Goblins in the Cellar (Bront judging)

OOC: Thanks for hanging in Redclaw and Velmont. Let's cruze through the climax of this chapter, I'll NPC the other two characters.

Balnibar delays waiting for a shot.

Justice takes a step to his right and just misses B3 with his sword.

This gives Balnibar the opening he needs and he fires his crossbow at B3.
Balnibar shoots B3 w/ crossbow (1d20+5=18, 1d6=3)
The bolt hits B3 in the shoulder and it cries out in pain. It is now gasping for breath, struggling to fight on.

B3 and B4 press the attack on Justice, B5 moves up to join the fray.

BBCode B3 and B4 both attack Justice w/ Morningstars (1d20+5=7, 1d8+2=9, 1d20+5=20, 1d8+2=4)
One hits, doing only 2 points after Justice's DR.

B5's attack:
B5 attk/damage (1d20+5=23, 1d8+2=6)
B5 hits also for 4 points after DR


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Goblin G3 stays put in the skycab and does nothing that you can tell.

Down on Level #2 Jezira attempts to finish off mook S2.
Jezira attk/dmg w/ Halberd on S3 (1d20+6=23, 1d10+3=9)
She cuts him down with a strong blow from her halberd.

Jezira also makes her spot check and also points out to Benedict what Justice and Balnibar missed up on Level #3: two figures floating down from the roof access hatch. One of them catches their eye and has them transfixed, a massive black warforged (W) with red tracery. The spikes on his joints are not unusual, his long pointy nose, ears, and fangs are, made to resemble an exaggerated Hobgoblin. Armed with longsword and shield he floats to the floor and gestures meanacingly.

The other is a male Hobgoblin (H) in chain shirt with a wand and a crossbow. "Get the heart, kill the Humans if they impede you" he says. He remains floating 10 feet up.

Benedict is up.


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Oops... it was my turn. If it had been bump earlier, I might had given an action, but I see I am not th only one who was inactive. And I doubt I could run that adventure alone.

Well... if it is ending there, could you please give the XP, so when I'll want to put back Benedict active, he would be a bit more advance.

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