D&D 5E More Adventurer Corpses But Not Their Loot

Possibly the most ecologically-friendly Intriguing Organization yet.

AliParlagi-En5inder-Kobold-Thief WEB.png

Today EN5ider has a tool for keeping the drama high when adventurers encounter the remains of those who've delved into a deadly dungeon before them without giving away all the loot of the deceased. That's the cream of the Jackals' crop!

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Lately on EN5ider:
  • 574. Intriguing Organizations: The Jackals. When an adventuring party's corpses are found in a dungeon one question reigns: what happened to all their stuff? The Jackals are the answer. This group of ne'er-do-wells thrive by scavenging from the fools that die by the spikes, poison, or other deadly implements of their traps. Goblins, kobolds, humans—anyone can be counted among the Jackals provided they are clever and vicious enough to survive the rest of the pack. Includes the howler (CR 4) and longfang (CR 7). Deviously designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Ali Parlagi.
  • 573. Villain Spotlight: Garr, Destroyer of Rivals. Adventuring means a certain amount of competition—sometimes against oneself or the constraints of time, but it often results in racing against peers just as eager to rescue the prince, slay the dragon, stake the vampire, and save the kingdom. In all the realms there is no greater rival for an adventurer than the dwarf known only as Garr. Famed throughout the lands for his prowess, perseverance, and focus, once he's set his sights on someone as a potential worthy competitor nothing can stop him in his pursuit to prove that he's better regardless of what the are competing over. Doggedly designed by Michael McCarthy, illustrated by Herman Lau.
  • 572. Enchanted Trinkets: Tavern Specials. Adventurers aren't going to drink swill and grog unless they have to—these are individuals with the discerning taste and deep enough pockets to afford to the very finest of libations. Whenever the party next hits up the tavern consider including these more than a half dozen wondrous concoctions like dark elven absinthe, the gnomish wallbanger, living rumcube, or a drink with flavor as loud as its namesake: the shrieker kombucha. Deliciously designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Fabian Parente.
  • 571. Dangerous Scenarios: The Mierogovani Job. Money and the Mierogovani aren't synonymous in Elissar, but it's hard to bring up the matter of coin in Allesund without this wealthy family being involved in one way or another. One of the ways they've climbed to such lofty heights has to do with an open challenge put forth to adventurers, criminals, and everyone else besides: successfully break into their vault, get back out, and they'll pay you to do it. Does the party have what it takes to sneak their way inside, escape undetected, and collect the massive reward? Deceptively designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaza, featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
  • 570. Adventure: Old Drowned Woes. A beast sits beneath Lach Bearnmere content to rest in the dark of its flooded chasm for aeons. But something has caused this ancient thing to stir, and stories of a great horror shifting deep within the waters have spread throughout southwestern Elissar. The bounties for its horned head rise with every panicked tale that reaches the pointed ears of Par Celundi. Includes the saproot druid (CR 7) and viper eel (CR 4). Deeply designed by Andrew Engelbrite for 4–5 PCs of 8th–9th level, illustrated by Rafael Benjamin, and featuring the cartography of Russ Morrissey and Umut Comak.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler


Hey, one of my most recent characters was extremely ecologically-friendly: mold earth is amazing for hiding bodies and awkward bits of evidence, and prestidigitation cleaned the rest. Finch didn't leave any trash, tracks, or sign that he was ever there.

Mike Myler

Have you been to LevelUp5E.com yet?
Hey, one of my most recent characters was extremely ecologically-friendly: mold earth is amazing for hiding bodies and awkward bits of evidence, and prestidigitation cleaned the rest. Finch didn't leave any trash, tracks, or sign that he was ever there.

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