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Generation Legacy (Issue #2)

Casandra settles down into a shooter's postion and wraps the arm band around her arm to steady her shoot and looks for someone to pick off out of the crowd of attacks, while keeping one eye on the areodyne, ready to warn the others if it decends lower.

OOC: She'll shoot if there is a target not in melee with another (spending a hero point to stay disabled and not dying, other wise she's watching for the others, making ready to warn them of anything they might not be able to see)

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Aust Meliamne

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Aust Meliamne said:
John curses at his bad luck and once again fires off a mental blast at Capt. Hajim, while maintaining his force field.

OOC: John spends his 4th and final hero point to be able to use his mental blast +8 (attack bonus +8, will save DC = 23), while maintaining his force field +8.
This be what I'm doing this round :)


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KaintheSeeker said:
Casandra settles down into a shooter's postion and wraps the arm band around her arm to steady her shoot and looks for someone to pick off out of the crowd of attacks, while keeping one eye on the areodyne, ready to warn the others if it decends lower.

OOC: She'll shoot if there is a target not in melee with another (spending a hero point to stay disabled and not dying, other wise she's watching for the others, making ready to warn them of anything they might not be able to see)

OOC: As an aside that damage on the rifle should be +5L, the only people not egngaged in melee combat are the three fleeing normal soldiers... is Cassandra going to fire on them?
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Set Harth

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:OOC I assume Ace is attack the cyborgs on me. Billy will move to flank a cyborg.

Billy takes step back from between the soldiers before making another swing same as before. (+8 to hit +12S dmg)

Tokiwong said:

OOC: As an aside that damage on the rifle should be +5L, the only people not egngaged in melee combat are the three fleeing normal soldiers... is Cassandra going to fire on them?

OOC: No, she doesn't have any compuctions about shooting someone but she's holding her shot till it can pay off.. ie.. if someone is in danger.. holding action. (and hopefull regnerating enough so that I don't need to spend a hp to act)


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The Climactic Battle- Round 7

Initiative: Ace 30, Cassandra 28, Phase 28 (Paralyzed), Mark 26, Tommy 21, Isabelle 20, James 18, Sarah 17, Jimmy Li 17 (Dying), Capt. Hajim 15, Mistress 14 (Stunned), Cyborg Spec Ops (2 Knocked Out, 2 Standing, 1 Paralyzed) 12, Mubasa 12, Billy 11, Ryan 9, Zero 9, Soldiers (3, Running) 8, John 5 (Disabled), Kiyana 2

Mark hearing the cries of Ryan, does a dashing kick to Capt. Hajim, but his attack goes wide, as Capt. Hajim ducks, but that deters Mark very little, as he dashes past his opponent at full speed, to allow Ryan some breathing room!

Mark makes an attack roll of 13 total, not quite enough to strike Capt. Hajim!

Tommy rears his head, leaping out of brush, and crawling next to Cassandra, looking scared, not helping much that Cassie, trains her rifle on him, before realizing who he is!

Tommy speaks, "Are you alright... man you look hurt... here take this, something I got from the lab, back at the Institute!" He reaches into his satchel and draws out a nano injector, used to regenerate skin tissue!

Tommy spends a Hero Point to use his Gadgets power, to create a Regenerate 6 effect, boosting her Regenerate to +8, along with Rapid Healing, Cassandra is no longer Disabled, and has no Lethal Hits at all!

Isabelle grins at her success so far, and raises her hand one last time, and fires a white fire blast into the cockpit, the blast rips into the cockpit, and seems to knock out several control panels. Isabelle then descends from the craft, and moves downward 40 feet, scanning below, and seeing John, she begins to move towards him!

Isabelle made an attack on the control panel, and got a total roll of 19, the vehicle made a damage save versus a DC of 23, and got an 18, making it Stunned, it lost its Navigation Equipment!

Back at the Lab...

James takes a hold of Shao-Lin, and then flash, the two travel across time and space, in a blink of a oment, and reappear right where James left from, back at the Preserve! Though both are disoriented from the trip, James feeling his powers taxed to the limit... yet he has done it once again!

James makes an extended teleport, and arrives back with Shao-Lin, the two are Disoriented this round, but are there safely! Shao-Lin has Initiative 20.

OOC: Will finish the rest later... Game Time!

