Godly Realms


Hi Upper_Krust!

I'm so happy that I found this forum! And it's so awesome that the author answers questions!

I bought Immortals Handbook: Ascension a while ago and was blown away. I didn't get to use it for a while because the group I bought it for had to split it up (half the players moved - they are brothers) and it killed the campaign. I finally added some more players who were A) interested in D&D (we played Shadowrun for a while but I'm addicted to worldbuilding), and B) interested in epic play (I don't understand how you COULDN'T be, really, but it took a little while to find the right people).

Anyway, they FINALLY worked their way up to ascension and they were blown away by that and they've had several adventures as immortals and the campaign is just white-hot. I've got some great ideas in general where they invade some godly realms - and then of course start creating their own! - (they REALLY loved both of those things back in their mortal days) - and I wanted to start fleshing those ideas out and I was excited to buy Immortals Handbook: Chronicle which is described in Ascension because it sounded like EXACTLY what I needed... but then I found out that unfortunately Chronicle didn't happen. I'm sure you're as bummed as I am that it didn't happen which is saying a lot because I was pretty bummed :(

This was a few days ago and I'm trying to figure out Plan B for how to figure out what godly realms would actually look like and some mechanics for developing them but my ideas feel like they're only so-so. I've been scouring the internet and found this forum which is awesome. I also have On Hallowed Ground from back in 2E days (well, I was able to borrow it back, anyway), which KIND OF describes various godly realms, but it doesn't really talk about DEVELOPING them.

Anyway, could you share a general description of what you would have put for "ideas and examples on how to develop and maintain godly realms?" I would really appreciate it!

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The EN World kitten
Anyway, could you share a general description of what you would have put for "ideas and examples on how to develop and maintain godly realms?" I would really appreciate it!
It's more of an example of the personages that you'd find in such a realm, but I recommend checking out the last page of the write-up for Surtur for some good ideas of how to make a god's realm interesting.

Hi Upper_Krust!

I'm so happy that I found this forum! And it's so awesome that the author answers questions!

I bought Immortals Handbook: Ascension a while ago and was blown away. I didn't get to use it for a while because the group I bought it for had to split it up (half the players moved - they are brothers) and it killed the campaign. I finally added some more players who were A) interested in D&D (we played Shadowrun for a while but I'm addicted to worldbuilding), and B) interested in epic play (I don't understand how you COULDN'T be, really, but it took a little while to find the right people).

Anyway, they FINALLY worked their way up to ascension and they were blown away by that and they've had several adventures as immortals and the campaign is just white-hot. I've got some great ideas in general where they invade some godly realms - and then of course start creating their own! - (they REALLY loved both of those things back in their mortal days) - and I wanted to start fleshing those ideas out and I was excited to buy Immortals Handbook: Chronicle which is described in Ascension because it sounded like EXACTLY what I needed... but then I found out that unfortunately Chronicle didn't happen. I'm sure you're as bummed as I am that it didn't happen which is saying a lot because I was pretty bummed :(

This was a few days ago and I'm trying to figure out Plan B for how to figure out what godly realms would actually look like and some mechanics for developing them but my ideas feel like they're only so-so. I've been scouring the internet and found this forum which is awesome. I also have On Hallowed Ground from back in 2E days (well, I was able to borrow it back, anyway), which KIND OF describes various godly realms, but it doesn't really talk about DEVELOPING them.

Anyway, could you share a general description of what you would have put for "ideas and examples on how to develop and maintain godly realms?" I would really appreciate it!
Ai software can really help to build some pretty amazing worlds.

Hi Upper_Krust!

Hey there DirectMethod! :)

I'm so happy that I found this forum!

Happy to have you onboard.

And it's so awesome that the author answers questions!

Thanks! Although on 3.5E matters I generally defer to the likes of Beefermatic, Obly99 and others who post some fantastic stuff.

I bought Immortals Handbook: Ascension a while ago and was blown away.

Thanks so much! Really appreciated.

I didn't get to use it for a while because the group I bought it for had to split it up (half the players moved - they are brothers) and it killed the campaign. I finally added some more players who were A) interested in D&D (we played Shadowrun for a while but I'm addicted to worldbuilding), and B) interested in epic play (I don't understand how you COULDN'T be, really, but it took a little while to find the right people).

Coincidentally enough in my new 5E book (coming soon guys - I know I keep promising but not long now) I spend the few pages of chapter one (Chapter One: Epic) actually outlining how and why players (and DMs) might be interested in playing an epic level game. I then go on to explain what an epic game entails with some new quick features/rules to reinforce what I mean.

Anyway, they FINALLY worked their way up to ascension and they were blown away by that and they've had several adventures as immortals and the campaign is just white-hot.

