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Good assassins?


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I'm making a new character who I want to be a crafty CG rogue/wizard. I've never played this type of character before but I think it could be fun. Browsing through prestige classes, though, I happened upon the assassin and thought 'wow, that's a lot like my new character. He could use some levels in this class'. But then I noticed that an assassin must be evil and must kill some one for no reason.

I plan to just see if the DM minds if we house-rule away the evil requirement, and I would imagine he'll be fine with that; but still I thought it odd and a bit frustrating. I mean, I see what they had in mind when they made the class, but that seems limiting to me because there could be a good assassin, right?

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This has been debated several times before on the boards and (I think) the general consensus was that the D&D alignment system did not allow good assassins. I would have to agree. If you want to have a character that is a generally good guy but does things like kill people for money, you might want to try running without alignment which can allow better shades of gray.



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I think you're right to an extent; what is a fighter but a killer as well, and they can be of any alignment. It's easy to imagine an assassin who works for a good cause and only attacks evil overlords and the like. Perhaps they had "murder for money" in mind when they created the assassin, or were harking back to the 1E assassin who had to be evil too. Then again, perhaps good assassins should be rarer than hen's teeth, so the restriction should perhaps stand in general. If you can convince your DM, I think this can be happily rule-zeroed for your character.


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Hmm... I didn't realize this had come up before; sorry about that :) You have a good point about killing for money; I also can't imagine a good person making that their profession. I guess I just want my character to have the skills of the assassin. You know, so he can assassinate baddies :)


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While it's entirely possible for an assassin character to be good, under the right circumstances, the Assassin prestige class is clearly aimed at a specific type of mystical death-cultist-like assassins who kill for money and not for a good cause.

It's house-rulable, of course, but here you go. A rogue/wizard has plenty of assassination-related skills.


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In my homebrew there is an order of assassins who serve good. They are based on Monica Bellucci's character in Brotherhood of the Wolf. She is a tarot-card reading prostitute and assassin working for the pope.

In my campaign, the order is a PrC. Here some excerpts from the class description (Avasara is the good diety; the religion is monotheistic):

"Unimpeded by most of the moral constraints generally imposed by serving Avasara, the Wearers of Black live among the world’s degenerates and filth. While acting as traders in illicit goods, prostitutes, or in other unsavory roles they seek out rumor of those who have sold their souls to the Abyss. After investigating rumor and confirming it as fact, they strike- without mercy or conscience- until all that is infected by Sin is eradicated. After finishing their work, members always send their investigative documentation to the local Sanctum by way of justifying any executions or other deeds they may have performed within the Diocese.

"When operating openly, the piety of members of this order is always impressive and sincere.

"Members of the order practice a Doctrine of Concealment. A Wearer of Black can conceal her true faith, even act against it in the short term, without repercussion. However, any member who gives the slightest sign of slipping away from pure service to Avasara, as defined by the order, is always hunted down and slain by the order’s leadership."

So, while not assassins-for-hire they do serve good. The player's love the concept and frequently deal with the order. It is interesting to watch as the normally ego-centric party gets a little nervous around the Wearer of Black NPC's, like kids when the teacher comes in to the room.

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IMC, i just changed the name from assassin to nightstalker, and shifted them from being evil cultish killers to being the best of the best when it comes to scouts and trackers from this particular culture.

The culture itself is neutral, and they tend to not like outsiders, so the assassin doesnt take money, but is a better scout than most, and kills real well.

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