Goblins in the Cellar (Bront judging)


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Balnibar rushes over to the hole for the lift... Is there any mechanism? Any way to jam its operation?

The lift is a large platform that rises and falls purely by levitation magic, there are no mechanisms. While stationary it could be wedged in place with pitons, but that would take some time.

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Up on level 3 a new skycab pulls up and 3 Bugbears move in on Justice. Balnibar can snipe as they approach, please post the attack and damage rolls (w/ sneak attack) on B3 let's say (or another target, your choice). Also post the hide check at -20.

Justice's readied action goes off against B3 as it approaches him and attacks.

B3 and B4 simultaneously close with Justice and attack him with their morningstars.
B3 attk/dmg on Justice w/ morningstar (1d20+5=22, 1d8+2=5)
B3 hits for 5 points, subtract any DR
B4 attk/dmg on Justice w/ morningstar (1d20+5=6, 1d8+2=6)
B4 misses

The Goblin did nothing but drive the Skycab.

Jezira is up.


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