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Greyhawk Oddities

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First Post
qstor said:
I believe he was added to serve as a balance to Iuz in the Vesve Forest. He might be extra planar since he has blue skin. I'm not sure there's an explanation to his origins anywhere.


I've made far more use of Philidor the Blue than any of the Circle of Eight. My campaign centers on the Furyondy/Highfolk/Iuz situation and Philidor has been a pivotal NPC for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the most important thing that makes Philidor unique among powerful mages of Oerth is that he is Neutral Good (while the majority of the Circle of Eight are Neutral). So, I see Philidor as taking a far more active role in the fight against Iuz than the more detached and balance-minded Circle of Eight.

Granted my only solid information about Philidor the Blue is what's in the Gazetteer and the few facts I've managed to find online. In my campaign, however, Philidor is an Air Genasi Wizard20/Archmage5 whose focus is on Conjuration and Evocation spells.
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Voadam said:
I believe you are wrong. I believe Xan Yae (at least) is Baklunish.

Xan Yae and Zuoken (should be Zan Yae and Zuoken, or Xan Yae and Xuoken) are both Baklunish. See this clever and flavorful article by Erik Mona.

However, the Greyhawk campaign was never meant to be a place where one's ethnic ancestry is a big deal. In the Flanaess proper most human groups are thoroughly mixed - the Suel haven't really existed since the Rain of Colorless Fire a thousand years ago, and anyone who considers themselves to be Suel (or Oeridian, or Flan) today is probably deluding themselves (even in the Scarlet Brotherhood!). They may have Suel ancestry, but they're hardly of the same stuff as the ancient Imperium, and they probably aren't as "pure" as they might like to think. It's like someone in modern England considering themselves to be a descendent of one of the ancient Romans, Saxons, Angles, or Danes - maybe true, but not very relevant.

Erik Mona said:
Their organization has changed little since then, save that the term D'ar es Shalim has expanded to include those of the Al D'ai Shatain and Zefim who travel the world in search of its secrets. These men and women can be found as far East as the lands of the Schnai, though such mingling with Suel is extremely rare. There is a known, but small, monastery in the Duchy of Urnst and many more enclaves across the Flanaess. To the West, who knows? Some speak of followers of Zuoken in the lands of the Suhfang Kingdom, Tsing-Chu, and even amongst the Changa of the south, though little is known and still less can be proven.

Many of the followers of Zuoken in the Flanaess are searching for their god, who is believed - though those of lower ranks shouldn't be aware of this - to be imprisoned somewhere in the region. Others have given up hope. There's no reason some of them couldn't be of Suel ancestry, particularly Master Li Hon's newer recruits, particularly seeing how Suel-heavy the population around the monastery is.
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Suel gods that might be appropriate patrons for psionicists include Lydia (knowledge), Syrul (deception), Kord (strength), Llerg (bestial rage), Pyremius (fire and assassination), and Wee Jas (magic and law). The Oeridian patron of psionics is Delleb.


First Post
That leads me to another questions: where can I find a listing of the Greyhawk gods by pantheon? I think it would be very cool to find out which ones are Suel, Flan, Oeridian etc, but I never found the time to list them according to that information...

Jack of Shadows

First Post
tassander said:
That leads me to another questions: where can I find a listing of the Greyhawk gods by pantheon? I think it would be very cool to find out which ones are Suel, Flan, Oeridian etc, but I never found the time to list them according to that information...

If you can find one let me know. I've been looking for anything remotely like this for a long time. I'd also love to see creation myths for any of these pantheons.


I rounded out some of the humanoid pantheons with gods from Tal Meta's site, and added other missing gods here and there.

