D&D 5E [Guide] 'Champion of House Jorasco' Dragonmarked, Divine-Soul, Hexblade, Life


'Champion of House Jorasco'
(17) - Hexblade(2) - Life(1) Dragonmarked(Race) - House Jorasco(Background)
This build has Good AC, adds Temp HP, raises Max HP, Buffs, Heals, Cures Conditions, does High Damage, has Advantage on Concentration, sees in Magical Darkness, Influences Social Situations, and Much More.

Max Cantrips Known by level 13: 11
Max Spells Known/Prepared/Pact/Feat/Racial at level 20: 27
Racial and Feat Spells/Uses without using a Spell Slot: 4
Max Metamagic known at level 20: 6

This build uses multiple books so this build is not Adventure League legal, just a FYI.

Also this build utilizes Feats so if your DM does not allow Feats this is not the build for you.

There are several spell combos utilized in this build and they are outlined at the end of this Guide.

Any thoughts are welcome.

Thanks for reading.

The character is a Halfling

/ Arcane sources of magic: Dragonmark and/or Deity - Player's Choice - Character Building

Hexblade Pact:
Because the Raven Queen is known to have forged the first of these weapons, many sages speculate that she and the force are one and that the weapons along with Hexblade Warlocks, are tools she uses to manipulate events on the Material Plane to her inscrutable ends.

Warlock Patron: - Character Building - (The character does not have to align with the patron)
Neutral Parton Ideas: Mask, Null, Shar, and The Raven Queen

Doing the Point-Buy-System

(10) (0) (Skills, Saves, Carry Capacity)
Dexterity: (12) (+1) (AC, Saves, initiative)
Constitution: (14) (+2) (HP, Concentration)
Intelligence: (8) (-1)
Wisdom: (13) (+1) (Cleric Multi-Class)
Charisma: (15) (+2) (Sorcerer/Warlock Modifier)

Strength or intelligence can be 10 for the saves and ability checks
  • Strength over Intelligence for carry capacity, grapple, saves, and skill checks.
  • Intelligence over Strength for saves and skill checks.
- Which ever you are more concerned about.

Race: Halfling (Mark of Healing) - Ignore bonus spells in web-link - only used for Character Building
Ability Scores: Dex: +2 Wis: +1
Strength: (10) (-1) (Skills, Saves, Carry Capacity)
Dexterity: (14) (+2) (AC, Saves, Initiative)
Constitution: (14) (+2) (HP, Conentration)
Intelligence: (8) (-1)
Wisdom: (14) (+2) (Cleric Multi-Class)
Charisma: (15) (+2) (Sorcerer/Warlock Spells)
Size: Small
Speed: 25 Feet
Age: 20-250
Alignment: Chosen during Divine Soul Spell Choice
Size: Small

Lucky: When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can re-roll the die and must use the new roll.
You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Halfling Nimbleness: You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.

Languages: Common and Halfling

Medical Intuition: When you make a Wisdom (Medicine) check or an ability check using an Herbalism Kit, you can roll a d4
and add the number rolled to the ability check.

Healing Touch: You can cast the Cure Wounds spell with this trait. Starting at 3rd level, you can also cast Lesser Restoration with it.
Once you cast either spell with this trait, you can't cast that spell with it again until you finish a Long Rest.
Wisdom is your spell-casting ability for these spells.

Spells of the Mark: The build wants access to the Aura of Vitality spell
If you have the Spellcasting or the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of Healing Spells table are added to the spell list of your spell casting class.
Mark of Healing Spells
Spell LevelSpells
1stCure wounds, Healing Word
2ndLesser Restoration, Prayer of Healing
3rdAura of Vitality, Mass Healing Word
4thAura of Purity, Aura of Life
5thGreater Restoration

The background goes perfectly with the race.

Background: House Agent - House Jorasco
Skill Proficiency: Investigation, Persuasion
Tool Proficiency
: Two proficiencies from the House Tool proficiencies table
Equipment A set of Fine Clothes, House Signet Ring, Identification Papers, and a Purse Containing 20 GP.
House Tool Proficiencies:
Jorasco: Alchemist's Supplies and Herbalism Kit. (Best tools in the game for this build)
The Character now can brew Potions of Healing, Anti-Toxin, Alchemist's Fire, Acid, and Oil.

This build chooses Jorasco for proficiency in the Alchemist Supplies and the Herbalism Kit,

House Jorasco: Is a Halfling Dragonmarked house throughout Khorvaire, although their house enclave is located in Karrnath,
the mark originated among the nomadic tribes on the Talenta Plains.

The Healers Guild is the premiere service of House Jorasco. They provide both mundane and magical healing for those who can afford it
at their hospitals and healing enclaves throughout Khorvaire. Members of the guild include herbalists, alchemists, physicians, as well as
some clerics and adepts to the Sovereign Host and Silver Flame.

This character now has a structured history that a player can build/change/elaborate on and the chooses start to coalesce.

Armor is bought at 1st level and is lugged around until 2nd level.
Armor: Hide 12 + Dex (Max of 2) - No need for Mage Armor anymore (Scale mail/Breastplate/Half-Plate is bought later)
Shield +2 AC (Donning and Doffing a Shield is 1 Action. (Dropping is part of a move action)

Spell Casting Weapons: Crystal (To Cast) Holy symbol (To Cast) Component Pouch In case the Crystal is lost. (Store other components)
Melee Weapons: Long Sword (Versitile) - Can buy/use at level 3 - You might get into a situation where you can not use magic. (Also allows the player to impose Flanking)

Item: Healing Kits (Don't need Spare the Dying) + Medicine Skill + Medical Intuition: When you make a Wisdom (Medicine) check or an ability check using an
Herbalism Kit, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the ability check.

This build will use Torches to see in the dark for the first 3 levels then will be able to see in both magic and non-magic darkness.

The build goes into Sorcerer for the first level because of the Constitution Save - Important For Concentration
The build takes average for health so the build can be copied.

Level 1: Sorcerer - Divine Soul
HP: (Max at 1st) 1d6 + 2 (Con) = 8
HP: 8
Proficiency Bonus: +2
AC: Base (10) + Dex (2) = AC (12)
If casting the Shield Spell: Base (10) + Dex (2) + Shield Spell (5) = AC (17)

Proficiencies - Armor: (None) Weapons: (Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaff, Light Crossbows) Tools: None

Saving Throws: Constitution - Charisma
Choose 2 from: Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, and Religion.

The build chooses: Deception, Insight

Skills: Medicine, Investigation, Persuasion, Deception and Insight

As a first level Sorcerer the build gets: Spellcasting, Sorcerer Origin: Divine Soul

These are the basic features of the class.

Origin feature: Divine Soul: Sometimes the spark of magic that fuels a Sorcerer comes from a divine source that glimmers within the soul.
Having such a blessed soul is a sign that your innate magic might come from a distant but powerful familial
connection to a divine being. Perhaps your ancestor was an angel, transformed into a mortal and sent to fight
in a god's name. (Flavor: This could be from the Dragonmark or a Deity or both)

Divine Magic: Your link to the divine allows you to learn spells from the cleric class. When your Spellcasting Feature lets you learn or replace
a Sorcerer Cantrip or a Sorcerer Spell of 1st level or higher, you can choose the new spell from the Cleric Spell List or the Sorcerer
Spell List
. You must otherwise obey all the restrictions for selecting the spell, and it becomes a Sorcerer Spell for you.

