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Generation Legacy Issue #15


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Online Web-Comic Teaser #1

“I am not sure if they are ready for this Cardinal,” Metatron spoke slowly, as if begging a parent.

“They have no choice, there are factors that I cannot see, paths moving in the future that are unknown to me,” she replies, “these unknown factors could destroy me before my time.”

Metatron looks away, “You cannot see the future, great mistress?”

“I see one path, that path has guided my hand until recently, in the last year… events have been set into motion that are outside my sight. This will not do, rally the men, tomorrow the world will see my Great Work. Activate the cells, Metatron, spread my message to my children. Then ready yourself, we go to Mudaba Adin… I have someone I need to chat with,” Cardinal finishes pulling up her hood over her face.

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Online Web-Comic Teaser #2

The sound of bone and flesh ripping and breaking was soft, softer then it rightfully should be. The elite tries to reach back and feels another sharp dose of pain before her arm explodes with pain. A heavy booted foot pushes her face first into the mud… The elite grimaces, “I have no idea who you think… my god… my arm… you son of bitch!”

Chance stands over the Pantheon agent with a smirk looking at the now mangled and ripped arm in her hands, “Oh I guess you can’t grow that back? Well too bad, I told you I wasn’t here to talk to peons, mere foot soldiers in the army. I am looking for one of the Disciples…”

“You crazy bitch… you ripped off my arm!” the elite shrieks.

“You will live,” Chance sighs dropping the arm, “So about that Disciple?” Chance enjoyed getting to the heart of things, and thankfully the elite was even more compliant…


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Online Web-Comic Teaser #3

“You realize, Chaos that we have called the Proxy to adjudicate based on your actions… and your manipulations of events in this reality?” the council of Eternals spoke in unison, as one singular voice.

“My manipulations?” Chaos chuckles, “I have done everything within my purview, and I have more leeway with my sentient interactions then most, you do realize this?”

“Your role in the corruption of the cosmic seed, and the creation of the anomaly are well outside your boundaries,” the Proxy replies. It was slim in build with dark skin, a white mask upon its face, covering its features, twisted into a painful visage. Wild blue hair framing the strange mask.

Chaos gives the Proxy a puzzled look, “And you think I had anything to do with that… I am not exactly sure why you would come to that conclusion.”

“Evidence has been brought to the council’s attention, damning evidence against you. It is the council’s decision that your fate will be tied to that of this reality. In addition to remove you from further interference in this adjudication process, you are hereby stripped of your powers,” The Proxy finishes.

Chaos grins, “Now this is something that is truly unexpected. Well, I suppose if my guilt is found to be error?”

“I do not believe this to be an error. You are dismissed, it is my decision that you shall spend your final days on the world you have grown so attached to. The council has spoken,” the Proxy commands.


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UNJE Verona Tower

The automated nurses take Kal to the infirmary. A crew of androids are already cleaning up the damage and working on the repairs. Unlike the nurses which were fairly human in appearance these machines are very much just robots adapted to their given roles.

On one of the monitors some Retro-Metal was playing with a band called Deviant Dreams rocking their way across the screen. The music was a strange blend of ethnic rhythms, hair metal, and synthetic pop music with an edge of punk to keep it interesting. It was all the rage at the moment, and Deviant Dreams was one of the top selling bands at the moment. Of course it helped that Sakura Red was front lining the band as the lead vocalist.

Another monitor has the local Italian news, and another is set to a CNN video feed. The local news is discussing the current arrival of Legacy to Verona while the CNN feed talks about the upcoming purchase of CNN and associated networks by VSC and its financial impacts.

Gadget stares at the phone in her hand, “Well Ryan said bye, Gilden he said to get back to him as soon as possible about the Red Witch thing or James… or both.”

Tim glowers in his corner now back in his original body, playing the guitar with his invisible limbs. A sharp scream is heard coming from Aya’s room!

Back at the Institute

There was fire.

That was the first thing to jog the senses, the feeling of fire and pain. The world just exploded, or at least it seemed that way. Ryan was thrown back and into the wall, painfully. He could not see much through the smoke and fire, he could hear screams, Kiyana was shouting something but the fire, the noise… it drowned out everything.

Worst of all… his powers were strangely absent… like the time he was on the island… back at Eden…


Kelly was given a room, or at least she was being shown to a room by Jun Min when, the two had exchanged pleasantries and the older woman was genuinely glad to see the young pop star was back and safe… relatively safe.

Of course in the blink of an eye the world was torn asunder, Kelly was lying on her back, rubble had trapped her legs, but she was alive. She couldn’t even see Jun Min through the smoke and fire, but she could see someone in a long robe standing over her… and behind them a larger silhouette with large wings.


Cassie was in the gym, it was the one place that seemed to help her think and after the trying time she just went through with her sister, with Kelly, and with Ryan, she could use a little break.

Fire. Smoke. Explosions.

Cassie was thrown to the ground with great force, and when she realized what was happening or at least could think semi-straight, she felt searing pain and smoke filling her lungs. There was so much noise and confusion… but her first concern was to get out from underneath the rubble that was currently pinning her down…

She could hear someone close by.

All the teens at Mudaba Adin Institute gain 1 HP for GM’s Fiat, and are also all Bruised + Injured.