Oerth Pantheon -- Common Gods
Allitur, LG lesser god of ethics, propriety. Heaven/Mertion/Empyrea
Atroa, NG lesser goddess of spring, east wing, renewal. Beastlands/Brux/The Grove of Eternal Spring
Bahamut, LG lesser god of good dragons, enlightened justice, wisdom. Heaven/wanders/The Palace of the Four Winds
Beory - greater goddess of Oerth, nature, elemental preservation, and rain. Material/Greyspace/Oerth
Berei, NG lesser goddess of home, family, agriculture. Elysium/Amoria/Principality
Bleredd - N lesser god of metal, mines, smiths. Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills
Boccob - N greater god of magic, arcane knowledge, foresight, balance. Outlands/The Library of Lore
Bralm, N lesser god of insects, industriousness. Acheron/Avalas/The Hive Fortress
Celestian (1), N intermediate god of stars, space, wanderers. Astral/wanders
Cyndor - LN greater/lesser god of time, infinity, continuity. Mechanus/The Path of Time
Ehlonna - NG intermediate goddess of forests, wildlife, fertility. Beastlands/Krigala/The Grove of the Unicorns
Erythnul, CE intermediate god of hate, envy, malice, panic, ugliness, slaughter. Pandemonium/Phlegethon/The Citadel of Slaughter
Fharlanghn, N intermediate god of horizons, distance, travel, roads. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (wanders)
Geshtai, N lesser goddess of lakes, rivers, well, streams. Outlands/Nature's Rest
Heironeous, LG intermediate god of chivalry, justice, honor, war, daring, valor. Heaven/Venya/The Fields of Glory
Heward - NG demigod of bards, musicicans. Ethereal/Demiplane/Heward's Organum
Hextor, LE intermediate god of war, discord, massacres, confict, firness, tyranny. Acheron/Avalas/Scourgehold
Incabulos - NE greater god of plagues, famine, nightmares, drought, disasters. Hades/Oinos/Charnel House
Iuz - CE demigod of deceit, pain, oppression, evil. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Iuz)
Joramy - N lesser goddess of fire, volcanoes, wrath, anger, quarrels. Bytopia/wanders /// Elysium/wanders
Kelanen - N demigod of swords, sword skills, balance. Ethereal/Demiplane
Keoghtom - NG demigod of secret pursuits, natural alchemy, extraplanar exploration. Astral Plane/Wanders
Kuroth, CN demigod of theft, treasure-finding. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Lirr - CG lesser god of prose, poetry, literature, art. ???
Lydia, NG lesser god of music, knowledge, daylight. Elysium/Amoria/Release from Care
Mayaheine - LG demigoddess of protection, justice, valor. Heaven/Mertion/Arvemma
Murlynd (2), LG demigod of magical technology. Ethereal/Demiplanes
Myrhiss - NG lesser goddess of love, romance, beauty. Elysium/Thalasia/The River Amiel
Nerull, NE greater god of death, darkness, murder, underworld. Carceri/Agathys/Necromanteion
Obad-hai, N intermediate god of nature, woodland, freedom, hunting, beasts. Outlands/The Hidden Wood
Olidammara - CN intermediate god of music, revels, wine, rogues, humor, tricks. Ysgard/Ysgard/The Den of Olidammara
Orcus - CE lesser god of necromancy, torture, pain, undeath. Abyss/Thanatos.
Pelor - NG greater god of sun, light, strength, healing. Elysium/Thalasia/The Fortress of the Sun
Pholtus, LG intermediate god of light, resolution, law, order, inflexibility, sun, moons. Mechanus/The Path of Law
Procan - CN intermediate god of seas, sea life, salt, sea weather, navigation. Limbo/Seasedge
Ralishaz - CN intermediate god of chance, ill luck, misfortune, insanity. Limbo/The Kiss of Luck
Rao - LG greater god of peace, reason, serenity. Celestia/Mercuria/Sweet Reason
Rudd, CN demigoddess of chance, good luck, skill. Ysgard/Ysgard/The House of Cards
Sotillion, CG lesser goddess of summer, south wind, ease, comfort. Ysgard/Ysgard/The Green Fields /// Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (Grandfather Oak)
St. Bane the Scourger - NG demigod of those who hunt undead.
St. Benedor of the Ashen Hand - NG demigod of valor, self-sacrifice, underdogs, and perseverance.
St. Carmichael of the Conflagration - LG lesser deity of peace, opposition to magic.
St. Ceril the Relentless - LN quasideity of order, law, and opposition to chaos.
St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel - LG (LN) intermediate god of common sense, wisdom, zeal, honesty, truth, discipline. Arcadia/Abellio/The Basillica of Saint Cuthbert
St. Eleador the Survivor - NG quasideity of precognition.
St. Kurgoth the Betrayer - CE quasideity of death knights.
Telchur, CN lesser god of winter, cold, north wind. Pandemonium/Pandesmos/The Icicle Palace
Tharizdun (1) - NE intermediate god of eternal darkness, decay, entropy, malign knowledge, insanity. The Prison of Tharizdun
Tiamat, LE lesser goddess of evil dragons, greed. Hell/Avernus/The Dragonspawn Pits of Azharul
Trithereon - CG intermediate god of individualism, liberty, retribution, self-defense. Arborea/Olympus/The Forking Road
Tsololandril - LN demigod of wave motions. Ethereal/Border Ethereal/wanders
Ulaa - LG intermediate goddess of hills, mountains, gemstones. Outlands/The Steel Hills
Vecna (2) - NE lesser god of destructive and evil secrets. Plane of Ash/Citadel Cavitus
Xan Yae - N lesser goddess of twilight, shadows, stealth, mental power. Outlands/The Tower of Iron Will
Zagyg - CN demigod of humor, eccentricity, occult lore, unpredictability. wanders
Zilchus, LN intermediate god of power, prestige, money, business, influence. Outlands/The Marketplace Eternal
Zodal, NG lesser god of mercy, hope, benevolence. Elysium/Eronia/Morninglory
Zuoken, N demigod of physical and mental mastery. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Castle Greyhawk)

(2) For a time trapped in Ravenloft, the Demiplane of Dread.

Oerth Pantheon - Unknown Origin
Kyuss - NE demigod of creation and mastery of undead.
Tharizdun (1) - NE intermediate god of eternal darkness, decay, entropy, malign knowledge, insanity. The Prison of Tharizdun
Ulaa - LG intermediate goddess of hills, mountains, gemstones. Outlands/The Steel Hills
Vilp-akf'cho Rentaq (3) - NE intermediate god of elemental evil. Ethereal/Demiplane/The Prison of the Elder Elemental Eye
Wastri - LE demigod of amphibians, bigotry, self-deception. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Vast Swamp)

(1) Imprisoned in a demiplane by the other greater gods of Oerth. His demiplane is believed to be coterminous to each of the four Elemental Planes, or else in the Deep Ethereal, or at a point not coterminous to any other point in the multiverse, but this may all be hearsay. Possibly the same entity as Vilp-akf'cho Rentaq. Although Tharizdun is currently an intermediate god, it is speculated that if he should escape from hs prison, he would gain the power of a greater god.
(3) The Elder Elemental Eye/God. Possibly an aspect of Tharizdun and/or Ghaunadaur. His demiplane is coterminous to each of the four Elemental Planes.