That's what I love to hear! :love:

I've got some great ideas in general where they invade some godly realms - and then of course start creating their own! - (they REALLY loved both of those things back in their mortal days) - and I wanted to start fleshing those ideas out and I was excited to buy Immortals Handbook: Chronicle which is described in Ascension because it sounded like EXACTLY what I needed... but then I found out that unfortunately Chronicle didn't happen. I'm sure you're as bummed as I am that it didn't happen which is saying a lot because I was pretty bummed :(

Not to worry....I got you covered. 8 page section of Chapter 2: Immortality in the new book goes into detail on Divine Realms and its a SUPER simple set of options for customizing divine realms....and I don't mean "change the weather" nonsense that is largely cosmetic at epic levels, I mean PROPER customization.

I know this is for 5E, but large parts of the book will work with ANY system.

This was a few days ago and I'm trying to figure out Plan B for how to figure out what godly realms would actually look like and some mechanics for developing them but my ideas feel like they're only so-so. I've been scouring the internet and found this forum which is awesome. I also have On Hallowed Ground from back in 2E days (well, I was able to borrow it back, anyway), which KIND OF describes various godly realms, but it doesn't really talk about DEVELOPING them.

Anyway, could you share a general description of what you would have put for "ideas and examples on how to develop and maintain godly realms?" I would really appreciate it!

Okay well to very briefly go over the new Divine Realm options, immortals FREELY get to choose either a Realm-wide "Regional Effect" (from a bunch of options) or a Lair-Wide Effect/Action (doesn't have to be an action - can just be an effect) for every Divine Status...again from a list of options.

e.g. A Lesser God (Divine Rank 4 in my 5E rules) gets 4 total effects, could be 3 Regional/1 Lair effect, or 2:2 or 4:0 etc.

On top of that Lairs also get Defense Options (with about 20 materials to choose from - about half are new), Attack Options (new energy types) and a Mobility Options - but these cost "Quintessence".

So an immortal could build their Divine Lair out of Adamantine, feature Anti-Matter Ballistae and get up and fight like a City-sized Golem...if you can pay for it that is.

The new book is basically Ascension for 5E, with all-new re-jigged (ie. Simpler AND Better) rules, PLUS Chronicle, PLUS Grimoire, PLUS Gods & Monsters all rolled into one book.

Now I was planning to have a FULL Divine Realm as a sort of example/mini-adventure hybrid in the Appendix of the book, BUT I am not sure I can fit that in and I don't want to go above 400 pages, so I might have that as a separate release 48-64 pages or so.

Current plan is to release the PDF for the rules around April/May* 🤞 then finish the Epic Bestiary (at least 5 months after that) and do the Kickstarter for the Bestiary AND the Print Version of the Rulebook.

Full disclosure my pricing is going to be $35 PDF/$70 Print BUT buy both for $50/$100 respectively. So if you want to wait a few months longer to get the Rulebook when I release the Bestiary it will be cheaper if you buy both together, but I want to get the Rulebook on sale because (even though I am reasonably comfortable) its scary seeing savings only going one way these past 4-5 months.

*So New 5E Rulebook coming soon...again this is me, trying my best here guys, I promise you will be blown away like never before...once its done.

Best case scenario - so take this with a HEAVY dose of skepticism:
April 2024: 400 page Rulebook pdf available for $35...I might Print maybe a handful of prototype hardback books at Mixam just to see if everything looks good on page (but don't be expecting to pick one up for anything less than a silly price because I got completely stung on those Ascension 2023 special editions and overall lost money giving them for such a price. Much better to just wait for the Kickstarter for a Print copy).
September 2024: 400 page Epic Bestiary (month-long Kickstarter) with Print and/or PDF Options and the Rulebook Print and/or PDF Option for $35/$70 for one or $50/$100 for both (saving 30% if you get both together). PDF obviously "free" when you buy the Print version.

I can't do Print-On-Demand for the 5E Rulebook at Drivethru RPG because the cost of their colour printing is bonkers and the quality will be nowhere near that of somewhere like Print Ninja or Mixam. Its just not a viable option.

So that's currently where things stand.


Hey there DirectMethod! :)

Happy to have you onboard.

Thanks! Although on 3.5E matters I generally defer to the likes of Beefermatic, Obly99 and others who post some fantastic stuff.

Thanks so much! Really appreciated.

Coincidentally enough in my new 5E book (coming soon guys - I know I keep promising but not long now) I spend the few pages of chapter one (Chapter One: Epic) actually outlining how and why players (and DMs) might be interested in playing an epic level game. I then go on to explain what an epic game entails with some new quick features/rules to reinforce what I mean.

That's what I love to hear! :love:

Not to worry....I got you covered. 8 page section of Chapter 2: Immortality in the new book goes into detail on Divine Realms and its a SUPER simple set of options for customizing divine realms....and I don't mean "change the weather" nonsense that is largely cosmetic at epic levels, I mean PROPER customization.

