Pathfinder 2E Goloma Sniper


So I want to play a Galoma, and play into their distrust of everyone. Mainly by staying as far away as possible.

As such, looking for a stealth (dex), perception (wis), range (sukgung?), and movement. Possibly some slowing or pushing effects.

Off the top of my head, that's a precision ranger, with sylph heritage for 30+swift+fleet = 40' movement.
Then running reload, skirmish shot, far shot, and blind fighting.

Any other ways to be cowardly?

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So I want to play a Galoma, and play into their distrust of everyone. Mainly by staying as far away as possible.

As such, looking for a stealth (dex), perception (wis), range (sukgung?), and movement. Possibly some slowing or pushing effects.

Off the top of my head, that's a precision ranger, with sylph heritage for 30+swift+fleet = 40' movement.
Then running reload, skirmish shot, far shot, and blind fighting.

Any other ways to be cowardly?

Paranoid, snare-making Ranger could also work.

Voidrunner's Codex

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