Oerth Pantheon -- Baklunish
Al'Akbar, LG demigod of guardianship, faithfulness, dignity, duty. Heaven/Mertion/Soqed Hazi
Azor'alq, NG demigod of light, purity, courage, strength. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Daoud, N demigod of humility, clarity, immediacy. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Geshtai, N lesser goddess of lakes, rivers, well, streams. Outlands/Nature's Rest
Istus* N greater goddess of fate, destiny, divination, future, honesty. Outlands/The Web of Fate
Mouqol, N lesser god of trade, negotiation, ventures, appraisal, reciprocity. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Xan Yae, N lesser goddess of twilight, shadows, stealth, mental power. Outlands/The Tower of Iron Will
Zuoken, N demigod of physical and mental mastery. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)

Oerth Pantheon -- Flan
Allitur, LG lesser god of ethics, propriety. Heaven/Mertion/Empyrea
Beory* N greater goddess of nature, rain. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth
Berei, NG lesser goddess of home, family, agriculture. Elysium/Amoria/Principality
Bleredd, N lesser god of metal, mines, smiths. Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills
Earth Dragon - LE demigod of weather, hidden treasures. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Pomarj)
Iuz - CE demigod of deceit, pain, oppression, evil. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Iuz)
Nerull, NE greater god of death, darkness, murder, underworld. Carceri/Agathys/Necromanteion
Obad-hai, N intermediate god of nature, woodland, freedom, hunting, beasts. Outlands/The Hidden Wood
Pelor, NG greater god of sun, light, strength, healing. Elysium/Thalasia/The Fortress of the Sun
Rao, LG greater god of peace, reason, serenity. Celestia/Mercuria/Sweet Reason
Vathris, LN demigod of anguish, lost causes, revenge. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Bright Desert)
Vecna (2) - NE lesser god of destructive and evil secrets. Plane of Ash/Citadel Cavitus
Zodal, NG lesser god of mercy, hope, benevolence. Elysium/Eronia/Morninglory

(2) For a time trapped in Ravenloft, the Demiplane of Dread.

Oerth Pantheon -- Oeridian
Atroa, NG lesser goddess of spring, east wing, renewal. Beastlands/Brux/The Grove of Eternal Spring
Celestian (1), N intermediate god of stars, space, wanderers. Astral/wanders
Daern, LN demigoddess of defense, fortifications. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Delleb, LG lesser god of reason, intellect, study. Celestia/Solania/The Great Library
Erythnul, CE intermediate god of hate, envy, malice, panic, ugliness, slaughter. Pandemonium/Phlegethon/The Citadel of Slaughter
Fharlanghn, N intermediate god of horizons, distance, travel, roads. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Heironeous, LG intermediate god of chivalry, justice, honor, war, daring, valor. Heaven/Venya/The Fields of Glory
Hextor, LE intermediate god of war, discord, massacres, confict, firness, tyranny. Acheron/Avalas/Scourgehold
Johydee, NG demigod of deception, espionage, protection. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Kurrel, CN demigod of jealousy, revenge, theft. Pandemonium/Pandesmos/The House of the Bitter Hand
Merikka, LG demigoddess of farming, agriculture, home. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Pholtus, LG (LN) intermediate god of light, resolution, law, order, inflexibility, sun, moons. Mechanus/The Path of Law
Procan, CN intermediate god of seas, sea life, salt, sea weather, navigation. Limbo/Seasedge
Rudd, CN demigod of chance, good luck, skill. Ysgard/Ysgard/The House of Cards
Sotillon, CG lesser goddess of summer, south wind, ease, comfort. Ysgard/Ysgard/The Green Fields /// Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (Grandfather Oak)
Stratis (2)- LN demigod of war. Mechanus/?
Stern Alia, LN demigoddess of culture, law, motherhood. Acheron/Avalas/Scourgehold
Telchur, CN lesser god of winter, cold, north wind. Pandemonium/Pandesmos/The Icicle Palace
Velnius, N lesser god of sky, weather. Elysium/Eronia/wanders
Wenta, CG lesser goddess of autumn, west wind, harvest, brewing. Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor
Zilchus, LN intermediate god of power, prestige, money, business, influence. Outlands/The Marketplace Eternal

(1) Has a sizeable following outside Greyspace, throughout arcane space.
(2) Stratis is dead, killed by mortal adventurers