In addition, choose an affinity for the source of your divine power: good, evil, law, chaos, or neutrality.
You learn an additional spell based on that affinity, as shown below. It is a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn't
count against your number of sorcerer spells known. If you later replace this spell, you must replace it with a
spell from the cleric spell list.
(This build will later change Bane to Healing Word to Aura of Vitality to Heroes' Feast)

GoodCure Wounds
EvilInflict Wounds
NeutralityProtection from Evil and Good

This build chooses Chaos gaining the Spell: Bane
It will get Cure wounds from its Racial Trait and as a Domain Spell from Life Cleric.
It will also get Bless as a Domain Spells from Life Cleric.
It will also get Protection from Evil and Good from Warlock.

Favored by the Gods: Starting at 1st level,
divine power guards your destiny. If you fail a saving throw or miss with an attack roll, you can roll 2d4 and add it to the total,
possibly changing the outcome. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a Short or Long Rest.

Spell casting:
An event in your past, or in the life of a parent or ancestor, left an indelible mark on you, infusing you with arcane magic. This font of magic, whatever its origin,
fuels your spells. (Flavor: This could be from the Dragonmark or Deity or both)

Racial Trait: Healing Touch: You can cast the Cure Wounds spell with this trait. Starting at 3rd level, you can also cast Lesser Restoration with it.
Once you cast either spell with this trait, you can't cast that spell with it again until you finish a Long Rest.
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
(The build can now cast Cure Wounds and Lesser Restoration without using a Spell Slot)

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 4 (Sorcerer) = 4
Total: (4)

Cantrips: (4)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade (Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer

Racial Trait Spells:
Sorcerer Spells Known: 2 + 1 (Divine Soul) = 3
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 3 (Sorcerer) = 4
Total: (4)

1st level: (4)
Bane (De-Buff) - Sorcerer - Divine Soul
Cure Wounds
(Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Racial Trait - 1 per Long Rest
Magic Missile (Automatic Hit) - Sorcerer
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (2)
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom modifier (+2)
Concentration Check: 1d20 + 2(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Level 2: Cleric - Life Domain
Requirements for Cleric: Wisdom 13 ✔️
HP: (1st lvl) 8 + 5 (Avg Cleric) + 2 (Con) = 15
HP: 15
Proficiency Bonus: +2
AC: Base(10) + Dex(2) = AC(12)
If wearing Hide armor or only holding the Shield: Base(12) + Dex(2) = AC(14) or Base(10) + Dex(2) + Shield(2) = AC(14)
If wearing Hide armor and holding a Shield: Base(12) + Dex(2) + Shield(2) = AC(16)
If wearing Hide armor and casting Shield Spell: Base(12) + Dex(2) + Shield Spell(5) = AC(19)
If wearing Hide armor and holding a Shield and casting the Shield Spell: Base(12) + Dex(2) + Shield(2) + Shield Spell(5) = AC(21)

Proficiencies: Light armor, Medium armor, Shields - No Need For Mage Armor
Spell casting
(Considered full caster in terms of multi-classing)
Ritual Casting (Important for 2 spells that are normally prepared)
Divine Domain: Life
Life Domain Spells:
Bless, Cure wounds
Bonus Proficiency:
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor.
(The build is not strong enough but medium armor is perfect because of that +2 Dex)
At least the choice of being able to wear heavy armor in case the character gets some item or spell effect increasing Strength.

Disciple of Life:
Also starting at 1st level, your healing spells are more effective. Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature,
the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell's level.

Cure Wounds
now does: 1d8+ 2(Wisdom modifier) + 3 (Disciple of Life (2+spell level)) = 1d8+2+3 = Min: 6 Max: 13

Added Cantrips: (3)
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Guidance (Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric

Spells Known:
(Life Cleric)
Domain Spells: Bless and Cure Wounds always prepared as Domain Spells.
Prepared Spells: The build can choose 1 + 2 (Wisdom modifier) = 3 spells to prepare which are usually:
Detect Magic (Is there magic? It is also a Ritual, 10 minute cast without using a Spell Slot)
Detect Poison and Disease (Is there poison or disease? It is also a Ritual, 10 minute cast without using a Spell Slot)
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) OR: Detect Evil and Good (Just in case)

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 4 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) = 7
Total: (7)

Cantrips: (7)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric

Racial Trait Spells:
(1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 1 - 1 = 0
Sorcerer Spells Known: 2 + 1 (Divine Soul) = 3
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Total number of spells available to cast: 0 (Racial) + 3 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) = 8
Total: (8)

1st level: (8) (Ability to change out 3 first level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
(De-Buff) - Sorcerer - Divine Soul
Magic Missile (Automatic Hit) - Sorcerer
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (3)
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2)
Concentration Check: 1d20 + 2(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Level 3: Warlock - Hexblade
Requirements for Warlock: Charisma 13 ✔️
HP: (2nd lvl) 15 + 5 (Avg Warlock) + 2 (Con) = 15
HP: 22
Proficiency Bonus: +2
AC: Check Level 2

Pact Magic does not combine with the Spellcaster feature, so Warlock levels do not count toward Spell Caster Level.

The build Benefits from: Eldritch blast (Unlimited Power!!!)
Hexblade's Curse: Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to place a baleful curse on someone. As a Bonus Action,
choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target is cursed for 1 minute. The curse ends
early if the target dies, you die, or you are incapacitated. Until the curse ends, you gain the following benefits:

- You gain a bonus to damage rolls against the cursed target. The bonus equals your proficiency bonus.
- Any attack roll you make against the cursed target is a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.
- If the cursed target dies, you regain hit points equal to your Warlock level + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 hit point)
You can't use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

Hex Warrior:
At 1st level, you acquire the training necessary to effectively arm yourself for battle. You gain proficiency with medium armor, shields, and martial weapons.
The influence of your patron also allows you to mystically channel your will through a particular weapon.
Whenever you finish a Long Rest, you can touch one weapon that you are proficient with and that lacks the two-handed property.
When you attack with that weapon, you can use your Charisma modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls.
This benefit lasts until you finish a Long Rest.

Cantrips: 2 More
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff) - Warlock

Pact Magic Spells:
1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock

Racial Trait: Healing Touch:
You can cast the Cure Wounds spell with this trait. Starting at 3rd level, you can also cast Lesser Restoration with it.
Once you cast either spell with this trait, you can't cast that spell with it again until you finish a Long Rest.
is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
(The build can now cast Cure Wounds and Lesser Restoration without using a Spell Slot)

Spell Changes: Added: Lesser Restoration: You touch a creature and can end either one disease or one condition afflicting it.
The condition can be Blinded, Deafened, Paralyzed, or Poisoned.

