DDAL Jasper DMs Keys to the Golden Vault

Keys From the Golden Vault Session 2

The Stygian Gambit

Day 31 to Day 45

PC Killed 1 Monsters Killed 1 Villains Captured 0 Villains Escaped 1 PC Captured 7

Begin Time 6:40 End 10:45

Take 10 Downtime days. Take a Level. NO GOLD. NO MAGIC.

I had a very strong group of eight. Buildrick Artificer 2 human. Bronwyn Barbarian 2 Human. Locket Trickster Cleric 2 Tabaxi. Shem Ko Cleric 2 wood elf. Rhodes warlock 4 tiefling. Bartek Sings Badly Rogue 1 Changeling. Bily Kralik Circle of the Moon Druid 2 Harengon. Lucifer Morningstar Kensa Monk 4 Aarakocra.

Greetings, operatives. An ally of the Golden Vault named Verity Kye had her life’s savings stolen from her by a devious gambling partner. If you enjoy gambling, I recommend https://1wincasinoar.com/, a site where you can find reviews, various bonuses and much more! We’ve found an opportunity to right this wrong. This quest, should you choose to undertake it, requires you to infiltrate the Afterlife Casino and steal a statuette and a sum of money. Meet with Verity at the Brine Widow tavern to learn more details. Good luck, operatives.

Arriving at the Brine Widow a tiefling call Verity Kye is waiting. Bily is the key holder. Quentin Togglepocket stole her winnings and idea for a Nine Hells casino ten years ago. He also got her tossed in a cold cell far up in the Icewind Dales for six years. The Afterlife Casino is hosting an international three dragon ante tournament. In forty-eight hours, the tourney will end. You have must steal the statue and five grand before this. Admission to the casino is two copper pieces to pay the ferry man to take downstream to the casino. It takes a half hour to get to the casino by ferry. It is a forty-five-minute trip back poling against the current.

The games area has slots, lift and death, and three dragon ante. Only Tieflings are staff. The owner Quentin is the only gnome allowed behind the green security doors. The bar is good. The Circus does an hour show every four hours. A waterfall is one of the attractions. The restaurant is access by stairwell and goes to the bottom of the waterfall.

Security mirrors are around the building. I don’t know if they are magical or hide holes. The Spa and Bath don’t have mirrors.

The scoping out plan. Everyone will take five hours in the casino before meeting in the restaurant for dinner. Team B will take the Spa and Bath. Rhodes and Lucifer will check out the Tourney. Bily will check out the circus. Everyone else will gamble but not lose all their money.

The cashiers have magical teleporting tech which swaps cash for wooden chips.

The Circus act comes from bar and double doors in the floor of the circle stepped arena. A dog leg blocks view of the back stage. Three to five tieflings acrobats are in the act. The three animal acts are baboons as clowns, regular lion taming with jump through fire hoops, a six-pack of poodles doing tricks and comedy. Clean up crew spend about a half hour cleaning up and resetting the stage.

The Spa and Bath have sulfur smell and two employees. They swap out massage due. A green door to the laundry is in the spa.

The Tourney has eight players left. Around 0600 tomorrow should be the first elimination. The Statue is in the center of the room. One guard keeps tab on the guests floating through. Two dealers keep eyes on the gamblers. The statue is in a glass case. It has an AC of 13. The Statue is tiny but heavy. Gold leaf on something. It is a statue of an Erinyes. High End Three Dragon Ante are here but will close down once the last seven players are known.

The Games and Lounge have two floating guards. The game area includes a rat race track.

The Green Doors are access by a key card.

During dinner the prepare plan is discussed. The druid will shift into a poodle and see if she gets place back stage. The Muggers Locket, Lucifer, and Bartek will secure one of the second shift employees after they leave the casino. The rest will still wander and scope out the casino for more information. Everyone will meet back at their room in the Brine Widow at 0700 tomorrow. They leave the restaurant.

The complication. Sareena Shu a tiefling who was fired from her job last month at the museum makes both Buildrick and Rhodes. But they bluff her so she does not report this to the boss.

The doggy in the circus is caught. She is dump into the backstage.

Complication Two. Some of the Tieflings are still practicing. She does the zoomies and none of the staff recognizes seven poodles are in the room.


The Tieflings practice for an hour and don’t see the druid shift to rat form. Ratty the Rat discovers the mirrors are a magical security cameras. Three Tieflings are on duty. The cells are to the south. The cameras do cover the vault about ninety percent. Quentin has the west office. The counting clerk has the east office and the coins are quickly counted here automatically.

