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Gen Con Reports?


First Post
Spoony Bard said:
My con didn't turn out that well this year for various reasons but this isn't the thread to discuss that. Suffice to say I'm glad to see folks reporting in knowing they made it home safely. Now I need to get back to work. I'm also glad to see everyone else was enjoying themselves.
Sorry it didn't go well for you, at least you had good lamb chops at dinner Thursday.

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Michael Morris

First Post
fett527 said:
Sorry it didn't go well for you, at least you had good lamb chops at dinner Thursday.
That much is true. I also got handed a Ravnica starter deck that had two $15 rares in it (Bird of Paradise and Watery Grave) so that was *cool*. Right now I'm just tired and under a mountain of work.


Rel said:
And then, there's Teflon Billy.

Last year I described him as "like a Canadian Jonny Cash without all the constant singing". Yeah, he's pretty much a Cool Elemental.

Dammit! Why, why can't we change the user titles of mods @ CM. (shakes fist furiously.)



I had a great time. I mostly was judging my RPGA Living Greyhawk module "Murder in Elmshire" and the Living Greyhawk Special. I also played Champions and the Decipher LOTR rpg and the Blackmoor Living campaign.

I missed the Ennies. I think next year I'll just wander around a bit and catch True Dungeon.


fett527 said:
Damn, I thought I was your hero???????

I shall have to double my efforts!

Keep your eye on CM...
Well - like I just got done saying on CM, you were one of my highlights. In fact, this is exactly what I said:

Fett. You're funny, angry, drunk, and I love you... even when you are sending me text messages at 4am.

Also - you're incredibly good-looking for a short guy. ;)

Teflon Billy

This year's Gen Con (after a terribly inauspicious beginning which included the loss of my wallet/all my money, fistfighting a 60-year old man and the forced disposal of my hair gel, toothpaste and deodorant) I arrived in Indy pretty in pretty much a Glowering, Murderous and unhappy frame of mind.

So I arrived at the Circvs Maximvs Kareoke Throwdown at Champs bar only to find out that Kareoke there was only on Wednesday. The evil was starting to pile up. :\

But, the folks I was meeting were, as it turned out, like a balm to me. Truth Seeker, Fusangite, Reveal, Diaglo (you heard me), Stebbins, Ladytoll, Reveal, Queen D, The Universe, and Kiznit managed to...using only the tools of Rye + Seven and their own personalities turn my mood around about 180 degrees by just letting me bitch endlessly and drink it away.

So, thanks for that you guys. I'm not sure the rest of the Con would've really sang for me the way it did if you all hadn't slavaged that first night for me the way you did.

And it did sing.

I thought 2005 was the best Gen Con I had ever been to, and 2006 was always at least comparable to it and exceeded it on more than one occasion.

I got a lot more gaming done this year than I have any other, which is odd, because I don't have a great record of actually enjoying convention games very much.

So without further ado, I will reiterate what everyone has said ever since we've become aware of him as a GM: Piratecat is the real deal. His games always deliver, but this year's Mutants and Masterminds extravaganza was a tour-de-force.

The group of Ethernaut, Kiznit, Cthulhu's Librarian, Queen D and The Universe were truly great.

Queen D and The Universe both really got into their characters, with vocal stylings, physical tells, and broad comedy and I'll be honest--this is often a recipe for "Spotlight Hogs". Not in this case, they were near perfection as fellow Players.

Almost as perfect as Kiznit managing to credibly portray a "Floating Brain in a jar" as simultaneuously crafty, insane, powerful, overconfident, intimidating and whiny:)

Everyone else was equally brilliant, and it stands as one of the best games I've ever played...largely becasue of the skill of Piratecat and Kidcthulu working as a GM'ing duo. They set the tone, the rest of us picked it up and ran with it.

Good all around.

More to come later...
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