I know this is for 5E, but large parts of the book will work with ANY system.
"Cosmestic" is a great word, that's exactly the problem with all the other sources. Other stuff is "Immortals are cool" - great, what do I do with that? YOUR stuff is "Immortals are THIS cool, and here's a hundred ideas for it". Great news about being usable outside 5E :)

Okay well to very briefly go over the new Divine Realm options, immortals FREELY get to choose either a Realm-wide "Regional Effect" (from a bunch of options) or a Lair-Wide Effect/Action (doesn't have to be an action - can just be an effect) for every Divine Status...again from a list of options.

e.g. A Lesser God (Divine Rank 4 in my 5E rules) gets 4 total effects, could be 3 Regional/1 Lair effect, or 2:2 or 4:0 etc.

On top of that Lairs also get Defense Options (with about 20 materials to choose from - about half are new), Attack Options (new energy types) and a Mobility Options - but these cost "Quintessence".

So an immortal could build their Divine Lair out of Adamantine, feature Anti-Matter Ballistae and get up and fight like a City-sized Golem...if you can pay for it that is.

The new book is basically Ascension for 5E, with all-new re-jigged (ie. Simpler AND Better) rules, PLUS Chronicle, PLUS Grimoire, PLUS Gods & Monsters all rolled into one book.

Now I was planning to have a FULL Divine Realm as a sort of example/mini-adventure hybrid in the Appendix of the book, BUT I am not sure I can fit that in and I don't want to go above 400 pages, so I might have that as a separate release 48-64 pages or so.

Current plan is to release the PDF for the rules around April/May* 🤞 then finish the Epic Bestiary (at least 5 months after that) and do the Kickstarter for the Bestiary AND the Print Version of the Rulebook.
That sounds like EXACTLY EVERYTHING I hoped it would be!! Hmmm... how to stall the campaign's current main plotline until April/May (and possibly keep stalling longer as needed)... I can do this. It will be worth it 😲

Full disclosure my pricing is going to be $35 PDF/$70 Print BUT buy both for $50/$100 respectively. So if you want to wait a few months longer to get the Rulebook when I release the Bestiary it will be cheaper if you buy both together, but I want to get the Rulebook on sale because (even though I am reasonably comfortable) its scary seeing savings only going one way these past 4-5 months.

*So New 5E Rulebook coming soon...again this is me, trying my best here guys, I promise you will be blown away like never before...once its done.

Best case scenario - so take this with a HEAVY dose of skepticism:
April 2024: 400 page Rulebook pdf available for $35...I might Print maybe a handful of prototype hardback books at Mixam just to see if everything looks good on page (but don't be expecting to pick one up for anything less than a silly price because I got completely stung on those Ascension 2023 special editions and overall lost money giving them for such a price. Much better to just wait for the Kickstarter for a Print copy).
September 2024: 400 page Epic Bestiary (month-long Kickstarter) with Print and/or PDF Options and the Rulebook Print and/or PDF Option for $35/$70 for one or $50/$100 for both (saving 30% if you get both together). PDF obviously "free" when you buy the Print version.

I can't do Print-On-Demand for the 5E Rulebook at Drivethru RPG because the cost of their colour printing is bonkers and the quality will be nowhere near that of somewhere like Print Ninja or Mixam. Its just not a viable option.

So that's currently where things stand.
I'll start saving now! That is going to be SO MUCH AWESOME rolled into one book!


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I'm in the second book of CS Lewis's The Space Trilogy and I'm definitely stealing some of the descriptions and concepts from them to describe other plans, divine realms.

"Cosmestic" is a great word, that's exactly the problem with all the other sources. Other stuff is "Immortals are cool" - great, what do I do with that? YOUR stuff is "Immortals are THIS cool, and here's a hundred ideas for it".

I try to put a bit of thought into it beyond the obvious.

Great news about being usable outside 5E :)

I'd like the book to be its own thing, even if it uses 5E at its core for the combat mechanics, the rest is as system neutral as I can make it.

That sounds like EXACTLY EVERYTHING I hoped it would be!!

I am absolutely bursting to tell people everything, but better just to let the books do all the talking.

Hmmm... how to stall the campaign's current main plotline until April/May (and possibly keep stalling longer as needed)... I can do this. It will be worth it 😲

Yes, annoyed with myself that the Bestiary won't release with the rules themselves. Someone said a while back in a private message that I should have some crazy monster like the Neutronium Golem, so I started creating one or two absolutely ridiculous epic monsters and that number just kept growing and growing and growing. Now I am convinced at least 50 out of the 150+ Epic Monsters are among THE most insanely ridiculous RPG monsters ever created.

Roll on September.

I'll start saving now! That is going to be SO MUCH AWESOME rolled into one book!

I'm going to do my very best to make these books as epic as possible. 🤞

Voidrunner's Codex

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