D&D 1E Greyhawk: Who kidnapped Prince Thrommel?

Who kidnapped Prince Thrommel?

  • Nobles or religious leaders from Veluna, to prevent the wedding

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  • Nobles from Furyondy, to prevent the wedding & union with Veluna

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  • The Pale. Hidden behind their chapel

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  • Mordenkainen for balance

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In the Temple of Elemental Evil, Prince Thrommel has been kidnapped for years and is hidden in the guise of a Vampire in a coffin. In a secret room behind a secret chapel to Pholtus. Who done it? Someone on Facebook pointed out Gygax later said the Scarlet Brotherhood did it for Nyrond. Who do you, oh Greyhawk sages, think did it?

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Registered User
I always liked the Scarlet Brotherhood explanation but not the Nyrond one, which just made no sense to me - they don’t share a border, they’re not really involved in affairs with Furyondy, and they are supposed to be the good aligned buffer with the Great Kingdom. But this totally smacks of something the Brotherhood would’ve done to stoke the flames of war. It’s arguable that anyone, even Iuz, knew the prince was in the temple.

Based on the text, Iuz/ToEE seems probable.
My assumption as well, but given he’s essentially unguarded, other than by magical hiding and apparent subterfuge of the Pholtus chapel and fake vampire setup behind it, I’m not sure.

With the Lloth connection to certain folks (limiting the spoilers), maybe her cult did it?

With the garbled mysteriousness of it, who knows?


Registered User
My assumption as well, but given he’s essentially unguarded, other than by magical hiding and apparent subterfuge of the Pholtus chapel and fake vampire setup behind it, I’m not sure.

With the Lloth connection to certain folks (limiting the spoilers), maybe her cult did it?

With the garbled mysteriousness of it, who knows?
It’s kinda like whoever did it wants him to be found and then killed accidentally, potentially to set off a war?

It’s kinda like whoever did it wants him to be found and then killed accidentally, potentially to set off a war?
Whoever did it didn’t count of the skepticism of my players. The Pholtus thing had them on high “WTF is going on here” alert. They knew fishiness was going on.


Registered User
Whoever did it didn’t count of the skepticism of my players. The Pholtus thing had them on high “WTF is going on here” alert. They knew fishiness was going on.
Wow, I don’t even remember the Pholtus part! My eyes must’ve blown right past it. There was definitely a lot to that module that was questionable whether it was intentional or an editorial mistake at times but we tried to make it all work!

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