DM Sorry I added too much detail on the counting and teleportation coin thing.

The vault holds at least five grand and a security demon. She leaves the security area and misses the doors auto lock.

The casino group fade from the site around midnight to 0300.

The muggers mug the security staff member. The changeling duplicates him. They steal his security card. Then tie him to log and send him down the river.

0700 17 hours to go to midnight. The muggers report honestly and fully. The others report. Rhodes and Buildrick forget to report that they had been made.

Complication Three. Made Members.

The plan. The flyer group of Rhodes, Buildrick, Lucifer, and Bronwyn will enter around 1000. Rhodes will lose at a high-stake game and then watch the Tourney. Lucifer will hit the restaurant then the Tourney. Team B will go straight to the tourney. The vault team will spread out entry. Bartek will take place of the mugged guard reporting at 1200. Locket will enter a 1300 and get busted by Bartek at 1430. Shem Ko will enter at 1300 and be busted at 1530 by Bartek. Bilek will enter at 1500 shape shift into a rat in one of the bathrooms. She will then pocket herself in Bartek around 1530.

At 1600 the vault crew will secure the camera room and make for the vault. Lucifer will break the glass case. Grab the statue and fly out the waterfall. The other of the flyers will provide cover by throwing ball bearings to slow the guards and fade.

Complication four. 0800 the body tied to tree is found and identified. The staff goes to yellow alert.

The flyer group enters. Around 1100 Rhodes is made and is invited publicly to have tea with Quentin. Around 1130 Buildrick is made and invited to publicly to have tea with Quentin. She first refuses. Then agrees. They both get stripped of everything and give a bathroom. And are tossed into Cell A and Cell B.

Arriving at work Bilek is busted. He tries to escapes and tries to blend with the audience in the Tourney Room. Having been half beaten before entering the room, he is discovered. He is the only one in uniform which the other employees don’t know. He is stripped and bathrobe and tossed in Cell C. He starts tries to tick off the guards by singing badly. But they like his singing.

1430 Locket is not busted. She continues to gamble but slows down.

1500 Bilek is late.

1530 Bilek is late and Shem Ko is not busted.

1559 Bilek arrives but has not made off the docks.

1600 Lucifer and Bronwyn start. He breaks the glass and snatches the statues. He knees guard one in the special place. Bronwyn just misses her toss of marbles and is spotted by the second guard. Both flee toward the second bridge.

1601 Casino goes to red alert. Guards tell everyone get on the ground. Dealers start to secure the tables. The circus plays on.

1602. Half the casino is in lock down. Rhodes had groin punch the second guard and is just over bridge two when the takes damage. Rhodes, “Catch!” He tosses the statue toward Bronwyn. He has also palmed guard two key card.

1603 Rhodes flies toward the security door. The Casino goes into full lockdown. Bilek shifts into white lion form and charges the north security door.

1602 and 45 seconds. Bronwyn leaps up and MISSES the catch. She slides toward the edge of bridge. She tips the statue back into play toward guard two and slides into the water. Bronwyn, “naughty word I can’t swim.”

1603 10 seconds. Rhodes uses the key card to get entrance to the north hallway missing hand crossbow bolts. He dashes down the hall into the security hallway and opens the security door. And catches one crossbolt to the gut and dodges two others. He flies toward the cell door.

THUNK! The cell door does not move. He hops up from prone grabs the cell door and cell keys and opens the door. Just as he gets a reverse mohawk from another bolt. He tosses the keys to Bartek. “GOOD LUCK” the monk flees the security office. Bartek shoves the keys into his pocket.

1603 15 seconds. Bartek takes three bolts to the body.

1603 21 seconds a boom is heard as a white lion slams into the green door. The door opens and out flies an Aarakocra.

1604 Bronwyn drowns after being knock off from the waterfall drop. Lucifer escapes.

1605 Bily is captured.

1630 Lucifer finds Bronwyn body but no statue.

1805 The Casino is lifted from lock down. Shem Ko and Locket fade.

Midnight. Lahdia Mizreem wins the tourney.

Epilogue. The prisoners don’t talk. Seven days later while they are being transported to prison four guys on a black flying carpet with red slash break them out.

End of session 514.
Sounds like a near-constant string of close calls and complications. The whole setup was intense, with tight timelines and high-stakes moves, like the vault break and that wild getaway plan. Losing Bronwyn to the waterfall must’ve been rough, and the back-and-forth with guards was relentless! At least you had a heroic breakout at the end—classic D&D drama. The Afterlife Casino sounds like a brilliant setting for chaos, and it seems the dice really kept everyone on their toes.
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