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Gods and Monsters: Legends Reborn main campaign thread


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Janus forcibly stops himself from recoiling at the sights within the chamber, sweeping his gaze evenly over everything within easy sight. He takes a moment within the anonymity of his helmet, attempting to identify the creature and some semblance of the danger she poses. Regardless of what she actually is, and her desecration of this crypt, it would be smarter to play her game for now, at least until he knew more about what was going on.

"...Janus, House Crownsilver of..." he says, trailing off as he realizes that any other traces of his identity are hidden behind the wall of waiting pain. "...not here, I think."

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Zoser- The gargantuan form stops adjacent to you, it's massive head turns down do look upon you. For a moment, it just stares, then suddenly a large whirlwind erupts into being next to you, it's formless face looking into yours. In Auran, you hear "we gust because we are angry. we are angry because one has trespassed. one has trespassed but is not here. not here. not you. not you." The whirlwind lengthens into a very tall dust devil then moves away to join the storm. You see the head of the gargantuan figure turn up and away from you, facing the direction it was moving. You hear a different auran voice, one much stronger and louder, "we go. he is not here. he never was here. it was a ruse." Then, the massive figure and his raging storm vanish from sight. The weather instantly returning to the norm for a desert. The sands around you bearing the scars of a torrential windstorm, but only for a while.

Loki- The obelisk is of obsidian, and the glowing circular rune can be seen more clearly: it is a 3-leaf flower inside the circle, and the the rune is slowly rotating. Standing near the stone, there is no bite from the wind or coldness of the snow. You recognize this as one of the Waystones, of olden times, and instantly the memory of that time brings back the pain. After you clear your mind of memorizes, the agonizing pain relents, and you can continue with what you were doing.

GM: Waystones were created as landmarks for magical travel and as places of sanctuary for the traveling peoples. They can also be used as anchors for the Bifrost. You detect strong universal and transmutation auras upon it.

Merlin- Your inherited abilities work, but seem diminished somehow, as if the divine power behind them is only barely there. After pondering over the mummified man on the table, you realize that it is an attempt to trap this man's soul within these standing stones as sort of a prison. The corpse does not detect as evil, but within the cone, out beyond the stones, in the fog, you detect multiple presences of evil. As well, darting about unseen within the stone circle, is an overwhelming presence of evil. It darts around through your detection range, always along the outside edges of the stone circle. As if it were trying to escape from an unseen cage. As you try to contemplate the meaning of such things, the unseen evil presence suddenly stops darting about, directly in the middle of your detection spell's area, at the edge of the stone circle. Then the evil presences in the fog stop moving, and all is silent. The overwhelming evil presence begins moving toward you. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up, as you realize that your sensing it has alerted it to your presence...

Helm- The ugly old woman smiles at you, "Welcome, Janus! Please, sit, talk with me, and enjoy a warm meal, won't you?" She looks at the zombie, Herbert, whom you assume he is so aptly named because he is wearing a wooden sign with HERBERT written upon it, "Herbert, please seat our guest at his desk, and then get back to your seat."

Herbert the zombie moans, and holds up his arm bent, waiting for you to sit down, using his arm for assistance if necessary.

Empathizing the syllables of your name, the ugly old woman tries to strike up conversation; "So, Janus. Of House Crownsilver. Please tell me news of the goings on outside of my home. It has been ever so long a time as I have been out to see for myself."

GM: Knowledge arcana, dungeoneering, history, or nature; would be relevant monster-lore checks you can roll
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After waking Sheela sighs with realization that her place in a bat cave, was not a dream. "Great." she mutters and closes her eyes. A silent, but daily prayer to Yondalla is rewarded with a set of spells. Standing slowly she pauses to look for the Direbat. "Are you hear?" She asks to the absent creature. "I can get us breakfast...if you want."

GM: You hear flapping wings, and then the direbat flies into his lair above through a break in the branches, and lands upside down on a branch near you. He swings his head up and back to look at you with a level field of vision. He squeaks louldy but shortly, as if waiting for something
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Sheela frowns at the creature and then stands up straight. "Right then." She mutters quietly in druidic, her words getting out louder as she continues her summoning. Calling forth the power of Yondalla, her prayer and chant is for a companion, a helper for her until such time as the helper lives. Her eyes close slighlty as she waits for the pull, the call to the animal.

GM: You enter a trance. You see yourself flying through the night sky amidst a swarm of bats, your arms that of bat's wings. You can hear where all the other bats are, around you, multitudes of high pitched squeaks but each different from the others. The swarm is flying through a forest, eating the flying insects that get caught in their path. This flying and consuming of insects continues for a long time, as you slowly familiarize yourself with your bat-life. The swarm returns to a cave opening on a cliff face near the forest, they land on the ceiling and begin cleaning themselves and each other, huddling upside down for warmth. As you nustle with the others in your clutch, belly full of food, sleep comes quickly. Then you are awake again, but this time in a much larger bat body. You are hunting in the night sky with your partners, 2 other direbats. They fly in a triangular shape formation with the lead being in the point. Every few seconds you all shrill and listen for the sight to return, looking for prey. Soon, you all spot a herd of deer starting to bed down for the night amidst some poplar trees. Then, in unison, the three of you descend in a spiral, silent fashion. On cue, you each pick a target and bite to scoop it up, each of you grabbing your intended meal. Then you all take flight, heading back to your lair in the tops of some of the tallest trees in the forest, where you devour your meal. Your two partners rip their deer apart, and you see them feeding the young direbats they have in their nest. You have the deer you caught all to yourself. Once you have eaten your meal, you hang from your sleeping branch, and soon sleep comes.