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 4 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 9
Total: (9)

Cantrips: (9)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 2 + 1 (Divine Soul) = 3
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 2
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 3 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 2 (Pact) = 11
Total: (11)

1st level: (8) (Ability to change out 3 first level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
(De-Buff) - Sorcerer - Divine Soul
Magic Missile (Automatic Hit) - Sorcerer
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait

Pact Magic Spells:
(2) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (3)
Pact Slots: (1) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2)
1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest

Concentration Check:
1d20 + 2(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

The character should have enough to purchase Scale mail or a Chain Shirt by now.
Level 4: Warlock - Invocations
(3rd lvl) 22 + 5 (Avg Warlock) + 2 (Con) = 29
HP: 29
Proficiency Bonus: +2
AC: Base(10) + Dex(2) = AC(12)
If only holding the Shield: Base(10) + Dex(2) + Shield(2) = AC(14)
If wearing Chain Shirt armor: Base(13) + Dex(2) = AC(15)
If wearing Chain Shirt armor and holding a Shield: Base(13) + Dex(2) + Shield(2) = AC(17)
If wearing Chain Shirt armor and casting Shield Spell: Base(13) + Dex(2) + Shield Spell(5) = AC(20)
If wearing Chain Shirt armor and holding a Shield and casting the Shield Spell: Base(13) + Dex(2) + Shield(2) + Shield Spell(5) = AC(22)
If wearing Scale Mail armor instead of Chain Shirt: AC(12) or AC(14) or AC(16) AC(18) or AC(21) or AC(23) - Disadvantage on Stealth Checks

Eldritch Invocations:
Eldritch Mind (Advantage on Concentration)
Devil's Sight (Can see in Darkness) - You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.

Spell Added: Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 4 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 9
Total: (9)

Cantrips: (9)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 2 + 1 (Divine Soul) = 3
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 3 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) = 12
Total: (12)

1st level: (8)(Ability to change out 3 first level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
(De-Buff) - Sorcerer - Divine Soul
Magic Missile (Automatic Hit) - Sorcerer
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait

Pact Magic Spells:
(3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
(Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (3)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2)
1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest

Concentration Check:
(Advantage) 1d20 + 2(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Level 5: Sorcerer - Flexible Casting
HP: (4th lvl) 29 + 4 (Avg Sorcerer) + 2 (Con) = 35
HP: 35
Proficiency Bonus: +3
AC: Check Level 4

Font of Magic: At 2nd level, you tap into a deep wellspring of magic within yourself. This wellspring is represented by Sorcery Points,
which allow you to create a variety of magical effects.

Sorcery Points: 2

Flexible Casting: You can use your Sorcery Points to gain additional Spell Slots, or sacrifice Spell Slots to gain additional Sorcery Points.
You learn other ways to use your Sorcery Points as you reach higher levels.

Creating Spell Slots: You can transform un-expended Sorcery Points into one Spell Slot as a Bonus Action on your turn. The created Spell Slots vanish at the end of a Long Rest.
The Creating Spell Slots table shows the cost of creating a Spell Slot of a given level. You can create Spell Slots no higher in level than 5th.

Creating Spell Slots

1st - 2
2nd - 3
3rd - 5
4th - 6
5th - 7

Converting a Spell Slot to Sorcery Points: As a Bonus Action on your turn, you can expend one Spell Slot and gain a number of Sorcery Points equal to the slot's level.

Sorcery Points are important for Metamagic features - Level 5
Sorcery Points: 2
Spell Changes: As a Sorcerer the build learns 1 spell also gets to change 1 spell.
The build changes the spell Bane(Divine Soul) into Healing Word(Divine Soul) and learns the Command Spell.

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 4 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 9
Total: (9)

Cantrips: (9)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 3 + 1 (Divine Soul) = 4
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 4 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) = 13
Total: (13)

1st level: (9) (Ability to change out 3 First level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
Healing Word
(Heal at a Distance) - Sorcerer - Divine
Magic Missile (Automatic Hit) - Sorcerer
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer
(Influence) - Sorcerer

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait

Pact Magic Spells:
(3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (4) - 2nd (2)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2)
1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest

Concentration Check: (Advantage) 1d20 + 3(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

The Character should afford by Breastplate now
Level 6: Sorcerer - Meta Magic - Twin - Subtle
(5th lvl) 35 + 4 (Avg Sorcerer) + 2 (Con) = 41
HP: 41
Proficiency Bonus: +3
Sorcery Points: 3
AC: Base(10) + Dex(2) = AC(12)
If only holding the Shield: Base(10) + Dex(2) + Shield(2) = AC(14)
If wearing Breastplate Armor: Base(14) + Dex(2) = AC(16)
If wearing Breastplate Armor and Holding a Shield: Base(14) + Dex(2) + Shield(2) = AC(18)
If wearing Breastplate Armor and casting Shield Spell: Base(14) + Dex(2) + Shield Spell(5) = AC(21)
If wearing Breastplate Armor and Holding a Shield and casting the Shield Spell: Base(14) + Dex(2) + Shield(2) + Shield Spell(5) = AC(23)

MetaMagic: Twin-Spell: When you cast a spell that targets only one creature and doesn't have a range of self, you can spend a number of Sorcery Points
equal to the spell's level to target a second creature in range with the same spell. (1 Sorcery Point if the spell is a Cantrip)
To be eligible, a spell must be incapable of targeting more than one creature at the spell's current level. For example, Magic Missile
and Scorching Ray aren't eligible, but Ray of Frost and Chromatic Orb are.
(The build does a lot of buffing and healing)

When you cast a spell, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to cast it without any somatic or verbal components.
(Harder to counter, Stealthy Casting, and can cast while holding a Shield)

With Twin Spell healing capabilities Double.

Now Twin Cure Wounds can be cast as a 2nd level spell.
Costs: 1 (1st level spell) 1 (Sorcery Point)
2(1d8+2(Wis)+3(Life)) or (1d8+2(Wis)+3(Life))+(1d8+2(Wis)+3(Life))
Min = 14 max = 26
Second Level
2(2d8+2(Wis)+4(Life)) or (2d8+2(Wis)+4(Life))+(2d8+2(Wis)+4(Life))
Min = 16 Max = 44

The build can also Twin cast Healing Word as a 2nd level spell. That is done at a 30 foot distance and is only verbal. (Can cast this while holding a shield.)
Costs: 1 (1st level spell) 1 (Sorcery Point)
2(1d4+2(Cha)+3(Life)) or (1d4+2(Cha)+3(Life))+(1d4+2(Cha)+3(Life))
Min = 14 max = 18
Second Level
2(2d4+2(Cha)+4(Life)) or (2d4+2(Cha)+4(Life))+(2d4+2(Cha)+4(Life))
Min = 16 Max = 28

Spell Changes: As a Sorcerer the build gets 1 more spell also the build gets to change 1 spell.
The build changes the spell Command into one of these and then learns the other.

Darkness: Magical darkness spreads from a point you choose within range to fill a 15-foot-radius sphere for the duration.
The darkness spreads around corners. A creature with darkvision can't see through this darkness, and nonmagical light
can't illuminate it.
If the point you choose is on an object you are holding or one that isn't being worn or carried,
the darkness emanates from the object and moves with it. Completely covering the source of the darkness with an opaque
object, such as a bowl or a helm, blocks the darkness.
If any of this spell's area overlaps with an area of light created by a spell
of 2nd level or lower, the spell that created the light is dispelled.

