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Gray loses to Meowth again


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Gray seeks a fight.

Open Challenge, because I find your brother to be malodorous, your ancestral home to be forgettable, and your style to be awkward.

Gray of the Cherry Blossom Caves and Valleys
Platinum Sash 1
Signature Style (Cherry Blossom), Signature Location (Caves), Signature Location (Valley), Hard Hitter, Master of Wealth, Arena Fighter, Poison Blade, Bribe Judges (x2), Crowd Pleaser (x2)
Yen Ring (Fist of Fury, Poison Blade)
25 Yen

ooc: My standard conditions. First, no killing. Second, no style matches, normal matches longer than three flags, or speed matches longer than six flags. Also, I prefer speed strategy matches of lengths between 4 and 6 flags.
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Test the plush one?

Reowth? Mreow. How about another go?

I find your hero to be insane, your world to be dilapidated, and your foot to be flippant.

Gang Lord 6(15-4) (17 yen)
Thug Dirty Tricks, Gang Member(Volcano), Style ( Manta Ray )
Gang Boss Sneaky Tricks, Signature Location( Delta ), Gang Member ( Island )
Gang Lord Signature Location ( Hells ), Dirty Tricks, Gang Member ( Heavens )

Signature Style (Turtle), Style Immunity (Turtle)
Item Gamera


First Post
Yeah, sure. All I can do is lose.

Why is it that I can never get matches except against you or Kal, but Kal can get matches against almost anyone? Even with RL....


[ I really don't know... Think it's mostly a timeframe matter, lotta people in the chatroom at night and they are getting up in rank some ]

[ Err standard conditions yada, ie speed ~6, standard ~4, no style, don't care either way if strategy, just not style. and no judge-gen ]
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First Post
MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the hells east of the Baths at Lo Xiang on the evening of the turtle.

Gray, you win the insults by far. Name the conditions of the match.


First Post
"A six flag speed strategy match, please."

Gray's first hand
[13:57] <MeowthBot> 1: The frog slashes across the savanna; defends against the offensive of the fire!
[13:57] <MeowthBot> 2: The crane cuts the castle; fends off the thrust of the armor!
[13:57] <MeowthBot> 3: The confidant turtle dodges over the plain; parts the push of the leaf!
[13:57] <MeowthBot> 4: The crab slides over the forest; reduces the drive of the water! *yen*
[13:57] <MeowthBot> 5: The turtle shouts across the wetlands; absorbs the onslaught of the water! *yen*


<MeowthBot> 1: The kama eliminates the palace; quells the kick of the stone!
<MeowthBot> 2: The claw drops atop the madlands; removes the storm of the amphibian!
<MeowthBot> 3: The ki-rin overwhelms the pond; dominates the storm of the vermin!
<MeowthBot> 4: The monkey slaughters the vale; absorbs the efforts of the rainbow! *yen+yen*
<MeowthBot> 5: The phoenix appears below the island; shields against the chi of the rosewood!
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First Post
Gray beings by hopping around, distracting Meowth, and slashing the plush one, defending himself against Meowth's offensive all the while!

Crowd Pleaser!

The frog slashes the savanna; defends against the offensive of the fire!



Ow, that hurt.

Don't run with kamas you idiot.

The kama eliminates the palace; quells the kick of the stone!
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First Post
For a kama to eliminate a palace is truely a tremendous feat.

Point Meowth!
1 flag Meowth; 0 flags Graydoom

1 yen to Graydoom
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