Ryan struggled to his feet, the chaos of the situation momentarily overwhelming him. My force field should have come on...damn. This is like back at Eden. She's here, he concluded, filled with dread. This seems like an assault, but I never figured Cardinal for the subtle type. Likely objectives would be myself or Cassie.

Ryan's thoughts were interrupted as he coughed, pain flaring throughout his chest, bringing him back to the reality of the situation. "Kiyana," he barked, "Put out the fires. SARAH!" he shouts, glancing up at the ceiling as he attempts to search for any of the medical staff who might be injured or unconscious. "What's going on here? Does the intercom still work," he asks the A.I. desperately.


First Post
Karen follows the nurses back to the infirmary to make sure Kal is alright and that he stays in his bed this time. She wasn't quite going so far as to make true on her promise of tieing him to the bed, but she had no intention of letting Kal out of bed again until the doctor says it's ok.

"What was that?!" she asks worriedly when she hears a scream coming from the hall, "You just stay put ok? Or I'm gonna have to hurt you this time," she tells Kal with a worried smile. She gives him a kiss on his forehead, before rushing back to the hall to see where the scream came from.


First Post
The blonde popstar snarls in pain as the world explodes around her into flame and falling rubble, pinning her to the ground, well, it would have pinned her if she wasn't an elite, but either way she was not a happy popstar. Blondes were suppoused to have more fun, but you couldn't prove it by her since all she seemed to accumulate were wounds and near-fatal experiences. First things first Kelly thought summoning her weather shield to protect her from the flames, he didn't bother her but from the faint scars she possesed being on fire defintiely did.

"Jun Min, this has proved my point, nothing good ever happens, life is just a long line of disapointments and things going from bad to worse." she calls out, hoping for a response so she could locate the teacher. Looking up she notices the robed figure above her for the first time, and the winged one behind them. "I don't suppouse that you guys are here to help?" the girl asks wistfully. Kelly stirs up the air in the room, speeding it up, readying it to jump to hurricane force so that it'd fling the rubble off of her and at the figures.

OOC: Free Action to up her force field, Readying her actions to throw the rubble off of her and at the possible baddies ifthey make a threatening move.


She blinked, gasping in pain as she comes to. I must have blacked out for a moment. She thought as she felt her body pushing out the shrapnel and the 'crinkling' feeling she got when she was burned badly. Already her body was healing and she felt the slight tickling feeling that signified that the burns had included her hair and it was growing back to it's 'natural' length.

She frowned as she thought about how that would make her look, the dye job she had gotten a few days ago wasn't faded, so the regrown hair would be blonde while the rest was still black. She surveyed the hurts and pains as she shifted to see if she could get a grip on whatever it was holding her down as she blinked her eyes clear.


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Gilden status: Normal HP:1/1

Tokiwong said:
Gadget stares at the phone in her hand, “Well Ryan said bye, Gilden he said to get back to him as soon as possible about the Red Witch thing or James… or both.”

Tim glowers in his corner now back in his original body, playing the guitar with his invisible limbs. A sharp scream is heard coming from Aya’s room!

"Hmmm, Ryan thinks James' illness has something to do with the Red Witch?" Gilden replies with a frown, "that is most disconcerting. I wonder is Anika would teleport us to the institue so..."

Gilden's head turns abruptly as he hears the scream. "That's coming from Aya's room. Come on." He says to the pink haired girl as he grabs her hand and starts running for Aya's room


First Post
Mimic said:
Gilden's head turns abruptly as he hears the scream. "That's coming from Aya's room. Come on." He says to the pink haired girl as he grabs her hand and starts running for Aya's room
The door slides open and Aya rushes out holding a towel over herself, doing her best to stay decent. She shrieks, “There is a pervert in my room!”

A young boy’s voice replies, “I am not a pervert! Don’t flatter yourself… well maybe you should but seriously… I am not a pervert. Actually how did I get here? Who are you, and why are you screaming so loudly?”

Aya scowls, “How did you get into my room?”

The boy stumbles out wearing nothing but a smile, he is pale skinned and has wild red hair. He furrows his brow, “I don’t know? Do you know who I am? I remember waking up and then you started screaming at me.”

Gadget blushes, “Umm why don’t you have any clothes?”

“Clothes?” the boy asks somewhat puzzled.


Cassie is able with some trepidation free herself from the rubble. A hand reaches down and grabs her, the smoke making it hard to make out whom. But the voice is familiar, its Sami, “Are you okay?”


Jun Min replies weakly, “Kelly…”

A man’s voice speaks it sounds familiar to Kelly, so powerful and perfect, the voice of an angel, “Are you hurt?”

Jun Min replies, “Huh… who are you?” She sounds pained, and definitely is far worse off than Kelly is.

“I am Metatron, voice of the Cardinal,” the voice replies, “We are well aware of who you are and what you are capable. Despite the dire circumstances, we do not wish to kill you, you are still members of the People, misguided as you are. Where is the Prophet?”


SARAH replies, “Hello Ryan… Hello Ryan… Hel-lo… Ry…. System… Error… Error. Error.”

Kiyana shouts back, “I am trying!”

Bishop pulls back the rubble covering Ryan, “Ryan… bloody hell… we got hit hard. You look like… she is here.” His eyes betray a certain sense of dread, “This is bad…”

Voidrunner's Codex

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