You wake from your trance, and you notice that the direbat hasn't moved from where he was hanging, but the sunlight has already gone from the sky. You realize you were in the trance for the whole day. The warm call of the beast is now present around you, and you feel the pull to the direbat before you. When you touch his head with your hand, the bond is sealed and you feel connected to your new companion.

1340 DR, 10th of Hammer
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In the way of the unseen Xan Yae, I use my psychokinetic ability to control the light around us, decreasing it to pitch black, leaping several feet to my left. As I land I direct the energy through my body and will it into being as a shield, causing the air around me to ripple with force energy. (I manifest force screen)

GM: Impressed by your movements and use of a defensive power, the dragon says "Wise to raise your defenses first. Good. Now, let us see your mental prowess!"
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After the elemental leaves, I immediately go in the direction that it headed.

"A trespasser in the waste. Preserve...persevere."

GM: The path it was taking leads straight back to the still frosty circle you started on. You get the feeling that what ever happened with your appearance drew that creature's attention and it was looking for someone, for a "he".
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Knowing the mental fortitude of these majestic creatures, I muster everything and shove it out with one enormous mind thrust...

GM: You form the image of a spear of energy in your mind and stab it at the dragon's...

OOC: Will negates, save DC 15; Dragon's save is d20+15; rolled an 8, so 23; save negates the damage

GM: "Good, Zuoken. You possess mental power as well as physical. Now, come at me with Xan Yae's might!", shouts Narthcellus.
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*Pleased with himself, over being right, Loki's mind begins to wander. Thinking of different types of magic used to travel, and by travelers, his body shifts fluidly to a new shape, one more useful in eliciting help. As wrinkles line his face, drawn in by some invisible artist, he assumes the form of a kindly elderly woman. He smiles ruefully, as his weakened state and haggard breathing will further enhance the deception. Gathering small stray branches as he paces slowly around the stone, examining it, he absently fashions for himself a crown. Looking down at what his hands has wrought, he frowns, deep in thought.*

~Ever the same, eh. Always seeking a throne, but with no true goal should it be achieved. What would I ever do, I wonder, if I were to succeed at defeating Father? Perhaps that is too deep a thought for today. Even eating that jerky was an effort. And my skin feels stretched and worn as though I held a difficult shape for too long. I need rest.~

Donning his crown, he reaches out to touch the obelisk. Not understanding why, just needing to feel something... anything... to distract him from his current woes. Kneeling before it, bones aching, and chest sore, he extends his hand with curious uncertainty.

OOC: Disguise take 10: Result 40
Conditional event: If nothing of significance occurs, Loki will rest for an hour to recover from exhausted to fatigued. He will then seek out the source of the voices


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Loki- The obelisk feels both warm and cold at the same time, the temperature shifting as if something inside were swirling around, and through your detect magic you can see the transmutation aura moving in such way inside the obelisk, in concert with the glowing 3-leaf rune. While touching the obelisk you have a sense that you can activate a sending effect, to one specific individual on Asgard. However, as you contemplate sending a message, suddenly you receive one, in stead...
"You wear the face of a woman, but I see you, Asgard is denied to you until such a time as Odin deems it necessary." When the voice stops, you are unable to send a reply. You recognize the voice as Heimdall's.

Red Knight- After your preparations, Aurelia wakes suddenly from her sleep, looks at you with an innocent "oops" look, smiles, then stands up to stretch and yawn. "I'm sorry I fell asleep. You slept so soundly and with such a constant rhythm to your breathing that I couldn't keep my eyes open." She reaches into her pouch and pulls out yet another full meal's worth of rations. "Want some breakfast before we spill some Ogre blood?"

Kossuth- The cavern tunnel is, for the most part, straight. It winds in a corkscrew fashion around certain deposits of stone that are harder, or more porous at times, as if this were an old lava tube. As you go down the tunnel, you're sure you are a half-mile under the surface. You the ambient temperature rising in the air, and you start sensing the smell of brimstone. An orangeish glow in the tunnel ahead suggests it is going to open up into a wider area, possibly with lava in it.

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*Loki sighs to himself, surprised by the sender, but not the message*

~Of course it is, nuncle. It was a rare day that I could ever succeed at hiding from you. Perhaps I shall fashion *you* a crown, one day. One which blocks your sight. How, then, would you feel if that which you held most dear was taken, I wonder? You all accuse *me* for events that transpire, while the saintly Thor is ever cleared of wrongdoing. I concede, that there have been times, however few, that I may have been *one* offending party among many. While brother's little friend's only ever receive a pat on the end, and a free ticket home. Meanwhile, *I* am blamed for the actions of others, and denied my rightful place within the family. Go ahead. Enjoy your power and authority. For now. And when you are brought before me in shackles, I shall remember this day, along with many others.~

Loki rests for a time, drinking small amounts of water, while musing whether constant tickling of 10,000 feathers would be more appropriate a punishment, or to allow 1,000 centipedes to crawl over him while unable to move. When his thoughts grow dull, and uninteresting, Loki sets out towards the earlier sound of voices to find a comfortable fire, and new playmates.

Voidrunner's Codex

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