Oerth Pantheon -- Suloise
Beltar, CE lesser goddess of malice, caves, pits. Pandemonium/The Black Pit
Bralm, N lesser god of insects, industriousness. Acheron/Avalas/The Hive Fortress
Dalt, CG lesser god of portals, doors, enclosures, locks, keys. Outlands/wanders
Fortubo, LG lesser god of stone, metals, mountains, guardianship. Celestia/Solania/The Empyrean Delve
Jascar, LG lesser god of hills, mountains. Bytopia/Shurrock/Centerspire
Kord, CG intermediate god of athletics, sports, brawling, strength, courage. Ysgard/Ysgard/The Hall of the Valiant
Lendor* LN intermediate god of time, tedium, patience, study. Mechanus/The Wheel of Time
Llerg, CN lesser god of beasts, strength. Limbo/Beasthaven
Lydia, NG lesser god of music, knowledge, daylight. Elysium/Amoria/Release from Care
Norebo, CN lesser god of luck, gambling, risks. Limbo
Osprem, LN lesser goddess of sea voyages, ships, sailors. Water/Whirlcurrents
Phaulkon, CG lesser god of air, wind, clouds, birds, archery. Air/??? /// Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor /// Arborea/Olympus/Olympus
Phyton, CG lesser god of nature, beauty, farming. Arborea/Olympus/Olympus
Pyremius, NE lesser god of fire, poison, murder. Hades/Niflheim/The Black Volcano
Ranet (1) - N poison victims. Outlands/Temple of Ash.
Syrul, NE lesser goddess of lies, deceit, treachery, false promises. Gehenna/Khalas/The Palace of Ugly Truth /// Hades/Oinos/The Fortress of Beautiful Lies
Vatun (2), CN lesser god of barbarians, cold, winter, arctic beasts.
Wee Jas, LN intermediate goddess of magic, death, vanity, law. Acheron/Ocanthus/Cabal Macabre
Xerbo, N lesser god of seas, sailing, money, business. Plane of Water

(1) Ranet was formally the goddess of the hearth; she was poisoned by Pyremius, who stole her power over flame. Now she protects the Suloise savages of the Amedio jungle from poisonous serpents and yuan-ti.
(2) Vatun was imprisoned by Telchur, god of winter.

Oerth Pantheon -- Touv
Berna, CN demigoddess of passion, forgiveness. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Hepmonaland)
Breeka, N intermediate goddess of living things. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Hepmonaland)
Damaran, NE demigod of vermin, cowardice. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Hepmonaland)
Katay, LN lesser god of decay, inevitablity, order, time. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Hepmonaland)
Kundo, LG lesser god of building, noise, music, defense. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Hepmonaland)
Meyanok, NE lesser god of serpents, poison, discord, darkenss, famine. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Hepmonaland)
Nola, NG intermediate goddess of sun. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Hepmonaland)
Uvot*, NG greater god of prosperity. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Hepmonaland)
Vara, NE demigoddess of nightmares, fear. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Hepmonaland)
Vogan, CG intermediate god of weather, storms. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Hepmonaland)
Xanag, N lesser goddess of metals, beauty. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Hepmonaland)

Olman Pantheon
Apocatequil CE god of lightning and the moon.
Camaxtli (Mixcoatl), N greater god of time, fate.
Camazotz (Zotzilaha). NE lesser god of bats, caves, underworld.
Centeotl, CN intermediate goddess of agriculture, illness, pain.
Chalchihuitlicue, CG lesser goddess of love, fertility, flowing water, health.
Chitza-Atlan, NE demigod of guarding the underworld.
Coatlicue, N intermediate goddess of earth, fertility.
Huhueteotl, CE intermediate god of fire, motion of time.
Huitzilopochtli, NE intermediate god of war, light.
Hurakon, CN demigod of floods and unrestrained fury.
Ixtlilton, LG lesser god of health, medicine.
Metzli, NG intermediate goddess of night, animal growth.
Mictlancihuatl, LE greater goddess of death.
Mictlantecuhtli, LE greater god of death.
Ometeotl, N greater god/goddess of creation, duality.
Quetzalcoatl (Kukulcan), LN greater god of nobility, air, wisdom, life, birds, snakes.
Tezcatlipoca, CE greater god of sun, moon, fire, night, betrayal.
Tlaloc (Azul, Chac), LE intermediate god of rain, moisture.
Tlazolteotl, CE intermediate goddess of vice, bodily pleasure, Oerth mother, agriculture, nature.
Xipe Totec, N intermediate god of spring, sacrifices, goldsmithing.
Xochipilli, N intermediate god of beauty, good and bad luck.
Xolotl, LE greater god of evil, tyranny, decadence.
Xochiquetzal, NG intermediate goddess of love, flowers, celebration.

Elemental Pantheon
Akadi, N greater goddess of air. Air/The Great Funnel
Ben-Hadar. NG archomental of water. Water/Ssesurgass
Chan. NG archomental of air. Air/Palace of Unseen Contemplation
Cryonax (1). NE archomental of ice. Plane of Ice/The Chiseled Estate
Grumbar, N greater god of earth. Earth/The Great Mountain
Imix (1)(2), NE archomental of fire. Fire/Plane of Burnt Dreams/Temple of Ultimate Consumption
Istishia, N greater god of water. Water/The Sea of Timelessness
Kossuth, N greater god of fire. Fire/The Crimson Pillar
Ogremoch (1). NE archomental of earth. Earth/Stonemire
Olhydra (1). NE archomental of water, Water/Coral Castle of Olhydra
Sunnis. NG archomental of earth. Earth/Sandfall
Yan-C-Bin (1). NE archomental of air. Air/Palace of Solid Air
Zaaman Rul (3). NG archomental of fire. Fire/wanders

(1) Possibly a child of the Elder Elemental God.
(2) Involved with the Temple of Elemental Evil. Perhaps dead in the events surrounding its return.
(3) Son of Imix

Bugbear Pantheon
Erythnul, CE intermediate god of hate, envy, malice, panic, ugliness, slaughter. Pandemonium/Phlegethon/The Citadel of Slaughter
Grankhul. CE lesser god of hunting, senses, and surprise
Guroth (1) - NE lesser goddess of motherhood.
Hruggek* CE intermediate god of violence and combat. Pandemonium.
Iuz - CE demigod of deceit, pain, oppression, evil. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Iuz)
Niggrath - CE intermediate goddess of earth and fertility. Abyss/The Teeming Woods
Skiggaret -. CE demigod of fear
Stalker - NE demigod of hate, death, cold. Prime Material Plane/wanders

(1) Guroth was the mother of Hruggek and Maglubiyet. She died in childbirth.

