If G1 is still in range in the skycoach, he'll be the target, otherwise he'll take the cover penalty and throw at their erstwhile employer. It doesn't really matter, as his attack is a 5
Justice throws a javelin at G1 in the skycoach but it flies wide, the Goblin laughs in its annoying high-pitched cackle. Since you are looking outside you see at least two more skycoaches circling nearby, one is heading toward you and the blown-open window. It has a Goblin pilot and at least three Bugbear passengers. They should reach you next round. The airship is also moving, to the top of the tower.
(Init 17) Farrian drops from the roof on a rope commando style followed by two other humans. Their rate of movement is sufficient to put them on the platform by the time their turn ends (10' from the ceiling plus another 5' that the lift has traveled down). They are F, S1, S2 on the Grid.
(Init 15) Benedict makes the jump onto the lift which is nearly to level 2 by now. He crits G2 and splatters him into a pulp. Ouch! G2 falls and is not moving.
(Init 4) Jezira is up.
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