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Gen Con Reports?

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Piratecat said:
This is an excellent point. We had some organizational problems that resulted in the honorable mention nominees being omitted (ie, they weren't on my sheet and sure as heck should have been.) We'll be taking steps to make sure that nothing like this happens again. It shouldn't have happened this time.

Today's watchword? Constant improvement!

It wasn't just Honorable Mentions that got neglected. Spycraft was not named (and barely had their slide shown for a nanosecond) at all during one of the awards when saying the nominees (Best Game I think, but don't exactly remember). I happened to be sitting at the table where these guys were and they were, rightfully, not happy.


Ghostwind said:
It wasn't just Honorable Mentions that got neglected. Spycraft was not named (and barely had their slide shown for a nanosecond) at all during one of the awards when saying the nominees (Best Game I think, but don't exactly remember). I happened to be sitting at the table where these guys were and they were, rightfully, not happy.
Thank you for letting me know. I'll make sure I apologize.


Rodrigo Istalindir said:
I got to play Spycraft 2.0 with a couple of the creators, too, which was pretty neat. Especially when they started arguing over the rules :D
That was an awesome game, man! I was in it too!

Thanks Psion, for GCing it. You rocked!


First Post
Gen Con was once again a blast. I need to make more time to game but even just spending time with many EN Worlders was awesome. There didn't really seem to be a big break out game this year that people talked about. And did Hard Times close down? We stopped by Sunday and it was closed and didn't look like it was in business.


Liquid Awesome
Every time I try to put into words how great a time I had at GenCon it sounds like complete hyperbole. This time I'm going to use, "unalloyed joy every minute of every day".

Yesterday, in the closing minutes of GenCon 06', I walked the dealer floor with RangerWickett and he asked me, "So Rel (he calls me Rel), why do you come to GenCon?" I said, "I come to GenCon to be with and game with the incredibly cool people of ENWorld and Circvs Maximvs."

To me, it simply defies all laws of probability that a group that is as large as the ENWorld crowd at GenCon, can have virtually every member be a person of such excellent quality that all I can do is mourn that GenCon isn't a month long, that I might spend more time with you. What more can I say than, when I go there, I am overwhelmed with a sense that "these are MY PEOPLE!" My experience this year was wonderful and it has everything in the world to do with you guys. Your numbers are too great for me to count but I feel I absolutely MUST mention a few (or maybe more than just a few) names. When I inevitably forget somebody, please blame it on my sleep deprivation.

First, I have to give thanks to Old One, my roomate for this year's GenCon. In addition to being a great GM and good friend, he is generous beyond my ability to thank or repay. Without him, I simply would not have been there this year and I am eternally grateful to him.

To the wonderful people who were players in my games, thanks so much for playing. I really do love to run games for people who love to play. And especially right now when I'm not GMing in my regular weekly group, it's nice to be able to run a few games for new folks. I hope you had a good time and I KNOW I did.

To the excellent GM's who ran the games that I played, it was a blast in every instance. Buttercup, I've never had so much fun being TPK'd as I did in Area 51! Fusangite, your clever mocking of the Embassy Suites and of the 1E Gamma World system were the kind of pure genius that frankly I've come to expect and demand from you. Sidereal Knight, thank you ever so much for running my first ever Call of Cthulhu game for me. I hope you take my comment that I was ever so slightly disappointed that I was neither killed nor driven insane in the tongue in cheek manner in which it was intended. ;) And then there is Piratecat. I know you are embarassed to be told so, but sir, there is a REASON that you are a legend in the GMing community, and I don't mind saying so.

To the players in the games where I was a fellow player, I've never laughed harder than at the hilarious game play you guys exhibited. I got to witness so many moments of truly inspirational and funny play that I was nearly in tears on several occasions. Special mention simply must go to Kiznit though for the comedy GOLD that was "Blubbloop!" My hat is OFF to you, sir!

And then there are the folks who I have no choice but to call "friends" because that is precisely what you are to me. Piratecat, KidCthulhu, fusangite, Kiznit, Dave Stebbins, Tonya (who I neither bruised nor brought to extasy this year ;)), Old One, FickleGM, Mrs. FickleGM, Eridanis and his lovely wife (whose username escapes me at the moment), Steve Jung, Cathix and Grith, Queenie, Dire Wolf, Cthulhu's Librarian, Nakia, Ethernaut, Sidereal Knight and his Love Monkey, Fett, Buttercup, Psion, Hellhound, Dextra, Matchstick, reveal, Truth Seeker, Diaglo, QueenD, Universe and Xath. Whether I was sharing a room, a game, a beer, a stripper or a cab with you, it was sharing a conversation with you that made this such an incredible trip.

And then, there's Teflon Billy.

Last year I described him as "like a Canadian Jonny Cash without all the constant singing". Yeah, he's pretty much a Cool Elemental. Made from the element of Cool. And yet a truly nice and caring guy who I could (and DID) talk to for hours. A badass with a heart of gold and a man who it is a priviledge to have gotten to spend as much time with as I did. Who the hell needs to sleep at 4:15 AM when you could be shooting the crap with Teflon Billy? NOT ME!

More than anything, what marked this year's GenCon was "Being Busy". I was running around like a headless chicken trying to get from one scheduled event to the next with scarcely time to eat in between, much less get a proper night's sleep. When a game ended, I was off to the next one. When a game ended early, I squeezed a bite to eat in with awesome people. When the night was over, I stayed up late talking with awesome people. By the time I got home last night, I was absolutely exhausted and yet STILL giddy with the pure joy that was my trip to GenCon and the people I shared it with.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you guys. To me, you ARE GenCon.

Michael Morris

First Post
My con didn't turn out that well this year for various reasons but this isn't the thread to discuss that. Suffice to say I'm glad to see folks reporting in knowing they made it home safely. Now I need to get back to work. I'm also glad to see everyone else was enjoying themselves.


Rel said:
To the players in the games where I was a fellow player, I've never laughed harder than at the hilarious game play you guys exhibited. I got to witness so many moments of truly inspirational and funny play that I was nearly in tears on several occasions. Special mention simply must go to Kiznit though for the comedy GOLD that was "Blubbloop!" My hat is OFF to you, sir!
"You insipid fool! Not my ROBO-ROACH!! That was to be my chariot!"



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