Goblins in the Cellar (Bront judging)


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If G1 is still in range in the skycoach, he'll be the target, otherwise he'll take the cover penalty and throw at their erstwhile employer. It doesn't really matter, as his attack is a 5

Justice throws a javelin at G1 in the skycoach but it flies wide, the Goblin laughs in its annoying high-pitched cackle. Since you are looking outside you see at least two more skycoaches circling nearby, one is heading toward you and the blown-open window. It has a Goblin pilot and at least three Bugbear passengers. They should reach you next round. The airship is also moving, to the top of the tower.

(Init 17) Farrian drops from the roof on a rope commando style followed by two other humans. Their rate of movement is sufficient to put them on the platform by the time their turn ends (10' from the ceiling plus another 5' that the lift has traveled down). They are F, S1, S2 on the Grid.

(Init 15) Benedict makes the jump onto the lift which is nearly to level 2 by now. He crits G2 and splatters him into a pulp. Ouch! G2 falls and is not moving.

(Init 4) Jezira is up.


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OOC: Does Balnibar have a shot at Farrian now?

Yes, sorry, I was just going to post on this. He and the other two humans pass right by you sliding down the rope. You can take your readied action on any of the three. While climbing/sliding they are flat-footed, so Balnibar can sneak attak them since he will be within 30 feet at the closest point. Post the attack rolls and damage rolls including sneak attack dice.


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Justice shows no reaction to the new wave of attackers. He simply reaches down to pick up his longsword, holds his shield at the ready, and prepares to repel them. More coming. I'll try to hold them off.

[sblock=ooc] Move action to retrieve dropped sword, ready attack vs. any goblinoid that comes within my threatened area. (1d20+5)=18, for (1d8+2)=5 damage.[/sblock]


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Round #6

OOC: my mistake, Balnibar had delayed to shoot lackey S1. The new order should be:

Initiative order:

(Init 18) Justice
(Init 17) Farrian
(Init 17) S1
(Init 17) S2
(Init 17) Balnibar
(Init 15) Benedict
(Init 6) Skycab approaching with 3 bugbears and a goblin driver
(Init 4) Jezira

Justice picks up his sword and readies to attack any enemies that approach. A new skycab is approaching him and will arrive this round carrying three Bugbears and a Goblin driver.

Farrian and his two lackeys, all threatened by Benedict, attempt to tumble out of his reach.

S1 Tumbles away from Benedict DC15 (1d20+7=27)
S1 succeeds and heads to the boockcase on the north end of the room grabbing something that was on it.

S2 Tumble DC15 (1d20+7=25)
S2 also succeeds, he heads south-east.

Farrian Tumble DC15 (1d20+9=13)
Farrian fails, Jezira and Benedict both get AOOs. Please post those before we proceed.


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Balnibar surveys the situation. Goblins, bugbears, motion on the lift... Too many targets, too many ways in, but only one way out!

Balnibar rushes over to the hole for the lift... Is there any mechanism? Any way to jam its operation?

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