Your spell bolsters your allies with toughness and resolve. Choose up to three creatures within range.
Each target's hit point maximum and current hit points increase by 5 for the duration. At Higher Levels.
When you cast this spell using a Spell Slot of 3rd level or higher, a target's hit points increase by an
additional 5 for each slot level above 2nd.

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 4 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 9
Total: (9)

Cantrips: (9)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 4 + 1 (Divine Soul) = 5
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 5 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) = 14
Total: (14)

1st level: (8) (Ability to change out 3 First level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
Healing Word
(Heal at a Distance) - Sorcerer - Divine
Magic Missile (Automatic Hit) - Sorcerer
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait
Aid (Raise HP Maximum) - Sorcerer
Darkness (Can see because of Devil's Sight) - Sorcerer

Pact Magic Spells:
(3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (4) - 2nd (3)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2)
1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest

Concentration Check:
(Advantage) 1d20 + 3(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Level 7: Sorcerer - Fey-Touched
HP: (6th lvl) 41 + 4 (Avg Sorcerer) + 2 (Con) = 47
HP: 47
AC: Breastplate: 14 or 16 (Shield) - Combined with the Shield Spell - 18 or 20 (Shield)
Proficiency Bonus: +3
Sorcery Points: 4
AC: Check Level 6

Ability Score Improvement: When you reach 4th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two
ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a Feat.

Feat: Fey-Touched: Your exposure to the Feywild's magic has changed you, granting you the following benefits:
Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.

- You learn the Misty Step spell and one 1st-level spell of your choice (Gift of Alacrity) The 1st-level spell must be
from the divination or enchantment school of magic. You can cast each of these spells without expending a spell slot.

Once you cast either of these spells in this way, you can't cast that spell in this way again until you finish a Long Rest.

- You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level.
The spells' spellcasting ability is the ability increased by this feat.
(The build chooses to add +1 to Charisma)

Strength: (10) (-1) (Skills, Saves, Carry Capacity)
Dexterity: (14) (+2) (AC, Saves, Initiative)
Constitution: (14) (+2) (HP, Conentration)
Intelligence: (8) (-1)
Wisdom: (14) (+2) (Cleric Multi-Class)
Charisma: (16) (+3) (Sorcerer/Warlock Spells)

Spell Changes: The Build is changing Magic Missile into Scorching Ray and learning Suggestion

Added: Misty Step
(2nd level teleportation spell) Gift of Alacrity (1d8 Buff for Initiative rolls 8 hours No Concentration)
Added: Sorcerer Cantrip: Mage Hand (Manipulate objects from a distance) - Sorcerer

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 5 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 10
Total: (10)

Cantrips: (10)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Mage Hand
(Manipulate objects from a distance) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 5 + (1 Divine Soul) = 6
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Fey-Touched Spells Known: 2
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 6 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) + 2 (Fey-Touched) = 17
Total: (17)

1st level: (8) (Ability to change out 3 First level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
Healing Word
(Heal at a Distance) - Sorcerer - Divine
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer
Gift of Alacrity (Initiative Buff 8 Hours) - Fey-Touched

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait
Aid (Raise HP Maximum) - Sorcerer
Darkness (Can see because of Devil's Sight) - Sorcerer
Suggestion (Influence Social Situations Subtle Spell) - Sorcerer
Scorching Ray (Damage) - Sorcerer
Misty Step (Teleport) - Fey-Touched

Pact Magic Spells:
(3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (4) - 2nd (3) - 3rd (2)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2) - 1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest
1 Misty Step per Long Rest - 1 Gift of Alacrity per Long Rest
Concentration Check:
(Advantage) 1d20 + 3(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

The Character Should afford Half-Plate Now
Level 8: Sorcerer - Fireball - Counter Spell
(7th lvl) 47 + 4 (Avg Sorcerer) + 2 (Con) = 53
HP: 53
Proficiency Bonus: +3
Sorcery Points: 5
AC: Base(10) + Dex(2) = AC(12)
If only holding the Shield: Base(10) + Dex(2) + Shield(2) = AC(14)
If wearing Half Plate Armor: Base(15) + Dex(2) = AC(17)
If wearing Half Plate Armor and Holding a Shield: Base(15) + Dex(2) + Shield(2) = AC(19)
If wearing Half Plate Armor and casting Shield Spell: Base(15) + Dex(2) + Shield Spell(5) = AC(22)
If wearing Half Plate Armor and Holding a Shield and casting the Shield Spell: Base(15) + Dex(2) + Shield(2) + Shield Spell(5) = AC(24)

Spell Changes: The Build is changing Scorching Ray into Fireball and learning Counter Spell

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 5 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 10
Total: (10)

Cantrips: (10)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Mage Hand
(Manipulate objects from a distance) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 6 + (1 Divine Soul) = 7
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Fey-Touched Spells Known: 2
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 7 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) + 2 (Fey-Touched) = 18
Total: (18)

1st level: (8) (Ability to change out 3 First level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
Healing Word
(Heal at a Distance) - Sorcerer - Divine
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer
Gift of Alacrity (Initiative Buff 8 Hours) - Fey-Touched

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait
Aid (Raise HP Maximum) - Sorcerer
Darkness (Can see because of Devil's Sight) - Sorcerer
Suggestion (Influence Social Situations Subtle Spell) - Sorcerer
Misty Step (Teleport) - Fey-Touched

3rd Level:
Counter Spell (Nope!) - Sorcerer
Fireball (FIREBALL!!!!!!) - Sorcerer

Pact Magic Spells:
(3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (4) - 2nd (3) - 3rd (3)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2) - 1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest
1 Misty Step per Long Rest - 1 Gift of Alacrity per Long Rest
Concentration Check:
(Advantage) 1d20 + 3(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Level 9: Sorcerer - Empowered Healing - Catnap or Haste or Dispel Magic
(8th lvl) 53 + 4 (Avg Sorcerer) + 2 (Con) = 59
HP: 59
Proficiency Bonus: +4
Sorcery Points: 6
AC: Check Level 6

Empowered Healing: Starting at 6th level, the divine energy coursing through you can Empower Healing spells. Whenever you or an ally within 5 feet of you
rolls dice to determine the number of hit points a spell restores
, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to re-roll any number of those dice once,
provided, you aren't incapacitated. You can use this feature only once per turn.

Spell Changes: The Build is changing Healing Word(Divine Soul) into Aura of Vitality(Divine Soul) and learning Catnap

Catnap + Short Rest:
This build will utilize a trick to allow 3 creatures to rest twice while this character changes 2 (1st level) Pact-Magic spell slots into
3 Sorcery Points (Similar 20th level Sorcerer feature)

This is done Only when the group wants to take a Short Rest for Short Rest benefits.