Dragon Pantheon
Aasternian, CN lesser goddess of play, invention, pleasure. Ysgard/Nidavellir/Brassberg
Astilabor, CN intermediate goddess of aquisitiveness. Limbo/House of Wealth
Bahamut, LG lesser god of good dragons, enlightened justice, wisdom. Heaven/wanders/The Palace of the Four Winds
Chronepsis, N intermediate god of fate, death, judgement. Outlands/The Mausoleum of Chronepsis
Falazure, NE lesser god of undeath, decay, exhaustion. Carceri/Minethys/The Mausoleum of Pain
Garyx, CE intermediate god of fire, purification. Abyss/House of Flame
Io* (1), greater god of dragonkind, creation. Realm unknown.
Kereska, CN intermediate goddess of magic, creativity. Limbo/House of Wonders
Lendys, LN intermediate god of balance, justice. Mechanus/House of Justice
Nathair Sgiathach (fairy dragon, pseudodragon), CG intermediate god of mischief. Faerie/The Seelie Court
Sardior, N lesser god of neutral dragons, psionics. Plane of Air/the Ruby Palace
Tamara, NG intermediate goddess of life, mercy, forgiveness, light. Elysium/House of Mercy
Task, CE lesser god of greed, selfishness. Pandemonium/House of Cravings
Tiamat, LE lesser goddess of evil dragons, greed. Hell/Avernus/The Dragonspawn Pits of Azharul

(1) Io encompasses all nine alignments.

Drow Pantheon
Graz'zt. CE Abyssal Prince of arcana, shadows. Abyss/Azzagrat.
Keptolo, CE demigod of males, flattery, intoxication, rumor, opportunism. Abyss/66th/The Demonweb Pits
Kiaransali, CE demigoddess of undead, vengeance, wealth. Abyss/66th/Demonweb Pits.
Lolth* (Arachne, Megwandir), CE intermediate goddess of spiders, evil, darkness, chaos. Abyss/66th/The Demonweb Pits
Vilp-akf'cho Rentaq (1) - NE intermediate god of elemental evil. Ethereal/Demiplane/The Prison of the Elder Elemental Eye
Zinzerena, CN demigoddess of assassins, rebels. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)

(1) The Elder Elemental Eye/God. Possibly an aspect of Tharizdun.

Dwarf Pantheon
Abbathor, NE intermediate god of greed, wealth. Hades/Oinos/The Glitterhell
Berronar Truesilver, LG intermediate goddess of safety, truth, home, family, community, marriage, love. Heaven/Solania/Erackinor
Clangeddin Silverbeard, LG intermediate god of war, valor, victory, honor. Arcadia/Abellio/Mount Clangeddin
Dugmaren Brightmantle, NG lesser god of scholarship, discovery, invention. Outlands/The Dwarven Mountain (Soot Hall)
Dumathoin, N intermediate god of earthly riches, mining, exploration, protection of the dead. Outlands/The Dwarven Mountain (Deepshaft Hall)
Fortubo, LG lesser god of stone, metals, mountains, guardianship. Celestia/Solania/The Empyrean Delve
Gendwar Argrim LN hero-god of fatalism, obsession. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (the Flanaess)
Hanseath - CN lesser god of war, carousing, alcohol. Ysgard/Nidavellir/The Cavern of Rest
Muamman Duathal, CG lesser god of adventurers, wanderers, travellers, lightning. Ysgard/Nidavellir/The Cavern of Rest
Moradin*, LG greater god of creation, smithing, crafts, war, protection. Heaven/Solania/Erackinor
Tharmekhûl - N god of the forge, fire, warfare. Heaven/Solania/Erackinor
Ulaa - LG intermediate goddess of hills, mountains, gemstones. Outlands/The Steel Hills
Vergadain, CN intermediate god of wealth, luck, merchants, thieves. Outlands/The Dwarven Mountain (Strongale Hall)

