The man beams. "Well, quite a group has assembled, excellent!" He gives a deep bow. "I am Farrian, I represent a group of Merchants that has various holdings down in the bowels of the city. One of those holdings, a cluster of office buildings, shops, and warehouses in the Cogs has been overrun by a gang of Goblins known as the 'Snaggle Tooth Curs'. They are a small but pesky street gang, no more than 10 in number, that are little more than urchins. We tried to hire House Deneith mercenaries, but they have no time for such petty matters."
"We offer 100 gold pieces per sellsword simply to displace the the Goblins from the complex for the night. I will guide you down into the Cogs and show you the main office they have holed up in, and I will watch the operation from afar. The Goblins are weak and cowardly, they will flee before you like cattle! Once you have them on the run our men will come in and secure the compound again. Then you will be paid and your job will be complete. What do you say?"