- First the player changes Pact-Magic Spell Slots into Sorcery Points: 2 (1st level Spell Slots) gaining (4) Sorcery Points. Then the player casts Catnap,
a 10 minute short rest for up to 3 creatures, at the cost of a 3rd level spell slot. (acquired at level 9)
- Then the Player regains the 2 spent Pact-Magic Spell Slots.
- Then the player can buy a third level spell slot for 5 Sorcery Point. (The build only losing 1 Sorcery Point.)
The 3 creatures that took the 10 minute Catnap then can guard for the rest of the Short Rest (The build only losing 1 Sorcery Point.)

- If the DM allows the 3 players, who took the Catnap, take a second Short Rest, since the first one only took 10 minutes.
the player can then convert the 2 (1st level) Pact-Magic Spells-Slots into 4 more Sorcery Points. With that 8 total Sorcery Points are gained.
- The player then converts 5 Sorcery Points into a 3rd level Spell Slot (5 Sorcery Points)
- Ultimately gaining 3 extra Sorcery Points (much earlier than the level 20 Class Feature: Sorcerous Restoration (+4 Sorcery Points per Short Rest)
(Not game breaking if this mechanic is not abused)

Warlock Spell Slots to points: 2 (1st level) = 4 points
3rd level Catnap cast
Warlock Spell Slots converted to points: 2 (1st Level) = 4 points
4 + 4 = 8
3rd level Spell Slot converted from Sorcery Points: 5 points
8 - 5 = 3
(Combo that should not be game breaking if you leave it at that)

If you don't want to do this Grab Haste: Choose a willing creature that you can see within range. Until the spell ends, the target's speed is doubled,
it gains a +2 bonus to AC, it has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and it gains an additional action on
each of its turns.
That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage,
Hide, or Use an Object action. When the spell ends, the target can't move or take actions until after its next turn,
as a wave of lethargy sweeps over it.

Or Dispel Magic: Choose one creature, object, or magical effect within range. Any spell of 3rd level or lower on the target ends. For each spell of 4th level or higher
on the target, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell's level. On a successful check, the spell ends.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you automatically end the effects of a spell on the target if the
spell's level is equal to or less than the level of the spell slot you used.

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 5 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 10
Total: (10)

Cantrips: (10)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Mage Hand
(Manipulate objects from a distance) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 7 + (1 Divine Soul) = 8
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Fey-Touched Spells Known: 2
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 8 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) + 2 (Fey-Touched) = 19
Total: (19)

1st level: (7) (Ability to change out 3 First level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer
Gift of Alacrity (Initiative Buff 8 Hours) - Fey-Touched

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait
Aid (Raise HP Maximum) - Sorcerer
Darkness (Can see because of Devil's Sight) - Sorcerer
Suggestion (Influence Social Situations Subtle Spell) - Sorcerer
Misty Step (Teleport) - Fey-Touched

3rd Level:
Counter Spell (Nope!) - Sorcerer
Fireball (FIREBALL!!!!!!) - Sorcerer
Aura of Vitality (Heal 2d6 + 5(Life) as a bonus action for 1 minute Concentration) - Sorcerer - Divine
Catnap (Short Rest
in 10 minutes) or Haste (+2 AC, Extra Action, (Twin)) or Disple Magic (Dispel Magicacl effects) - Sorcerer

Pact Magic Spells:
(3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (4) - 2nd (3) - 3rd (3) - 4th (1)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2) - 1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest
1 Misty Step per Long Rest - 1 Gift of Alacrity per Long Rest
Concentration Check:
(Advantage) 1d20 + 4(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Level 10: Sorcerer - Banishment
HP: (9th lvl) 59 + 4 (Avg Sorcerer) + 2 (Con) = 65
HP: 65
Proficiency Bonus: +4
Sorcery Points: 7
AC: Check Level 6 - Last mention of AC. Characters AC will vary based on armor availability, character purchasing power, and magic item drops.

Spell Changes: The Build is changing Suggestion into Banishment and learning Polymorph

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 5 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 10
Total: (10)

Cantrips: (10)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Mage Hand
(Manipulate objects from a distance) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 8 + (1 Divine Soul) = 9
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Fey-Touched Spells Known: 2
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 9 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) + 2 (Fey-Touched) = 20
Total: (20)

1st level: (7) (Ability to change out 3 First level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer
Gift of Alacrity (Initiative Buff 8 Hours) - Fey-Touched

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait
Aid (Raise HP Maximum) - Sorcerer
Darkness (Can see because of Devil's Sight) - Sorcerer
Misty Step (Teleport) - Fey-Touched

3rd Level:
Counter Spell (Nope!) - Sorcerer
Fireball (FIREBALL!!!!!!) - Sorcerer
Aura of Vitality (Heal 2d6 + 5(Life) as a bonus action for 1 minute Concentration) - Sorcerer - Divine
(Short Rest in 10 minutes) or Haste (+2 AC, Extra Action, (Twin)) or Disple Magic (Dispel Magicacl effects) - Sorcerer

4th Level:
Banishment (Take an enemy out of the game) - Sorcerer
Polymorph (Twin for maximum effect) - Sorcerer

Pact Magic Spells:
(3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (4) - 2nd (3) - 3rd (3) - 4th (2)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2) - 1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest
1 Misty Step per Long Rest - 1 Gift of Alacrity per Long Rest
Concentration Check:
(Advantage) 1d20 + 4(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Level 11: Sorcerer - Inspiring Leader
(10th lvl) 65 + 4 (Avg Sorcerer) + 2 (Con) = 71
HP: 71
Proficiency Bonus: +4
Sorcery Points: 8
Ability Score Improvement: When you reach 8th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.
As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a Feat.
Feat: Inspiring leader:
You can spend 10 minutes inspiring your companions, shoring up their resolve to fight. When you do so, choose up to six friendly creatures (which can include yourself) within
30 feet of you who can see or hear you and who can understand you. Each creature can gain temporary hit points equal to your level + your Charisma modifier. A creature can't
gain temporary hit points from this feat again until it has finished a short or long rest.

Starting out at 11th level this gives a group of 4: 11+3 =14 per party member, so: x4 = 52 extra hit points for the group

Combine Inspiring Leader with the spell: Aid: Your spell bolsters your allies with toughness and resolve. Choose up to three creatures within range.
Each target's hit point maximum and current hit points increase by 5 for the duration. At Higher Levels.
When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, a target's hit points increase by an
additional 5 for each slot level above 2nd.

