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Good Dragon Articles


The Fedifensor and Baba Yaga's Hut adventures were my favourite articles from the pre-3E/3.5E era. The articles on names for the various races were also really useful and well-used and enjoyed.

My favourite "modern" era article was the one on the Ebon Maw tanar'ri lord that another poster to this thread also enjoyed. The article on Balefire, the City of Lanterns was another piece that has really stood out for me. Actually, this was one of the few issues (322, IIRC) that seemed to be worth the cover price. I also really enjoyed the Elder Serpents of Set article but cannot recall the issue it was in at the moment.

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Psion said:
Ioun stones - discussed the origin of IOUN stones in Vance's work, and adapted it to D&D by, creating adventure possiblities in the prospect. I think this was in the 170s.

Did it include new monsters and like an 'ioun' type lord? If so, that was a great article. I really tend to enjoy those articles where they take something and give it something unique about it.


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Erik Mona said:
If people are willing to further indulge an enterprising Dragon editor-in-chief, I'd be interested in hearing about favorite articles since the advent of third edition. By no means change your "historical" list, but I am very interested if anything has stood out from the magazine's modern era.

I have one request before I post them- have author names on the ToC again. Names like Robin Laws, Jonathan Richards, Spike Y. Jones, James Wyatt and esp Gregory W. Detwiler will gain an automatic sale from me. I would add Roger Moore, but I don't think he writes for Dragon anymore.

Now on to the list

274- Indispensible (Laws)

275- Hooked (Laws)

282- Meanwhile, Back at the Slime-pits of Karvan (Laws)

And for a non-how-to-run-the-campaign article, 305- N'Gati (James Jacobs)

The 3 (300 has one) on creature cults (as much as I don't like the term in that context) are also excellent for their basic concept.

I also ask for more OGC articles based on OGC (like the one on prestige races). ST Cooley, Bastion, AEG and others have very useful varient rules that, IMO, should be seen by more people.
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Eosin the Red

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Elder Serpents of Set was fantastic.
The Red Sails setting was great reading.
The Sherwood issue was aslo entertaining.
The Psionic stuff with the alien race ranks right up at the top.
The stuff from Poly (IIRC) on the Deathknights (They had several fully fleshed out).

I really liked the Cities of History 2-3 pagers.

Thyat rounds out my top five without dredging into the actual issues to see what I don't remember that I forgot.


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248 has always been indispensable for me thanks to the Crystal Confusion article on gemstones. I've always hoped for something equally comprehensive on objet d'art, but the closest I've seen are a bunch of random tables which inexplicably allow for clay hats worth 10,000 gp.


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There are three "series" I forgot:

Tom Moldvay's undead series where he expand upon all the basic undead types (skeletons and zombies through vampires) in 126, 138, 162, 198, and 210.

Africa in 122, 189, 191, 195, 200, 202, 209 and 215. I also threw the one with an article on Native Americas in 205 in the same folder on my HD.

"Old life" has 137 (Into the Age of Mammals), 167 (Back to the Age of Mammals), 175 (The Perils of Prehistory), 176 (Playing in the Paleozoic), 187 (Deadlier Dinosaurs) and 204 (Creatures That Time Forgot).


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Erik Mona said:
If people are willing to further indulge an enterprising Dragon editor-in-chief, I'd be interested in hearing about favorite articles since the advent of third edition. By no means change your "historical" list, but I am very interested if anything has stood out from the magazine's modern era.

I really liked the Cities of the Ages articles, particularly when Ken Hite was writing them.

I also liked the Shen article. Dang useful PrC for monks, but it has several variations that you can use to modify the class. Very nice example of PrC design.



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DMH said:
Ecology of the Dungeon, 211- best article ever. Helps bring life to not only dungeons, but much more.

Survival is a Group Effort, 89- a look at humanoid reproductive rates. Useful in long term campaign planning and war type campaigns.

Make Monsters, not Monstrosities, 59- excellent look at monster creation. Almost all of it is still useable today.

