*Pathfinder, to travel to Wintershiven;
*Crafting Nature, to inspect the structure the PCs found;
*Scholar, to read the inscription on the structure;
*Theologian, to understand the ritual purpose hinted at by the inscription;
*Capture conflict - a combat to physically restrain a spirit manifesting via animated bones of an animal sacrifice
*Lore Master, to intuit the strengths and weaknesses of the captured spirit to various possible spiritual conflicts
*Remembering Nature, to recall the True Name of the spirit
*Abjuration conflict - a spiritual conflict to try and destroy the spirit
*Survivalist, to identify a good place to shelter while camping in/near the structure;
*Labourer, to clear away earth and plant-roots blocking the discovered door to the interior of the structure;
*Cartographer, to make a copy of the map "drawn" in relief on the walls of the interior;
*Ritualist, to perform the ritual of water purification identified earlier via Theologian;
*Scavenger, to look for any other loot in or around the stucture;
*Stonemason, to try and find further hidden areas within the structure;
*Flee/pursue conflict - an extended resolution to determine whether the PCs escape from the pirates pursuing them down the river;
*Pathfinder, to try and get bearings after getting lost escaping the pirates;
*Scavenger, to gather forage to cook;
*Cook, to cook the gathered forage;
*Pathfinder, to find the way back to the river;
*Scout, to try and avoid being spotted by the pirates looking for the PCs on the river bank;
*Capture conflict - a combat to avoid getting captured by the pirates;
*Convince crowd conflict - an extended social resolution to persuade the pirates that the PCs, captured by them, are actually associates of Tolub the pirate leader;
*Orator, to try and get a favour from the pirates in letting the PCs sail back down-river;
*Negotiate conflict - an extended social resolution to strike a deal in return for letting the PCs sail back down-river;
*Sailing, to sail the pirate's boat down-river;
*Scout, to avoid being spotted in a pirate boat as the PCs approach Wintershiven.