So I created a different thread for it, looking for contributions in the form of suggestions, that I'd be willing to credit on the credits page by name, if you picked some I use. There's a mechanic I want to give each PC/NPC born in Gothic Western, based on something by Orson Scott Card from his Alvin the Maker series. Everyone is born with a knack, an unusual ability - no more powerful than a cantrip, but could be less powerful. I was hoping for something close 100 options, that would be put into a chart for random roll at character creation. Here's what I've come up with... (feel free to volunteer more knacks, but include a name with your knack suggestion...)
Announce – project your voice 1000 ft.
Annoy – make target creature make saving throw or become annoyed at secondary target creature for 1 round.
Calm Animal – roll save throw to ignore.
Clock – know the exact time.
Cool/Heat – change temperature in 20 ft. radius up to 50 degrees F either plus or minus (maximum range 35 – 110 degrees F), lasts 8 hours.
Count – instantaneous count large numbers of any observable objects (cattle in herd, matches on floor).
Detect Poison
Determine Poison
Dictate – copy a page of text a minute up to 10 minutes.
Eidetic Memory – recall any text or numbers you've read, and know exact dates.
Find North – detect true north even underground, inside a structure, at any location.
Find Water – utilizing divining rods find reliable source of potable water.
First Aid – only usable once per character per 24 hours, restores 1d4 hp.
Flavor – improve the taste of any meal you cook.
Fast Reload – reload up to 10 bullets in s single round.
Fumigate – kill normal vermin in one 5 foot cube per round of application, cannot effect monstrous versions of vermin.
Identify Scent
Know Depth – know the depth of where you are underground, underwater, or inside a structure.
Lift – Lift 1-50 lbs. At range of 20 ft and carry at 20' round speed.
Measure – exactly measure dimensions or distance by sight.
Mimic – mimic voice or sound you have heard.
Sense Taint – persons, places or things that possess Taint radiate to you.
Spark - create a fiery spark within 20 ft distance, which can start afire.
Test Water – potability or toxicity.
Translate – translate language upon hearing it spoken.
2D Illusion – create illusion within a 5 ft cube.
Ventriloquist – throw your voice up to 30 ft distance.
Weather Sense – detect changes in winds, pressure, temperature, humidity to determine weather in near future.