Cassie stands, a faint smile on her face as her wounds close and she hefts the rifle, "Okay.. now for round two." she mutters as she leaps into action. (looking for one of the cyborgs that beat on her, trying to blind side it)

As she lands behind/beside the borg, she shoves the barrel into the borg and pulls the trigger. "Remember me?"

OOC: +8 Ranged attack with the +5L rifle
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The Climactic Battle- Round 7

Ace 30, Cassandra 28, Phase 28 (Paralyzed), Mark 26, Tommy 21, Isabelle 20, James 18, Sarah 17, Jimmy Li 17 (Dying), Capt. Hajim 15, Mistress 14 (Stunned), Cyborg Spec Ops (2 Knocked Out, 2 Standing, 1 Paralyzed) 12, Mubasa 12, Billy 11, Ryan 9, Zero 9, Soldiers (3, Running) 8, John 5 (Disabled), Kiyana 2

Sarah focuses her attention on one of the Cyborg Soldiers, fighting Billy, and unleashes another powerful paralyzing mind bolt, and within micro-seconds the Cyborg Soldier freezes in place, his muscles frozen... His mind losing all control of his motor functions...

Sarah makes a mental attack and gets a natural 20, a critical, the Cyborg Soldier failed his save and is now Paralyzed, making two Cyborg Soldiers now paralyzed...

Jimmy Li lies on the ground, not moving, but he seems to stem off death, at least for this brief moment in time!

Jimmy Li spends his last Hero Point to Stabilize himself, he is no longer Dying.

Capt. Hajim turns to see Mark running, and instead of following him, he looks up, and grabs a drop line and begins to ascend up towards the aerodyne, as it waivers wildly in the sky...

Capt. Hajim grabs a drop line, and ascends up into the Aerodyne, he goes up 40 feet this turn.

Onboard the craft the Mistress drags herself to her feet, and shakes her head, quite confused at what just happened, She focuses her mind and activates her ESP power to see what is going on below the craft!

The Mistress spends a Villain Point, and is now not stunned, and then activates her ESP, to see below the ship.

The lone Cyborg soldier looks around, and seeing that he is vastly outnumbered moves back to the drop lines, and then begins to ascend as well, moving up another 40 feet towards the craft!

Mubasa hangs tight, going on the Defensive, as Billy slams his fist into the Paralyzed Cyborg soldier standing next to him, he sends the cyborg soldier flying 45 feet into a tree, with a thunderous *CRACK!*, finally knocking out his foe!

Ryan flies up, and focuses his power, using an amazing amount of extra effort, his form pulses with power as a massive blasts hits the ground, blasting the single paralyzed cyborg soldier, and the two unconcious soldiers, plus the three fleeing normal soldiers, scattering them all across the Jungle... the normal soldiersare nocked off their feet, and are out cold... while the paralyzed cyborg soldier is dying, laying on his back, and the other two cyborg soldiers, are simply atomized by the blast!

Ryan uses extra effort, makes an area effect, and rolls an 11 to strike, they make reflex saves but all fail horribly, and the results are horrific...

Zero blinks, looking up to Ryan... "Whoa..." he throws an Ice blast at Capt. Hajim to try and deter him, but the Capt. takes the blast head on, and is no worse for the wear, besides the frost on his clothes!

Zero makes a strike, and gets a 23, he hits but his damage is innefective!

The Aerodyne dips... and then begins to race towards the horizon, at full speed as Capt. Hajim salutes the teens, looking less then pleased...

John makes a last ditch effort to strike at Capt. Hajim with his mental blasts, it arcs forward at the distant Capt. Hajim, but the he is able to reisst the mental shock... though with great consternation...

Capt. Hajim scowls, "We shall meet again... elites..." as the Aerodyne flies into off into the darkness...

John made a mental attack, and got a 16 just good enough to hit, with range penalties, Capt. Hajim rolled a 9, and spent a Villain Point, and got 12, with his Mental Defenses, just good enough to make it...

There is a quiet still, in the clearing as the smoke begins to clear... and the damage from the conflict is becoming more known... trees are blown from the roots... small craters mark the earth... and bodies lay about groaning in pain, or simply dying... it is in short a war-zone...

Shao-Lin pauses... "Shall we follow them?"

"No, we go back to the school." hefts her rifle and walks up to one of the frozen borgs. "and take these.. gentlemen in for arrest." Looks to the others. "That is the ..correct thing to do isn't it?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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