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Goonalan's- Forges of the Mountain King PC- Dwarves Only


Please feel free to park your Dwarven PCs in here, CB files for the win- any questions don't hesitate to ask.

Cheers Goonalan

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Just to add, suggested PCs so far-

Cinara Wastewater- Warpriest (Larryfinnjr) DONE
Thorgrim Wildaxe- Twin Blade Ranger (WalkingDad) DONE
Something Sneaky (Ripjames)
Leonard D. Apricot- Fighter Weaponmaster (Hairychin) DONE
Kazzagin- Paladin of Freedom (Pinotage) DONE
Krogan Thundergut- Barbarian (Ressurectah) DONE

Cheers Goonalan
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First Post
The forgeborn dwarves remember well the wrongs done to them in ancient times. In scrolls and stories they recall the exploitation they endured under their giant masters and the betrayal done to them by their creator, Moradin, whom they blame for the horrors visited upon them at the world's dawn. Having broken their chains during the Age of Strife, they look back on history with both pride and regret: pride at having survived, regret for those that they left behind. Forgeborn dwarves keep their shame fixed firmly in their minds and strive to overcome by forever keeping the memory of the lost dwarves who became the present-day azer and galeb duhr.

Honor is everything to the forgeborn, and many spend their lives struggling to live up to the lofty expectations they set for themselves. They are powerful warriors, constant and steadfast companions, and dependable allies. The forgeborn dwarves see it as their purpose to cleanse the stains from their people’s history and to repair the record through their achievements. Even the lowest caste forgeborn sees righting wrongs and loyalty to kin and clan as the highest duty.

And to Cinara Wastewater, there's nothing more important than ensuring her father's and family's good name remain unspoiled, untarnished, unblemished. As sole scion to Phelan Wastewater and heir-apparent to WasteWaterWorks as well as the Septic & Sewer Pumpers' Alliance, Cinara sees what she's dubbed "The Battle of the Bilge" as the perfect opportunity to solidify her house once and for all as a paragon line, one to be remembered in song and script. And, if she can find a place among those chosen to plumb the Lost Hold, she will try to bridge the gap between the common dwarf and the forgeborn through her newfound belief in Moradin as a caring Father who simply made a huge mistake...yes, he left a lot of crap behind, but can't the gods be forgiven by their people?

Cinara is short, even by dwarven standards, with wild, flowing red hair and silver eyes. Even in stifling heat, she will bundle up as the chill of her forgeborn heritage keeps her ever-cold. She'll often fidget, then become upset with herself when she realizes that's she's fidgeting. She's been described as courageous, outspoken, loyal, strategic, and wise beyond her years. She has many friends and is known throughout the Bottom Workers' Guild simply as "Phelan's Daughter."

She looks foward to meeting you soon!


  • Cinara.dnd4e
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Welcome Cinara Wastewater, I mean Phelan's daughter- glad to have you on board.

Others will be arriving soon to join you- patience.

Cheers Goonalan


First Post
Leonard D. Apricot

Leonard was depressed, again. A volunteer was required. And that meant him. The Grand Poobah of the Union of Recyclers, Creative Re-users and Alternative Processors (URCRAP) wanted to make a name for himself, and that meant getting someone else to do his dirty work (haha!). Len’s recent behaviour did not stand him in high favour with the Poobah. His vigorous and vocal campaigning with his friend Egstein in favour of the union of their respective unions, and the subsequent defeat was, in hindsight, a mistake. Anyway, the Union of Biological Urban Miners (UBUM) was an honourable and hard working group of Dwarfs, and Len was sure that the resulting Union of Recyclers, Biological Urban Miners, Creative Re-users and Alternative Processors (URBUMCRAP) would have been a fine organisation with greater power and influence to further the cause of its members at a higher level of Dwarven society.

