• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Great Tastes that Taste Great Together!


In which we endeavor to present pairs of d20 products by different companies that when combined, have the potential to create an appealing or interesting contrast, combination, or synergy.

I'll start:

  • Book of Dragons (Mongoose) and Spells & Magic (Bastion) -- Use BoD's specialized age advancement rules and the dragon magic rules from S&M to create a breed of exotic and powerful dragon-mages.
  • Path of [Whatever] (FFG) and Treasure Quests: Crypts & Tombs (FFE) -- Combine legendary classes and legendary quests to make a legendary game sans epic rules.

Any takers?

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Blood & Fists plus Pulp Heroes.

Set the game in 1930s Shanghai, with side trips to the lost cities of Indochina, the hidden temples of Tibet, and the bestreetcared hills of San Francisco.

Think Jackie Chan Adventures meets Indiana Jones meets Big Trouble in Little China.

Give me Bruce Campbell, Lucy Liu, Ray Park, and $50 million, and I could make you a nice little movie about it, too.


Philip J. Reed's Book of Unusual Treasures works splendidly with the Artificer's Handbook.

And I've not done it personally, but I hear lots of talk about how Bluffside and Freeport can easily be merged into one uber city.



Blood and Guts plus Iron Lords of Jupiter.

Think John Carter meets Stargate.

A Special Forces team is transported to an old-school Edgar Rice Burroughs world and puts their training to use, fighting a guerilla war against an oppressive dictator and seeking the way home.


First Post
Spycraft and Mecha Crusade (from Polyhedron). Budget/Gadget points can be converted into build points with a little work, and having your Mech piloted by a Superspy instead of a more average d20 Modern hero is awesome.


die_kluge said:
And I've not done it personally, but I hear lots of talk about how Bluffside and Freeport can easily be merged into one uber city.

Now that's completely different...


Not quite d20 but... Alternity: Dark Matter and Spycraft: Shadowforce Archer... My game starts in May... ;)



Hmmm... multiple entries for Spycraft here. I never thought about mixing Spycraft up.

Okay, I lie. I thought about mixing it up with CoC d20 for delta-green-ish action.


once ran a game where we combined Bushido with Car Wars...

honor rules for seeing which driver blinked first in the chicken race. :eek:

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