Elf Pantheon
Aerdrie Faenya, CG intermediate goddess of air, weather, birds, rain, fertility. Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (The Floating Palace of Aerdrie) /// Ysgard/Ysgard/Alfheim
Corellon Larethian*, CG greater god of arts, crafts, magic, music, war. Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (Gwyllachaightaeryll the Many-Splendored)
Deep Sashelas, CG intermediate god of creation, knowledge, beauty, water magic, seas. Arborea/Ossa/Elavandor /// Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (The Sparkling Sea)
Ehlonna - NG intermediate goddess of forests, wildlife, fertility. Beastlands/Krigala/The Grove of the Unicorns
Erevan Ilesere, CN intermediate god of mischief, change, rogues. Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (The Gnarl)
Fenmarel Mestarine, CN lesser god of outcasts, scapegoats. Limbo/Fennimar
Gadhelyn, CN demigod of independence, outlawry, feasting, hunting. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Hanali Celanil, CG intermediate goddess of love, beauty, art. Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (The Crystal Palace of Hanali)
Labelas Enoreth, CG intermediate god of time, longevity, history. Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (The Vanishing Tower of Labelas)
Rellavar Danuvien, NG lesser god of cold, protection from the elements. Beastlands/Karasuthra/The Ice Plains
Rillifane Rallathil, CG intermediate god of woodlands, nature, druids. Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (Grandfather Oak)
Sehanine Moonbow, CG intermediate goddess of mysticism, dreams, death, moon, stars, heavens. Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (Gwyllachaightaeryll the Many-Splendored)
Shevarash, CN demigod of loss, vengeance, crusades, hatred of the drow. Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor /// Limbo (Fennimar)
Solonor Thelandira, CG intermediate god of archery, hunting, wilderness, survival. Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor (The Pale Tree)
Tarsellis Menniduin, CN intermediate god of mountains, rivers, wilderness. Ysgard/Ysgard/The Wild Hunt
Tethrin Veralde, NG demigod of bladesingers, swordsmanship. Elysium/Amoria/Tethridar
Trishina, NG lesser goddess of love, fidelity, play, dolphins. Elysium/Thalasia/wanders /// Heaven/Lunia/wanders
Ye'Cind, CG demigod of music, songs. Arborea/Olympus/Brightwater

Fey Pantheon
Caomhin (killmoulis), N demigod of food, friendship. Faerie/The Seelie Court
Damh (atomie, korred, satyr), CN lesser god of song, dance. Faerie/The Seelie Court
Eachthighern (pegasus, unicorn), CG lesser god of healing, loyalty, protection. Faerie/The Seelie Court
Ehlonna - NG intermediate goddess of forests, wildlife, fertility. Beastlands/Krigala/The Grove of the Unicorns
Emmantiensien (treant), CG intermediate god of trees, magic. Faerie/The Seelie Court
Fionnghuala (swanmay), NG demigoddess of communication, sorority. Faerie/The Seelie Court
Nathair Sgiathach (fairy dragon, pseudodragon), CG intermediate god of mischief. Faerie/The Seelie Court
Oberon (Auberon), NG lesser god of animals, the supernatural world. Faerie/The Seelie Court
The Queen of Air and Darkness, CE intermediate goddess of magic, darkness, murder. Pandemonium/The Unseelie Court
Squelaiche (leprechaun, pixie, sprite), CN demigod of trickery, illusion. Faerie/The Seelie Court
Titania*, CG greater goddess of magic, the natural world. Faerie/The Seelie Court
Verenestra (dryad, nymph, sylph), N lesser goddess of charm, beauty. Faerie/The Seelie Court

Giant Pantheon
Annam*, N greater god of magic, knowledge, fertility, philosophy. Ysgard/Ysgard/Gundheim /// Outlands/The Hidden Realm
Baphomet. CE lesser god of minotaurs, battle. Abyss/Endless Maze.
Diancastra, CN demigoddess of trickery, wit, impudence, pleasure. wanders
Grolantor, CE intermediate god of hill giants, hunting, combat, gluttony. Carceri/Cathrys/The Steading
Hiatea, NG greater goddess of nature, agriculture, hunting, community. Elysium/Eronia/Woodhaven
Iallanis, CG lesser goddess of love, mercy, beauty. Arborea/Olympus/Florallium
Karontor, NE lesser god of fomorians, deformity, hatred, beasts. Carceri/Minethys/The Rack
Kostchtchie. CE demigod of strength, violence. Abyss/Iron Wastes.
Memnor, NE intermediate god of cloud giants, pride, mental prowess, control. Gehenna/Chamada/Thraotor
Skoraeus Stonebones, N intermediate god of stone giants, earth, arts. wanders
Stronmaus, CG greater god of storm giants, sun, sky, weather, joy. Beastlands/Karasuthra/Stormhold
Surtr, LE intermediate god of fire giants, fire, war. Ysgard/Muspelheim/Muspelheim
Thrym, CE intermediate god of war, cold, frost giants. Ysgard/Ysgard/Jotunheim

Gnoll Pantheon
Gorellik, CE demigod of hunting, hyenas, hyenadons. Abyss/wanders /// Pandemonium/wanders
Erythnul, CE intermediate god of hate, envy, malice, panic, ugliness, slaughter. Pandemonium/Phlegethon/The Citadel of Slaughter
Iuz - CE demigod of deceit, pain, oppression, evil. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Iuz)
Yeenoghu, CE lesser god of gnolls, cannibalism, necrophagia, and ghouls. Abyss/The Seeping Woods