Now Len was stood in his yellow stained skivvies, arms straight out to the sides, as various co-workers measured him up. He was just an inch over four feet, small even for his kind, and solid in that way that all dwarves are, yet if anything, more so. The missing ‘spare cart wheel’ from his middle was a sign of the fitness of a dwarf that spent his day rummaging through the heavy refuse that was his speciality. Here was a dwarf that lifted mining carts, lift props, and old anvils on a daily basis, sorting the re-usable from the recyclable – he was an Alternative Processor. Still young, his beard had not yet filled out, and his hair was cropped short (not something you want in your way when heavy lifting). After his waist, chest and arms had been measured with knotted lengths of string, they moved onto his hands. Egstein (he had been lent by UBUM to help his friend prepare) was given the task, as the others were wary of his tatts, the twin symbols of the gods Marthammor Duin and Dugmaren Brightmantle, one on the back of each hand.

Once measured, the knotted string was rushed through to the next cavern where the best Creative Re-users in the business were ready to start work on the finest suite of armour that Dwarven kind will have ever manufactured, or so he was reliably informed. He was somewhat doubtful of the grand claim, but had to admit that his fellow workers had been scouring the refuse heaps of the clans in order to locate the best rubbish they could. And he had been continually amazed in recent years of both the quality of the refuse, a sign that some in society were leading ever indulgent lives, along with the growing skills and ingenuity of the CRs. His armour, like the rest of his kit, may be of unusual manufacture, but it would do the job and protect his life. The thought that it would need to just depressed him more. Bloody Grand Poobah!!

View attachment Leonard D Apricot.dnd4e


For those of you with character sheets already parked in the Rogues Gallery then feel free to head here-


The in-game thread, you may wish to partake, for those of you who have not completed your character sheets do not worry, this is just a chance for us to do a little light role-play. To meet the assembled throng and generally get the hang of PBP- and work out how to use the integrated dice roller for those, like me, who have never done this before.

All are welcome to read but please refrain from getting involved until your PC is in the Gallery, as I say just a little light-relief and a chance to figure out how things work.

Cheers Goonalan.


Kazzagin, Paladin of Freedom

Final Update 14/05/2011.

Name: Kazzagin, Paladin of Freedom
Race: Dwarf
Size: Medium
Class: Paladin
Level: 1
XP: 0
Alignment: Good
Deity: Pelor

Sex: Male
Age: 48
Height: 4' 8"
Weight: 203 lbs
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Str: 18 (+4) (+2 Race)
Dex: 10 (+0)
Con: 16 (+3) (+2 Race)
Int:  8 (-1)
Wis: 13 (+1)
Cha: 14 (+2)

HP: 31
Bloodied HP: 15
Healing Surges: 13 (+10 Base +3 Constitution)
Healing Surge Value: 7
Second Wind: 1/Encounter (Minor Action)
Action Points: 1
AC: 20 (+10 Base +8 Plate +2 Shield)
Init: +0 (+0 Dexterity)
Speed: 5 (+5 Race)


Cast-Iron Stomach - +5 Racial vs. Poison

Fort: +15 (+10 Base +1 Paladin +4 Constitution)
Refl: +13 (+10 Base +1 Paladin +0 Dexterity +2 Shield)
Will: +13 (+10 Base +1 Paladin +2 Charisma)

Passive Insight:    +16 (+10 Base +6 Insight)
Passive Perception: +11 (+10 Base +1 Perception)
Languages: Command and Dwarven

Religion   +4 (+5 Trained -1 Intelligence)
Intimidate +7 (+5 Trained +2 Charisma)
Heal       +6 (+5 Trained +1 Wisdom)
Insight    +6 (+5 Trained +1 Wisdom)

Dwarven Skills: +2 Dungeoneering, +2 Endurance
Armor Penalty: -4 (-2 Plate, -2 Shield)

Racial Features: Low-light Vision, Cast-Iron Stomach, Dwarven Resilience, Dwarven Weapon Proficiency (Warhammer, Throwing Hammer), Encumbered Speed, Stand Your Ground (Push, Pull or Slide 1 Square Less)

Class Features: Defender, Divine Power Source, Armor Proficiency (Cloth, Leather, Hide, Chainmail, Scale, Plate, Light Shield, Heavy Shield), Weapon Proficiencies (Simple Melee and Ranged, Military Melee), Holy Symbol Implement, Paladin Defense Bonuses
Channel Divinity - Divine Mettle
Channel Divinite - Divine Strength
Divine Challenge
Lay on Hands
Feats(1): Weapon Expertise (Axes)


