TSR Giantlands

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
I wonder if others are unimpressed with spoilers that have been provided for Giantlands thus far as I am. A lot of spurious claims and a whole lot of relabeled stole....I mean recycled ideas touted as ground breaking.

No. Not at all.

And I say that with a great deal of sadness. James (Jim) Ward, who has been a contributor here at enworld, and is a genuine legend of "real" TSR and is one of the limited number of people in the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design, is somehow involved in this.


No. Not at all.

And I say that with a great deal of sadness. James (Jim) Ward, who has been a contributor here at enworld, and is a genuine legend of "real" TSR and is one of the limited number of people in the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design, is somehow involved in this.
I wonder if age has done him a disservice?


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Entirely unimpressed, yes.

The Landshark is dull as dishwater, changing the names of classes, races, and DMs is just needlessly fussy, making Ley Power the new "Magic that is expressly Not Magic" carries no weight, and a Percentile based system with your percentage to succeed modified by a percentage to failure that you roll under? Boring.

Top it off with static damage values... At least combat will be fairly quick, I guess?


Entirely unimpressed, yes.

The Landshark is dull as dishwater, changing the names of classes, races, and DMs is just needlessly fussy, making Ley Power the new "Magic that is expressly Not Magic" carries no weight, and a Percentile based system with your percentage to succeed modified by a percentage to failure that you roll under? Boring.

Top it off with static damage values... At least combat will be fairly quick, I guess?
Lets not forget the claim of first in genre lol.

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