Gnome Pantheon
Baervan Wildwanderer, NG intermediate god of forests, nature, travel. Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (Whisperleaf)
Baravar Cloakshadow, NG lesser god of illusion, protection, deception. Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (The Hidden Knoll)
Callarduran Smoothhands, NG intermediate god of earch, caves, mining, stone. Bytopia/Dothion/Deephome
Flandal Steelskin, NG intermediate god of mining, smithing, fitness. Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (The Mithral Forge)
Gaerdal Ironhand, LG lesser god of protection, vigilance, combat. Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (Stronghaven)
Garl Glittergold*, NG greater god of protection, humor, wit, gencutting, jewelrymaking. Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (Glitterhome)
Gelf Darkhearth - CN intermediate god of entropy, revenge. Pandemonium/Pandesmos/The Dark Hearth.
Nebelun, CG lesser god of inventions, good luck. Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (The Workshop)
Roykyn, NE demigoddess of cruelty. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Segojan Earthcaller, NG intermediate god of earth, nature. Bytopia/Dothion/The Golden Hills (The Gemstone Burrow)
Sheyanna Flaxenstrand. CG intermediate goddess of love, beauty, and passion. Arborea/Olympus/Brightwater.
Urdlen, CE intermediate god of greed, bloodlust, evil, hatred, blind destruction. Abyss/399th/The Worm Realm

Goblin/Hobgoblin Pantheon
Bargrivyek, LE lesser god of cooperation, territory. Hell/Avernus/The Peaceable Lands
Guroth (1) - NE lesser goddess of motherhood.
Khurgorbaeyag, NE lesser god of goblins, slavery, oppression, morale. Acheron/Avalas/Clangor
Maglubiyet* - LE greater god of war, rulership. Acheron/Avalas/Clangor
Nomog-Geaya, LE lesser god of hobgoblins, war, authority. Acheron/Avalas/Clangor
Stalker, NE demigod of hate, death, cold. Prime Material Plane/wanders
Teshukret. NE lesser goddess of fertility, discipline, and obedience. Acheron/Avalas/Clangor.

(1) Guroth was the mother of Hruggek and Maglubiyet. She died in childbirth.

Halfling Pantheon
Arvoreen, LG intermediate god of martial defense, vigilance, duty, warriors. Heaven/Venya/Green Fields
Brandobaris, N lesser god of stealth, thievery, adventure, rogues. wanders
Charmlaine, N demigoddess of keen senses, narrow escapes. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Cyrollalee, LG intermediate goddess of friendship, trust, home, hearth, honesty, hospitality, crafts. Heaven/Venya/Green Fields
Dallah Thaun, CN intermediate goddess of Halflings, secrets, guile, thieves, rogues, acquisition of wealth, death.
Sheela Peryroyl, N intermediate goddess of nature, agriculture, song, dance, beauty, love. Outlands/The Flowering Hill
Urogalan, LN demigod of earth, death, protection of the dead. Elysium/Eronia/Soulearth
Yondalla*, LG greater goddess of protection, fertility, wisdom, family, community, prosperity. Heaven/Venya/Green Fields

Kobold Pantheon
Dakarnok, LE demigod of war, bandits. Hell/Avernus/Draukari
Falazure, NE lesser god of undeath, decay, exhaustion. Carceri/Minethys/The Mausoleum of Pain
Gaknulak, LE demigod of protection, stealth, trickery. Gehenna/Khalas/Athnuthrak
Jiqasta. LE demigoddess of fertility, healing, and discipline. Hell/Avernus/Draukari.
Kuraulyek, NE demigod of urds, bats, hiding, cowardice. Hades/Oinos/Urdrest
Kurtulmak*, LE greater god of war, mining, trapmaking. Hell/Avernus/Draukari
Task, CE lesser god of greed, selfishness. Pandemonium/House of Cravings
Tiamat, LE lesser goddess of evil dragons, greed. Hell/Avernus/The Dragonspawn Pits of Azharul

Mongrelman Pantheon
Meriadar, LN intermediate god of patience, meditation, tolerance, arts, crafts. Arcadia/Buxenus/The Hand of Peace

Ogre/Troll Pantheon
Beltar, CE lesser goddess of malice, caves, pits. Pandemonium/The Black Pit
Erythnul, CE intermediate god of hate, envy, malice, panic, ugliness, slaughter. Pandemonium/Phlegethon/The Citadel of Slaughter
Vaprak, CE lesser god of combat, greed. Abyss/524th/Shatterstone

Orc Pantheon
Baghtru, CE intermediate god of strength, combat. Acheron/Avalas/Nishrek
Erythnul, CE intermediate god of hate, envy, malice, panic, ugliness, slaughter. Pandemonium/Phlegethon/The Citadel of Slaughter
Gruumsh*, CE greater god of war, territory. Acheron/Avalas/Nishrek
Ilneval, NE intermediate god of warfare, strategy. Acheron/Avalas/Nishrek
Iuz - CE demigod of deceit, pain, oppression, evil. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (Iuz)
Luthic, NE lesser goddess of fertility, medicine, servitude. Acheron/Avalas/Nishrek
Nazarn, N demigod of formal and public combat. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Flanaess)
Shargaas, NE intermediate god of darkness, thieves. Gehenna/Krangath/The Night Below
Yurtrus, NE intermediate god of death, disease. Hades/Oinos/Fleshslough

Reptilian Pantheon
Laogzed (troglodyte), CE demigod of gluttony. Abyss/181st/The Rotting Plain
Merrshaulk (yuan-ti) (Sseth), CE intermediate god of poison, somnolence. Abyss/74th/Smaragd
Parrafaire (naga), CN demigod of guardianship. Carceri/Minethys/Trickster's Delight
Ramenos (bullywug), CE lesser god of somnolence, intoxication, decay. Abyss/74th/Smaragd
Semuanya (lizardfolk), N lesser god of survival, propigation. Outlands/Semuanya's Bog
Sess'innek (lizardfolk). CE demigod of civilization, domination. Abyss/the Phantom Realm.
Shekinester (1) (medusa, naga), N greater goddess of destruction, knowledge, creation, maintenence. Outlands/The Court of Light
Wastri - LE demigod of amphibians, bigotry, self-deception. Prime Material Plane/Greyspace/Oerth (The Vast Swamp)

(1) Shekinester has three different aspects: the Creator (Neutral), the Preserver (Lawful Good), and the Destroyer (Chaotic Evil), each of which is revered by a different variety of naga -- water naga, guardian naga, and spirit naga, respectively.