Spell Changes: The Build is changing nothing Learning Death Ward

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 5 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 10
Total: (10)

Cantrips: (10)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Mage Hand
(Manipulate objects from a distance) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 9 + (1 Divine Soul) = 10
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Fey-Touched Spells Known: 2
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 10 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) + 2 (Fey-Touched) = 21
Total: (21)

1st level: (7) (Ability to change out 3 First level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer
Gift of Alacrity (Initiative Buff 8 Hours) - Fey-Touched

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait
Aid (Raise HP Maximum) - Sorcerer
Darkness (Can see because of Devil's Sight) - Sorcerer
Misty Step (Teleport) - Fey-Touched

3rd Level:
Counter Spell (Nope!) - Sorcerer
Fireball (FIREBALL!!!!!!) - Sorcerer
Aura of Vitality (Heal 2d6 + 5(Life) as a bonus action for 1 minute Concentration) - Sorcerer - Divine
(Short Rest in 10 minutes) or Haste (+2 AC, Extra Action, (Twin)) or Disple Magic (Dispel Magicacl effects) - Sorcerer

4th Level:
Banishment (Take an enemy out of the game) - Sorcerer
Polymorph (Twin for maximum effect) - Sorcerer
Death Ward
(Protection from Death 8 Hour buff (No Concentration))

Pact Magic Spells:
(3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (4) - 2nd (3) - 3rd (3) - 4th (3) - 5th (1)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2) - 1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest
1 Misty Step per Long Rest - 1 Gift of Alacrity per Long Rest
Concentration Check:
(Advantage) 1d20 + 4(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Level 12: Sorcerer - Greater Restoration
(11th lvl) 71 + 4 (Avg Sorcerer) + 2 (Con) = 77
HP: 77
Proficiency Bonus: +4
Sorcery Points: 9(normal)

Spell Changes: The Build is changing nothing and learning Greater Restoration

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 5 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 10
Total: (10)

Cantrips: (10)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Mage Hand
(Manipulate objects from a distance) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 10 + (1 Divine Soul) = 11
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Fey-Touched Spells Known: 2
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 11 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) + 2 (Fey-Touched) = 22
Total: (22)

1st level: (7) (Ability to change out 3 First level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer
Gift of Alacrity (Initiative Buff 8 Hours) - Fey-Touched

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait
Aid (Raise HP Maximum) - Sorcerer
Darkness (Can see because of Devil's Sight) - Sorcerer
Misty Step (Teleport) - Fey-Touched

3rd Level:
Counter Spell (Nope!) - Sorcerer
Fireball (FIREBALL!!!!!!) - Sorcerer
Aura of Vitality (Heal 2d6 + 5(Life) as a bonus action for 1 minute Concentration) - Sorcerer - Divine
(Short Rest in 10 minutes) or Haste (+2 AC, Extra Action, (Twin)) or Disple Magic (Dispel Magicacl effects) - Sorcerer

4th Level:
Banishment (Take an enemy out of the game) - Sorcerer
Polymorph (Twin for maximum effect) - Sorcerer
Death Ward
(Protection from Death 8 Hour buff (No Concentration))

5th Level: (1)
Greater Restoration (Cure Conditions) - Sorcerer

Pact Magic Spells: (3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (4) - 2nd (3) - 3rd (3) - 4th (3) - 5th (2)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2) - 1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest
1 Misty Step per Long Rest - 1 Gift of Alacrity per Long Rest
Concentration Check:
(Advantage) 1d20 + 4(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Level 13: Sorcerer - Metamagic - Quicken
(12th lvl) 77 + 4 (Avg Sorcerer) + 2 (Con) = 83
HP: 83
Proficiency Bonus: +5
Sorcery Points: 10(normal)

Metamagic: Quicken Spell: When you cast a spell that has a casting time of 1 Action, you can spend 2 Sorcery Points to change the casting time to 1 Bonus Action for this casting.
(Now with quicken spell the build can cast Mind Sliver wait to see if the de-buff takes hold then Quicken Banishment if it does)

Added: Sorcerer Cantrip: Anything you want Sorcerer/Cleric Spell list.

Spell Changes:
The Build is changing nothing and learning:
Mass Cure Wounds:
A wave of healing energy washes out from a point of your choice within range. Choose up to six creatures in a 30-foot-radius
sphere centered on that point. Each target regains hit points equal to 3d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
This spell has no effect on undead or constructs. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher,
the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 6 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 11
Total: (11)

Cantrips: (11)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Mage Hand
(Manipulate objects from a distance) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
you want Sorcerer/Cleric Spell list) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 11 + (1 Divine Soul) = 12
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Fey-Touched Spells Known: 2
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 12 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) + 2 (Fey-Touched) = 23
Total: (23)

1st level: (7) (Ability to change out 3 First level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer
Gift of Alacrity (Initiative Buff 8 Hours) - Fey-Touched

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait
Aid (Raise HP Maximum) - Sorcerer
Darkness (Can see because of Devil's Sight) - Sorcerer
Misty Step (Teleport) - Fey-Touched

3rd Level:
Counter Spell (Nope!) - Sorcerer
Fireball (FIREBALL!!!!!!) - Sorcerer
Aura of Vitality (Heal 2d6 + 5(Life) as a bonus action for 1 minute Concentration) - Sorcerer - Divine
(Short Rest in 10 minutes) or Haste (+2 AC, Extra Action, (Twin)) or Disple Magic (Dispel Magicacl effects) - Sorcerer

4th Level:
Banishment (Take an enemy out of the game) - Sorcerer
Polymorph (Twin for maximum effect) - Sorcerer
Death Ward
(Protection from Death 8 Hour buff (No Concentration))

5th Level: (2)
Greater Restoration (Cure Conditions) - Sorcerer
Mass Cure Wounds
(Mass Heal) - Sorcerer

Pact Magic Spells: (3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (4) - 2nd (3) - 3rd (3) - 4th (3) - 5th (2) - 6th (1)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2) - 1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest
1 Misty Step per Long Rest - 1 Gift of Alacrity per Long Rest
Concentration Check:
(Advantage) 1d20 + 5(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Level 14: Sorcerer - Heroes' Feast - Globe of Invulnerability
(13th lvl) 83 + 4 (Avg Sorcerer) + 2 (Con) = 89
HP: 89
Proficiency Bonus: +5
Sorcery Points: 11(normal)

Spell Changes: This build is changing Aura of Vitality(Divine) into Heroes' Feast(Divine) and learning Globe of Invulnerability

Heroes' Feast: You bring forth a great feast, including magnificent food and drink. The feast takes 1 hour to consume and disappears
at the end of that time, and the beneficial effects don't set in until this hour is over. Up to twelve creatures can partake of the feast.
A creature that partakes of the feast gains several benefits. The creature is cured of all diseases and poison, becomes immune
to poison and being Frightened, and makes all Wisdom saving throws with advantage.
Its hit point maximum also increases by 2d10,
and it gains the same number of hit points. These benefits last for 24 hours.
(Combine this to Aid and Inspiring Leader for max effect)

Combining Magical Effects: The effects of different spells add together while the durations of those spells overlap. The effects of the same spell
cast multiple times don't combine, however. Instead, the most potent effect—such as the highest bonus—from those castings
applies while their durations overlap, or the most recent effect applies if the castings are equally potent and their durations overlap.

Globe of Invulnerability: An immobile, faintly shimmering barrier springs into existence in a 10-foot radius around you and remains for the duration.
Any spell of 5th level or lower cast from outside the barrier can't affect creatures or objects within it, even if the spell is cast
using a higher level spell slot. Such a spell can target creatures and objects within the barrier, but the spell has no effect on them.

Similarly, the area within the barrier is excluded from the areas affected by such spells. At Higher Levels.
When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the barrier blocks spells of one level higher for each slot level above 6th.