Holy Strike (+7 vs. AC, 1d10+4 Radiant, Marked Targets 1d10+5)
Valiant Strike (+7 (+1 per Adjacent Enemy) vs. AC, 1d10+4)
Radiant Smite (+7 vs. AC, 2d10+5 Radiant)
Paladin's Judgement (+7 vs. AC, 3d10+4 Radiant, Ally 5 Squares Healing Surge, Miss Ally 5 Squares Healing Surge)

-10 gp -4 sp

Plate (+8 AC, -2 Check, -1 Speed)
Heavy Shield (+2 AC and Reflex)
Battleaxe (1d10, +2 Proficiency, Axe, Versatile)
Handaxe (2) (1d6, +2 Proficiency, 5/10 Range, Off-Hand, Heavy Thrown)
Adventurer's Kit (Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Belt Pouch, Trail Rations (10), Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Sunrods (2), Waterskin)
Holy Symbol
Torch (2)
Oil (2)

Basic Attacks:
Melee (Battleaxe +7 vs. AC, 1d10+4)
Ranged (Handaxe +7 vs. AC, 1d6+4)
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Str: 14 (+2)
Dex: 11 (+1)
Con: 14 (+2) (+2 Race)
Int: 10 (+0)
Wis: 15 (+2) (+2 Race)
Cha: 16 (+3)

The rest of it looks okay only your stats seem a little underpowered for the following reasons, to begin with Dwarves Now get +2 Con and a +2 for either Strength or Wisdom.

Paladin favours probably Wisdom 3rd best, Charisma 2nd best and Strength primary- I realise you only have the PHB but there seem to be a lot more powers that are reliant on Str over Cha- having said that you can easily do it the other way around and go for primary Cha, second best Strength- the problem with this is you get a free +2 to your strength (if you take it instead of Wisdom), so you can clearly get a higher Strength score than Charisma- if you wanted to.

A lot of players just use the arrays to build their characters, the usual arrays are-

16,14,14,11,10,10- the all rounder


18,14,11,10,10,8- the top heavy


16,16,12,11,11,8- the master class

The all rounder would give you (if you picked Strength over Wisdom)-
Str 18 Con 16 Cha 14 Wis 11 and the rest wherever
For the top heavy (Str over Wis)-
Str 20, (Cha 14 Con 13 or Con 16 Cha 11) Wis 10 and the rest wherever
For the master class (as above)-
Str 18 (Cha 16 Con 14 or Con 18 Cha 12) Wis 11 and the rest wherever

If you want you Lay on Hands to be of use of course you need to get your wisdom up...

Looking at the PHB-

At wills- Cha vs AC Bolstering Strike, Enfeebling vs
Str vs AC Holy & Valiant- I know which two are the better (I think).
Encounters- Again the Strength powers are better, mainly because one of them is versus Reflex rather than AC.
Daily- only one Daily for Str, but your Daily powers get used... well once/day, and the one Str Paladin's Judgement is 3x Weapon (and if its a chunky weapon...) and does a bit of Healing.

Again- you go with what you want, I would seriously start with the arrays though- just easier that way.

Any other help then don't hesitate.

Cheers Goonalan

Having said that this is an RP game-

Walking Dad

First Post

[sblock=Revenant Vampire]
level 1
Revenant (Dwarf), Vampire

Child of the Night
Benefit: You gain the following benefits and weaknesses.
• You arc an undead creature. You arc unaffected by anything that affects only living creatures. You don't need to breathe, which means you arc immune to suffocation. You also don't age. Unlike most undead, you do need to sleep.
• You have darkvision.
• You have resist 5 necrotic.
• You have vulnerable 5 radiant.
• If you end your turn in direct sunlight and lack a protective covering such as a cloak or other heavy clothing, you take 5 radiant damage (plus additional damage from your radiant vulnerability) from the sunlight, and you are weakened (save ends). If you drop below 1 hit point from this damage, you are instantly destroyed.

Blood Is Life
Benefit: Once during a short rest, an ally adjacent to you can willingly lose one healing surge to allow you to regain hit points equal to your bloodied value. You regain hit points equal to your bloodied value.
If you end a short rest with more healing surges than your usual number of healing surges for the day, you lose any healing surges beyond that number but regain all your hit points.