Sea Pantheon
Demogorgon (Ixitxachitl, kopru). CE lesser god of insanity, energy draining, domination. Abyss/Gaping Maw.
Eadro (1) (locathah, merfolk), N intermediate god of water. Water/Shelluria
Osprem, LN lesser goddess of sea voyages, ships, sailors. Water/Whirlcurrents
Panzuriel (kraken, merrow, scrag), NE intermediate god of murder, confusion, subversion. Hades/Niflheim/Rezuriel
Persana (triton), N intermediate god of justice, architecture. Water/Shelluria
Procan - CN intermediate god of seas, sea life, salt, sea weather, navigation. Limbo/Seasedge
Sekolah (sahuagin), LE intermediate god of plunder, hunting, tyranny. Hell/Stygia/Sheyruushk
Surminare (selkie), NG lesser goddess of beauty, peace. Elysium/Thalassia/The Selkies' Grotto
Trishina, NG lesser goddess of love, fidelity, play, dolphins. Elysium/Thalasia/wanders /// Heaven/Lunia/wanders
Water Lion, N lesser god of unknown portfolio. wanders
Xerbo, N lesser god of seas, sailing, money, business. Plane of Water

(1) Eadro has been missing for a little over a decade, but he is believed to still be alive, because his clerics still receive their spells. His realm is being maintained in his absence by Persana.

Sky Pantheon
Jazirian (couatl), LG greater god/goddess of community, peace, learning, parenthood. Heaven/Solania/Uroboros, the Gates of Wisdom
Koriel (ki-rin) (1), LG intermediate god of learning, protection, vigilance against evil. Upper Planes/Wanders
Krocaa, NG intermediate god of Aarakocra, creation, self-defense, intelligence. Air/Mountain of Dawn and Dusk
Pazrael (Pazuzu), CE demon prince of predators, winged creatures. Abyss/503/Torremor.
Phaulkon, CG lesser god of air, wind, clouds, birds, archery. Air/??? /// Arborea/Olympus/Arvandor /// Arborea/Olympus/Olympus
Quorlinn (kenku), N lesser god of trickery, disguise, thievery. Beastlands/Krigala/Filchnest
Remnis (giant eagle), N lesser god of sky, service, eagles. Beastlands/Krigala/Goldenroost
Stillsong, NG lesser god of unknown portfolio. wanders
Syranita (aarakocra), NG intermediate goddess of Aarakocra, friendship, protection, watchfulness. Arborea/Olympus/Whistledge
Velnius, N lesser god of sky, weather. Elysium/Eronia/wanders

(1) Pelor's mount.

Underdark Pantheon
Blibdoolpoolp (kuo-toa), NE intermediate goddess of darkness, insanity, revenge. Water/The Murky Depths
Diinkarazan (derro), CE demigod of madness, vengeance. Abyss/586th/The Prison of the Mad God
Diirinka (derro), CE intermediate god of cruelty, magic, knowledge. Pandemonium/Phlegethon/Hidden Betrayal
The Great Mother (beholder), CE greater goddess of magic, fertility, tyranny. Abyss/6th/The Realm of a Million Eyes
Gzemnid (beholder), CE lesser god of gasses, deception. Outlands/Gzemnid's Realm
Ilsensine (illithid), LE greater god of mental domination, psionics. Outlands/The Caverns of Thought
Ilxendren (ixzan) (1), CE lesser god of cruelty, mutation, vampirism. Abyss/88th/The Gaping Maw
Laduguer, LE intermediate god of oppression, crafts, magic, artisans. Acheron/Thuldannin/Hammergrim
Maanzecorian (2) (illithid), LE intermediate god of knowledge. Gehenna/Chamada/Rictus
Mak Thuum Ngatha, CE greater god of the opening of infinite knowledge, the destruction of barriers, and the spanning of space and time
Piscaethces (aboleth), LE intermediate goddess of domination, oppression. Hell/Minauros/Abomination Pool
Psiolofyr (myconid), LN intermediate god of community, healing. Mechanus/Mycelia
Vesparian (desmodu), NG lesser god of bats, sound. Elysium/Eronia/Dark Wisdom
Tharizdun - NE intermediate god of eternal darkness, decay, entropy, malign knowledge, insanity. The Prison of Tharizdun

(1) Possibly an aspect or servant of Demogorgon.
(2)) Recently slain by Orcus.

Xill Pantheon
Sixin, LE lesser god of war, intrigue, deception. Ethereal/Deep Ethereal/The Hunter's Abode

Xvart Pantheon
Raxivort (1), CE lesser god of rats, bats, xvarts, wererats. Pandemonium/Pandesmos/The Black Sewers

(1) Formally a servant of Graz'zt.

Voidrunner's Codex

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