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 6 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 11
Total: (11)

Cantrips: (11)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Mage Hand
(Manipulate objects from a distance) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
you want Sorcerer/Cleric Spell list) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 12 + (1 Divine Soul) = 13
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Fey-Touched Spells Known: 2
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 13 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) + 2 (Fey-Touched) = 24
Total: (24)

1st level: (7) (Ability to change out 3 First level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer
Gift of Alacrity (Initiative Buff 8 Hours) - Fey-Touched

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait
Aid (Raise HP Maximum) - Sorcerer
Darkness (Can see because of Devil's Sight) - Sorcerer
Misty Step (Teleport) - Fey-Touched

3rd Level:
Counter Spell (Nope!) - Sorcerer
Fireball (FIREBALL!!!!!!) - Sorcerer
(Short Rest in 10 minutes) or Haste (+2 AC, Extra Action, (Twin)) or Disple Magic (Dispel Magicacl effects) - Sorcerer

4th Level:
Banishment (Take an enemy out of the game) - Sorcerer
Polymorph (Twin for maximum effect) - Sorcerer
Death Ward
(Protection from Death 8 Hour buff (No Concentration))

5th Level: (2)
Greater Restoration (Cure Conditions) - Sorcerer
Mass Cure Wounds
(Mass Heal) - Sorcerer

6th Level:
Heroes' Feast (Increase Max HP (Combine with Aid and Inspiring Leader) - Sorcerer - Divine
Globe of Invulnerability (Protect the group from magic) - Sorcerer

Pact Magic Spells: (3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (4) - 2nd (3) - 3rd (3) - 4th (3) - 5th (2) - 6th (1)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2) - 1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest
1 Misty Step per Long Rest - 1 Gift of Alacrity per Long Rest
Concentration Check:
(Advantage) 1d20 + 5(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Level 15: Sorcerer - MetaMagic Adept - Empowered Spell - Extend Spell
(14th lvl) 89 + 4 (Avg Sorcerer) + 2 (Con) = 95
HP: 95
Proficiency Bonus: +5
Sorcery Points: 12 (Normal) 2 (Metamagic Adept)

Ability Score Improvement: When you reach 12th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores
of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a Feat.

Feat: Metamagic Adept: You've learned how to exert your will on your spells to alter how they function. You learn two Metamagic options of your choice
from the Sorcerer class. You can use only one Metamagic option on a spell when you cast it, unless the option says otherwise.
Whenever you reach a level that grants the ability score Improvement feature, you can replace one of these Metamagic options
with another one from the Sorcerer class.

You gain 2 Sorcery Points to spend on Metamagic (these points are added to any Sorcery Points you have from another
source but can be used only on Metamagic). You regain all spent Sorcery Points when you finish a Long Rest.

Empowered Spell: When you roll damage for a spell, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to reroll a number of the damage dice
up to your Charisma modifier (+3). You must use the new rolls. You can use Empowered Spell
even if you have already used a different Metamagic option during the casting of the spell.

Extend Spell : When you cast a spell that has a duration of 1 minute or longer, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to double its duration,
to a maximum duration of 24 hours.
(This Build has a couple of 8 Hour buffs)
(Spells that do not use Concentration like: Aid, Gift of Alacrity, Death Ward)

Spell Changes: None

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 6 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 11
Total: (11)

Cantrips: (11)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Mage Hand
(Manipulate objects from a distance) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
you want Sorcerer/Cleric Spell list) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 12 + (1 Divine Soul) = 13
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Fey-Touched Spells Known: 2
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 13 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) + 2 (Fey-Touched) = 24
Total: (24)

1st level: (7) (Ability to change out 3 First level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer
Gift of Alacrity (Initiative Buff 8 Hours) - Fey-Touched

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait
Aid (Raise HP Maximum) - Sorcerer
Darkness (Can see because of Devil's Sight) - Sorcerer
Misty Step (Teleport) - Fey-Touched

3rd Level:
Counter Spell (Nope!) - Sorcerer
Fireball (FIREBALL!!!!!!) - Sorcerer
(Short Rest in 10 minutes) or Haste (+2 AC, Extra Action, (Twin)) or Disple Magic (Dispel Magicacl effects) - Sorcerer

4th Level:
Banishment (Take an enemy out of the game) - Sorcerer
Polymorph (Twin for maximum effect) - Sorcerer
Death Ward
(Protection from Death 8 Hour buff (No Concentration))

5th Level: (2)
Greater Restoration (Cure Conditions) - Sorcerer
Mass Cure Wounds
(Mass Heal) - Sorcerer

6th Level:
Heroes' Feast (Increase Max HP (Combine with Aid and Inspiring Leader) - Sorcerer - Divine
Globe of Invulnerability (Protect the group from magic) - Sorcerer

Pact Magic Spells: (3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (4) - 2nd (3) - 3rd (3) - 4th (3) - 5th (2) - 6th (1) - 7th (1)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2) - 1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest
1 Misty Step per Long Rest - 1 Gift of Alacrity per Long Rest
Concentration Check:
(Advantage) 1d20 + 5(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Level 16:
Sorcerer - Resurrection - Delayed Fireball
(15th lvl) 95 + 4 (Avg Sorcerer) + 2 (Con) = 101
Proficiency Bonus: +5
Sorcery Points: 13 (Normal) 2 (Metamagic Adept)

Spell Changes: This build is Changing Fireball into Delayed Fireball:

Resurrection: You touch a dead creature that has been dead for no more than a century, that didn't die of old age, and that isn't undead.
If its soul is free and willing, the target returns to life with all its hit points. This spell neutralizes any poisons and cures
normal diseases afflicting the creature when it died. It doesn't, however, remove magical diseases, curses, and the like;
if such effects aren't removed prior to casting the spell, they afflict the target on its return to life.
This spell closes all mortal wounds and restores any missing body parts. Coming back from the dead is an ordeal.
The target takes a −4 penalty to all attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks. Every time the target finishes a long rest,
the penalty is reduced by 1 until it disappears. Casting this spell to restore life to a creature that has been dead for one year
or longer taxes you greatly. Until you finish a long rest, you can't cast spells again, and you have disadvantage on all attack
rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.

Delayed Fireball: A beam of yellow light flashes from your pointing finger, then condenses to linger at a chosen point within range as a glowing
bead for the duration. When the spell ends, either because your concentration is broken or because you decide to end it, the
bead blossoms with a low roar into an explosion of flame that spreads around corners. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere
centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes fire damage equal to the total accumulated damage
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
The spell's base damage is 12d6. If at the end of your turn the bead has not yet detonated, the damage increases by 1d6.
If the glowing bead is touched before the interval has expired, the creature touching it must make a Dexterity saving throw.
On a failed save, the spell ends immediately, causing the bead to erupt in flame. On a successful save, the creature can throw the
bead up to 40 feet. When it strikes a creature or a solid object, the spell ends, and the bead explodes. The fire damages objects in the
area and ignites flammable objects that aren't being worn or carried. At Higher Levels.
When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the base damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 7th.