Enduring Soul
Benefit: While you are bloodied, you gain regeneration 4. If you take radiant damage, your regeneration does not function until the end of your next turn.

Unnatural Vitality
When you drop to 0 hit points or fewer and are subjected to the dying condition, you can choose to be dazed, instead of falling unconscious. You make death saving throws as normal, and if you fail one, you fall unconscious instead of being dazed.

Other Features are already included

Str 11, Con 13, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 18.

Str 11, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 16.

AC: 18 Fort: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 15
HP: 25 Surges: 2 Surge Value: 6

Acrobatics +9, Intimidate +11, Perception +5, Stealth+9

Athletics +5, Arcana -1, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +0, Endurance +3, History -1, Insight +0, Nature +0, Religion -1, Streetwise +4, Thievery +4

Level 1: Unarmored agility

Vampire at-will 1: Dark Beckoning
Vampire at-will 1: Taste of Life
Vampire at-will 1: Vampire Slam
Revenant Racial: Dark Reaping
Ranger encounter 1: Blood Drinker
Ranger daily 1: Swarm of Shadows

[sblock=Power Details]
Dark Beckoning
At-Will • Charm, Implement, Psychic, Shadow
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target : One creature
Attack: +6 vs. Will
Hit: 1d6+8 psychic damage, and you pull the target up to 3 squares.

Taste of Life
At-Will • Implement, Necrotic, Shadow
Standard Action Melee 1
Target: One creature
Attack: +4 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d8+8 necrotic damage, and you gain 6 temporary hit points.

Vampire Slam
At-Will • Implement, Shadow
Standard Action Melee 1
Target: One creature
Attack: +4 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10+8 modifier damage, and you can push the target 1 square.

Dark Reaping
Encounter • Necrotic
Free Action
Trigger: A creature within 5 squares of you drops to 0 hit points.
Effect: One creature of your choice that you hit with an attack before the end of your next turn takes extra 1d8+1 necrotic damage.

Blood Drinker
Encounter • Shadow
No Action Personal
Trigger: You hit an enemy with a vampire melee at-will attack power.
Target: The triggering enemy
Effect: The target takes 1d10 extra damage from the triggering attack, and you gain a healing surge.

Swarm of Shadows
Daily • Implement, Shadow, Teleportation
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: Each enemy in the blast
Attack: +4 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d6+8, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: You teleport to a square in the blast and are invisible until the end of your next turn.

Adventurer's Kit, Ki-Focus, camouflage clothes, ? gp[/sblock]

Perception: 15 Insight: 10 Dark Vision
AC 18 Fortitude 12 Reflex 15 Will 15
Initiative: +4
Hit Points: 25 / 25 Bloodied: 12
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: necrotic 5
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Milestones: 0.0
Healing Surge: 6 Surges per day: 2 / 2
At-Will Powers: Penance Stare, Soul Drain, Anvil Touch
Encounter Powers: Dark Reaping, Soul Eater
Daily Powers: Swarm of Ravens


Thorgrim Lowhill was the son of simple dwarf merchants. They were respected for their knowledge of the surface world and their insight in the other races.
These were of no big use as their small caravan was attacked by a svage band of goblinoids. Only two dwarfs survived the attack, one was Thorgrim, the other an elderly woman who served as a cook.

Thorgrim was lucky enough to be 'adopted' by his Uncle Urtrag 'Mas Eyes' Wildaxe, a fierce fighter and master in the use of two hammers.

Thorgrim embraced the teachings and adapted them to his own two-axes style (the axes were a gift by his uncle).

Not of a highborn family, with no more possessions than his trusted axes and a ragged chainmail armor, Thorgrim is still more than happy to fight all enemies of the dwarf race, particularly goblinoids.

After dying in the deep caves below, he was sent back as Grim, dark servant of both the Mountain Father and the Raven Queen.:

The creature formerly known as Thorgrim slowly awakens. It's mind slowed by the transformation and lost much of his living strength and vitality, he wiggles from the stone cairn with unnatural agility. He leaves the armor and axes behind, now useless trinkets from another existence. But he keeps the new dark clothes and the small anvil pedant his father left for him. Suddenly able to see in the pitch blackness, he starts to search for the others, driven to fulfill his oath. The bottom will be up!
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Voidrunner's Codex

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