Grognards and Ham


First Post
Credit where credit is due, right?

You were inspired by:

Rodrigo Istalindir said:
I would not fight him in a box.

Mistwell said:
Would you fight him with a fox?
Would you fight them in a house, or with a mouse?
Would you fight them here or there, or anywhere?

Sphyre said:
Would you fight him with a fox?
would you fight them in a house, or with The Rouse?

Were you not? :)

Very funny. I read it all aloud. If I had kids yet, I'd read them Grognards and Ham as bed time stories.

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First Post
Amazing, brilliant! Although, as idiotic as it may be to nitpick a humor thread of such caliber:
Zinovia said:
I will not play it with the Rouse.
I will not play D&D 4E.
I do not like it, the Rouse-I-be.
Rouse-I-be would not play 4e with himself? Other than that, I'm in love with this poem of such great parodic (that is 90% likely to not actually be a word) heights!

And in my head Rouse was pronounced Roose, but I was corrected here:


adamda said:
Rouse-I-be would not play 4e with himself? Other than that, I'm in love with this poem of such great parodic (that is 90% likely to not actually be a word) heights!
No, the speaker was addressing "The Rouse-I-be", not claiming to be The Rouse.

[SBLOCK]In the original work, the proponent of green eggs and ham carried a placard that said, "I am Sam" in one of the early pages, followed by another placard that said, "Sam I am" in the next. He was subsequently referred to as "Sam-I-am".[/SBLOCK]


Sphyre said:
Credit where credit is due, right?
You were inspired by: various quotes
Were you not? :)

Nope. I was inspired by Dr. Seuss, and the general idea of someone declaring that they dislike something without having tried it first. I'm on the fence myself (though planning to buy the books and optimistic about the P&P portion of the game), so I made fun of both extremes a bit. Or at least I tried.

Glad people seem to like it. Thanks. :D

I have always thought of it as ROWZ with row as in 'ow that hurt'.
But the reason I do is 'cos here in NZ a person who is a sheep shearer's 'assistant' (i.e. getting the sheep into the pens, picking up and sorting the wool, etc.) is called a ROUSEY. Pronounced ROWZY, short for roust-about. They work like one-armed paperhangers and stink of lanolin, sweat and, ahem, droppings.
So I have continual images of 'The Rouse' as a rather fragrant Simpsons cartoon character (from his avatar, I never even saw the shirt so have no idea what he looks like), dressed in scruffy old working clothes, chasing sheep...;)


Scott_Rouse said:

Use your superpowers of awesome for more good please.
Thanks for the compliment (I think) ;). So far as I know, I haven't chosen to follow the light side or the dark side yet (nor do I claim to know which side is which). But I did use my Jedi mind powers to convince my group to playtest 4E, even if they didn't want to try it because it was new and scary.

If 4th edition succeeds in persuading the "I hate all combat and only like roleplaying" bard that combat might actually be something she enjoys participating in, rather than just putting up with it for the sake of the rest of the group, then I will become a devotee and burn incense in your honor.


First Post
Zinovia said:
Nope. I was inspired by Dr. Seuss, and the general idea of someone declaring that they dislike something without having tried it first. I'm on the fence myself (though planning to buy the books and optimistic about the P&P portion of the game), so I made fun of both extremes a bit. Or at least I tried.

Glad people seem to like it. Thanks. :D

Wow, the striking resemblance of this:

Zinovia said:
Would you play with rules of house?
Would you play it with the Rouse?

and this:

Sphyre said:
Would you fight him with a fox?
would you fight them in a house, or with The Rouse?

is amazing. I guess great minds think alike. ;)


FireLance said:
No, the speaker was addressing "The Rouse-I-be", not claiming to be The Rouse.

[SBLOCK]In the original work, the proponent of green eggs and ham carried a placard that said, "I am Sam" in one of the early pages, followed by another placard that said, "Sam I am" in the next. He was subsequently referred to as "Sam-I-am".[/SBLOCK]
It's supposed to be two speakers - one is indeed supposed to be the Rouse himself (like Sam-I-am in the original), the other is some unknown person who says he doesn't like the game without trying it. I thought about styling the text differently for each speaker; perhaps I should have. I tried to make fun of aspects of both sides, since many people around here take themselves too seriously. ;)

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