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Greenwood on FR npcs

I'm A Banana

I don't mind FR, but the most fun I've ever had in it is in it's horrible and messy destruction. Perhaps that says more about the joys I have destroying things, thuogh. :)

FR doesn't often get a fair case these days, and part of that is definately earned, but I wouldn't blame Greenwood. It's always easier to tear apart than to build up. :)

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Kamikaze Midget said:
I don't mind FR, but the most fun I've ever had in it is in it's horrible and messy destruction. Perhaps that says more about the joys I have destroying things, thuogh. :)

It is your toy, do with it whatcha like.

Hell, I'm the one who advocated my buddy's game began with the crucifiction of Elminster.

A touch of destruction can set a setting, especially a setting as documented as Forgotten Realms, can really let the players know the setting belongs to those sitting at the table, not those who write the novels and the background.


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Paka said:
It is your toy, do with it whatcha like.

Hell, I'm the one who advocated my buddy's game began with the crucifiction of Elminster.

A touch of destruction can set a setting, especially a setting as documented as Forgotten Realms, can really let the players know the setting belongs to those sitting at the table, not those who write the novels and the background.

Never had that problem. FR was my setting from day one. Players who didn't like that fact didn't stick around to play.

Of course now I don't stick with any one setting anymore. The setting is used until the PC's die. Then I decide what setting I want to run next. I own too many friggin settings to stick with just one.


Treebore said:
Never had that problem. FR was my setting from day one. Players who didn't like that fact didn't stick around to play.

Of course now I don't stick with any one setting anymore. The setting is used until the PC's die. Then I decide what setting I want to run next. I own too many friggin settings to stick with just one.

What problem are you referring to?


Kamikaze Midget said:
I don't mind FR, but the most fun I've ever had in it is in it's horrible and messy destruction. Perhaps that says more about the joys I have destroying things, thuogh. :)

I dunno, that's exactly how I feel when I write FR adventures...I love plotting evil things to do to the Realms. :D

Actually, I like plotting bad things that happen to my characters in fiction as well...maybe I *am* just a bastard.


First Post
Guy sounds like Jeffrey Tambor.

As for killing Elminster, or any of the other epic-level characters--well, true resurrection shouldn't be hard for them to come by.


KaosDevice said:
(just tossing in my .02$)

I've ran several FR games since the late 80's where the Uber-NPCs weren't even mentioned. It really isn't all that difficult imho.

Actually it is quite difficult if the players are not single minded dungeon crawlers. By logic, every serious threat should be dealth with by the Uber-NPCs leaving only the "clear kobold infested mine" type of adventure for the PCs.
Always saying that the NPC is busy doing more important thins is silly as you will reach a some point where a more importnat thing is hardly possible not to mention that this would turn FR into a marvel superhero world which is threatened on a daily basis by supervillians which is something many gamers do not like.


I've talked to Ed about the differences between the commercial setting and his setting in some detail. A couple of things:

* The gods are impersonal and mysterious in Ed's Realms.
* His major NPCs either exist as a byproduct of his fiction, were former PCs, or were constructed for eminently sensible, average RPG play reasons, and should be looked at as ciphers for characters that *you* create for those reasons. The patronage that people like Elminister, Mirt, et al provide are not much different than what NPCs do in many games.
* There are many, many aspects of the published Realms that have nothing to do with him, but he isn't unhappy about that. He freely admits that some of his background detail is unpublishable in a commercial market (and not just the, er . . . naughty bits).
* Much of this came out of a seminar where Ed and Ken Hite discussed how to incorporate the Cthulhu Mythos into the Realms, which resulted in ideas so cool that they will pretty much dominate how I run any high level play there. Think, "The gods of the Realms are the equivalent of microbes feeding from the spare essence of the sleeping Old Ones," and "The Drow live underground because they know what's going on; they were the original elves who survived past ages and the happy, Evermeet-tripping elves are the refugees who don't know what's coming to get them." Cool, cool stuff.


eyebeams said:
* Much of this came out of a seminar where Ed and Ken Hite discussed how to incorporate the Cthulhu Mythos into the Realms, which resulted in ideas so cool that they will pretty much dominate how I run any high level play there. Think, "The gods of the Realms are the equivalent of microbes feeding from the spare essence of the sleeping Old Ones," and "The Drow live underground because they know what's going on; they were the original elves who survived past ages and the happy, Evermeet-tripping elves are the refugees who don't know what's coming to get them." Cool, cool stuff.

That is damned cool.

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