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"You" says Chronius to one of the arguing scribes. "Where are all the librarians?" I´d like to peruse the books now that they´re not here, but I need a couple good books on Corpus

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Sofia of Merinitia

Sofia is thankful both for the end of winter, and for the respite in her ceremonial responsibilities. Still, I never seem to mind my duties when they celebrate the arrival of Spring. Rebirth should be celebrated - especially around here, she thinks.

She rises, dresses, and emerges out into the cold, early spring air, already greedy not for spring, but summer. She coughs lightly (it seems like she always has a cold), gathers her robes around her more closely, and makes her way towards the Rose Room library, greeting both those she recognizes and those she doesn't along the way. She steps in, hoping it will be warmer inside than it was the last time she was there doing research.


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Diamon: Prasqulelluan scratches his head, and seeps into meditation again. Yes, well, I don't know much about magic, but I recently supervised the illustration of a large tome written by a magus. Perhaps this will interest you? He leads you to another isle.

Chronius: the scribes look at you in alarm, clearly startled by your rude introsion. Hmm... eh... he mumbles, and then his face lights up in gratitude as he notices the precession of librarians passing your isle (along with Diamon). There! he points, there they are!

Sofia: The Rose Room is so called due to the rose-patterns adorning its wooden shelves and furniture. Although it contains a few large tomes, the bulk of the collection is made up of numerous smaller (i.e. normal-sized) books stores within closets, on shelves, and even in some secret compartments. Currently, the sole occupant is one librarian, who is reading a book intently. From past experience, you know it is bad form to interrupt him.
(I assume you wait) After a fairly long wait the librarian finally raises his gaze from the book and fixes it on you. Sofia, isn't it? What would you be looking for this time?

OOC: I understand Sofia have been in the Rose Room in the past, and so knows the customs and the staff. It's a much smaller and less formal affair than the main library, though not without its own peculiarities.
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Yair said:
Diamon: Prasqulelluan scratches his head, and seeps into meditation again. Yes, well, I don't know much about magic, but I recently supervised the illustration of a large tome written by a magus. Perhaps this will interest you? He leads you to another isle.

Let us look at this book. Do you know if it is a summae of magic or merely an illustrated treatise on the aspects of body?
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Diamon: Eh, well, it's a big work, starts with a nice introduction - a *very* nice picture of the male and female bodies, too, we put them in a forest, with little ferrets... oh right, is it a summa. Well, it's rather long. And it has words like "vis" and "initiation" in it, which I think have something to do with magic, no?
Presumably, the magi talk about summae, tractatus, and so on - I figure that's why the terms are in Latin. Sadly, Pas doesn't quite know what to make of what he reads, and doesn't really hold it together as a whole book - just seperate parts.
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I worry what his idea of *nice* pictures is. Still, it mentions vis and I doubt a magus would have written a book with no point just to make the shelves fuller!

Well my friend, let us see this book. Yes, the words you mention have something to do with magic. I am sure the pictures you and your illustrators placed are marvelous! One of these days I will be sure to ask you to oversea the illumination of any books I write.


Chronius: the scribes look at you in alarm, clearly startled by your rude introsion. Hmm... eh... he mumbles, and then his face lights up in gratitude as he notices the precession of librarians passing your isle (along with Diamon). There! he points, there they are!

"Ah, good." says Chronius as he advances there. "So, you´re also here?" says looking at the huge dwarf. "Looking for good Corpus works, too? Well, maybe we could find something for us too. Let´s see..."

Chronius tries to remember some Hermetic mages, famous for their knowledge in Corpus (rolling Order of Hermes Lore, 4(intelligence)+2(ability)+3(roll)=9, and asks for their works.

"Did you get recently any letter?" asks Diamon.


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Someone said:
"Ah, good." says Chronius as he advances there. "So, you´re also here?" says looking at the huge dwarf. "Looking for good Corpus works, too? Well, maybe we could find something for us too. Let´s see..."

Chronius tries to remember some Hermetic mages, famous for their knowledge in Corpus (rolling Order of Hermes Lore, 4(intelligence)+2(ability)+3(roll)=9, and asks for their works.

"Did you get recently any letter?" asks Diamon.
Prasqulelluan and his assistents stop abruptly. He stares at you at amazement, shocked by your sudden appearance. What... what are you doing here? No one is supposed to enter without the Greeting and Recognition ceremony! His voice rises to a high pitch as he waves his finger in anger. You can't just stroll around here without a librarian you know!

OOC: Over the years, the librarians of Gormenghast were able to use their monopoly over the runnings of the important resource to gain liberties not dreamed of by other members of the covenfolk. Prasqulelluan, seventh generation librarian, can be relied on to defend them.

There are of course several renowned msaters of Corpus. The one that springs to your mind is Tortus Acerbus scholae Verditii, as you have once read a treatise by him regarding the decomposition of the body. He is quite renowned for his mastery of the Art, but even more so for his lack of respect for the Church.
BTW, feel free to make one up, if you want to - I'll go along with what you make up, and two (or more!) minds are better than one.


You can't just stroll around here without a librarian you know!

"Unfortunately, I also couldn´t with a librarian, since there were none of you available. I had to ask one of the scribes." retorts Chronius, and sighs -something that sounds disgusting coming from something with almost the looks of a corpse-. "So can we do the ceremony?"

[OOC: Well, it´s clear that for the firsts seasons we´ll be studying, and that right now we´ll be doing very little. I´d prefer if we start the real thing, if you and the other players don´t mind.]


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Yair said:
Currently, the sole occupant is one librarian, who is reading a book intently. From past experience, you know it is bad form to interrupt him.
(I assume you wait) After a fairly long wait the librarian finally raises his gaze from the book and fixes it on you. Sofia, isn't it? What would you be looking for this time?
Sofia smiles at the man, "Still hoping to bolster my defenses, sir. I plan to start a fairly rigorous examination of the nature of faerie magic, but I think it would only prudent to learn to protect myself from it better before delving too deeply. So, I am looking to see what the Rose Room has to offer in the way of warding spells, specifiacally, wards against malicious fey, or faeries of the water. Would you be able to help me locate something appropriate?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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