know how any of them connect or what to do with them. I initially assured them that they were close to having answers (they are!), but on further thought I had them overhear Leone tell an accomplice "Tell your boss that Creed failed to recover the documents, but the situation is under control". Having met Creed and been introduced by name at MacBannin's manor before ascending Cauldron Hill , at least one of the players now has a strong suspicion that MacBannin is involved. I think that insight will relieve the confusion and feeling of helplessness.

In part this problem may be at their end - they're not doing any actual work to think about how various facts might connect up (they are convinced that the witchoil stashed in the factories is intended as accelerant in a plot to burn Flint to the ground) - but it's equally my job to keep the adventure moving and the players entertained.

I think things are back on track now, so most of the above is intended just as a heads up to other DMs!

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