Revenge of the Nobodies, 112, Magic Mangling Made Easy, 173, Defeating More with Less, 174- all 3 on how to use "weak" creatures and people to great effect against much more powerful PCs. As is Tucker's Kobolds in 127.

In a Cavern, In a Canyon..., 152- everything you want to know about mining in D&D.

Curses are Divine, 167- curses bestowed by priests.

"Just Give me Money", 167- ways of altering money and using the silver standard. Has many examples from RL cultures and fictional ones.

The End of the World, 138- how to use plagues. Mostly based on the Black Plague, but has so much useful infomation that can be used for others.

Thats my top 10. I would add Magic That Doesn't go Boom, but it is too short and isn't special anymore.
Ourph said:
In no particular order....
"Living in a Material World" by Michael Dobson
"An Army Travels on its Stomach" by Katherine Kerr
"The Care of Castles" by Katherine Kerr
"Knowing What's in Store" by Dave Rosene
"Tables and Tables of Troops" by James Yates
"That's Life in the Big City" by Kevin Anderson and Kristine Thompson
"Wounds and Weeds" by Kevin Anderson
"Deserted Cities of Mars" by Jim Ward
"Halflings, Dwarves, Clerics and Thieves in Dungeon! by Gary Gygax
"The Bandit" by Tom Armstrong and Roger E. Moore
"The Deathmaster" by Len Lakofka
"The Duelist" by Arthur Collins
"Be Aware, Take Care" by Lew Pulsipher

"The Seven-Sentence NPC"--i forget the issue.
"The Sunset World" #150
Ray Winninger's Dungeoncraft run
Role-Playing Reviews, any of them by Rick Swan or Ken Cliffe, and particularly the round-up/comparison ones (such as psionics supplements for 3-4 systems, all in one review).
Tucker's Kobolds editorial
The 3-4 articles on African setting: classes/races, weapons, gods, monsters, IIRC.
Ecology of the Gibbering Mouther
Ecology of the Otyugh
"Bugged About Something?"--really brings out how much fun giant insects can be
"Get Your Priorities Straight"--a way to provide some structure and definition to AD&D alignments so that they make some sense in a real-world context, but still fulfill the game role of absolute moral categories.

Those are just the ones that jump immediately to mind, without digging, or jchecking any of of my lists.

Erik Mona said:
If people are willing to further indulge an enterprising Dragon editor-in-chief, I'd be interested in hearing about favorite articles since the advent of third edition. By no means change your "historical" list, but I am very interested if anything has stood out from the magazine's modern era.

Not to rain on your parade, but I don't think it's coincidence that, prior to your prompting, almost all the recollections were of older articles--many of them late '80s/early '90s. More importantly, i don't think it's coincidence that a large portion--perhaps the majority--of articless cited here are ones that are either rules-free, or have nothing particularly to do with any specific rules system. And i don't think it's just because people have switched systems, and so the system-specific articles are less useful. I think it's that i'm not the only one that finds the most use out of precisely those sorts of articles that provide material that the rulebooks don't, rather than just more variations on the sorts of stuff the rulebooks already provide (i.e., feats, spells, monsters, classes, and other new widgets). While a new class may get a ton of use in the short run--the incantatrix, witch, duelist, and scout, sure saw a lot of use in my games, back in the day--in the long run, you outgrow them. I'm never gonna outgrow an article like Winninger's Dungeoncraft. I may have already learned everything he has to say, or may remember everything he wrote so i don't have to go back to the actual article, but the content is precisely the sort of tthing that transcends campaigns, game systems, and maybe even playstyles.

cignus_pfaccari said:
I also liked the Shen article. Dang useful PrC for monks, but it has several variations that you can use to modify the class. Very nice example of PrC design.


Cool. Glad you liked it. I actually despaired of ever seeing it appear in Dragon, as I sold it to them about 2 years before it saw print.

The article was actually a retread of something I submitted to Dragon in the 2nd edition days - it was rejected then, which I think now was for the best, as it fit so much better mechanically with the versatility of 3rd edition.

Patrick Y.

Voidrunner's Codex

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