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 6 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 11
Total: (11)

Cantrips: (11)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Mage Hand
(Manipulate objects from a distance) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
you want Sorcerer/Cleric Spell list) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 13 + (1 Divine Soul) = 14
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Fey-Touched Spells Known: 2
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 14 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) + 2 (Fey-Touched) = 25
Total: (25)

1st level: (7) (Ability to change out 3 First level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer
Gift of Alacrity (Initiative Buff 8 Hours) - Fey-Touched

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait
Aid (Raise HP Maximum) - Sorcerer
Darkness (Can see because of Devil's Sight) - Sorcerer
Misty Step (Teleport) - Fey-Touched

3rd Level:
Counter Spell (Nope!) - Sorcerer
(Short Rest in 10 minutes) or Haste (+2 AC, Extra Action, (Twin)) or Disple Magic (Dispel Magicacl effects) - Sorcerer

4th Level:
Banishment (Take an enemy out of the game) - Sorcerer
Polymorph (Twin for maximum effect) - Sorcerer
Death Ward
(Protection from Death 8 Hour buff (No Concentration))

5th Level: (2)
Greater Restoration (Cure Conditions) - Sorcerer
Mass Cure Wounds
(Mass Heal) - Sorcerer

6th Level:
Heroes' Feast (Increase Max HP (Combine with Aid and Inspiring Leader) - Sorcerer - Divine
Globe of Invulnerability (Protect the group from magic) - Sorcerer

7th Level:
Resurrection (Hi Friends) - Sorcerer
Delayed Fireball
(Better Fireball) - Sorcerer

Pact Magic Spells: (3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (4) - 2nd (3) - 3rd (3) - 4th (3) - 5th (2) - 6th (1) - 7th (1)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2) - 1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest
1 Misty Step per Long Rest - 1 Gift of Alacrity per Long Rest
Concentration Check:
(Advantage) 1d20 + 5(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Level 17: Sorcerer - Batman - Otherworldly Wings
HP: (16th lvl) 101 + 4 (Avg Sorcerer) + 2 (Con) = 107
Proficiency Bonus: +6
Sorcery Points: 14 (Normal) 2 (Metamagic Adept)

Sorcerer Origin Feature: Otherworldly Wings (Now The Build can fly)
Starting at 14th level, you can use a bonus action to manifest a pair of spectral wings from your back.
While the wings are present, you have a flying speed of 30 feet. The wings last until you're incapacitated,
you die, or you dismiss them as a bonus action.
The affinity you chose for your Divine Magic feature determines the appearance of the spectral wings:
eagle wings for good or law, bat wings for evil or chaos, and dragonfly wings for neutrality.

Spell Changes: The build in not changing anything

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 6 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 11
Total: (11)

Cantrips: (11)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Mage Hand
(Manipulate objects from a distance) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
you want Sorcerer/Cleric Spell list) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 13 + (1 Divine Soul) = 14
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Fey-Touched Spells Known: 2
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 14 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) + 2 (Fey-Touched) = 25
Total: (25)

1st level: (7) (Ability to change out 3 First level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer
Gift of Alacrity (Initiative Buff 8 Hours) - Fey-Touched

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait
Aid (Raise HP Maximum) - Sorcerer
Darkness (Can see because of Devil's Sight) - Sorcerer
Misty Step (Teleport) - Fey-Touched

3rd Level:
Counter Spell (Nope!) - Sorcerer
(Short Rest in 10 minutes) or Haste (+2 AC, Extra Action, (Twin)) or Disple Magic (Dispel Magicacl effects) - Sorcerer

4th Level:
Banishment (Take an enemy out of the game) - Sorcerer
Polymorph (Twin for maximum effect) - Sorcerer
Death Ward
(Protection from Death 8 Hour buff (No Concentration))

5th Level: (2)
Greater Restoration (Cure Conditions) - Sorcerer
Mass Cure Wounds
(Mass Heal) - Sorcerer

6th Level:
Heroes' Feast (Increase Max HP (Combine with Aid and Inspiring Leader) - Sorcerer - Divine
Globe of Invulnerability (Protect the group from magic) - Sorcerer

7th Level:
Resurrection (Hi Friends) - Sorcerer
Delayed Fireball
(Better Fireball) - Sorcerer

Pact Magic Spells: (3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (4) - 2nd (3) - 3rd (3) - 4th (3) - 5th (2) - 6th (1) - 7th (1) - 8th (1)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2) - 1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest
1 Misty Step per Long Rest - 1 Gift of Alacrity per Long Rest
Concentration Check:
(Advantage) 1d20 + 6(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Level 18: Sorcerer - Power Word Stun
(17th lvl) 107 + 4 (Avg Sorcerer) + 2 (Con) = 113
Proficiency Bonus: +6
Sorcery Points: 15 (Normal) 2 (Metamagic Adept)

Spell Changes: The build is not changing anything and it is Learning:

Power Word Stun: You speak a word of power that can overwhelm the mind of one creature you can see within range,
leaving it dumbfounded. If the target has 150 hit points or fewer, it is stunned. Otherwise, the spell has no effect.
The stunned target must make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save,
this stunning effect ends.

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 6 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 11
Total: (11)

Cantrips: (11)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Mage Hand
(Manipulate objects from a distance) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
you want Sorcerer/Cleric Spell list) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 14 + (1 Divine Soul) = 15
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Fey-Touched Spells Known: 2
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 15 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) + 2 (Fey-Touched) = 26
Total: (26)

1st level: (7) (Ability to change out 3 First level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer
Gift of Alacrity (Initiative Buff 8 Hours) - Fey-Touched

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait
Aid (Raise HP Maximum) - Sorcerer
Darkness (Can see because of Devil's Sight) - Sorcerer
Misty Step (Teleport) - Fey-Touched

3rd Level:
Counter Spell (Nope!) - Sorcerer
(Short Rest in 10 minutes) or Haste (+2 AC, Extra Action, (Twin)) or Disple Magic (Dispel Magicacl effects) - Sorcerer

4th Level:
Banishment (Take an enemy out of the game) - Sorcerer
Polymorph (Twin for maximum effect) - Sorcerer
Death Ward
(Protection from Death 8 Hour buff (No Concentration))

5th Level: (2)
Greater Restoration (Cure Conditions) - Sorcerer
Mass Cure Wounds
(Mass Heal) - Sorcerer

6th Level:
Heroes' Feast (Increase Max HP (Combine with Aid and Inspiring Leader) - Sorcerer - Divine
Globe of Invulnerability (Protect the group from magic) - Sorcerer

7th Level:
Resurrection (Hi Friends) - Sorcerer
Delayed Fireball
(Better Fireball) - Sorcerer

8th Level:
Power Word Stun (Incapacitate a enemy) - Sorcerer

Pact Magic Spells: (3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (4) - 2nd (3) - 3rd (3) - 4th (3) - 5th (2) - 6th (1) - 7th (1) - 8th (1)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2) - 1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest
1 Misty Step per Long Rest - 1 Gift of Alacrity per Long Rest
Concentration Check:
(Advantage) 1d20 + 6(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Level 19: Sorcerer - Charisma + 2
(17th lvl) 113 + 4 (Avg Sorcerer) + 2 (Con) = 119
Proficiency Bonus: +6
Sorcery Points: 16 (Normal) 2 (Metamagic Adept)

Ability Score Improvement: When you reach 16th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores
of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
This build chooses: +2 Charisma

(10) (-1) (Skills, Saves, Carry Capacity)
Dexterity: (14) (+2) (AC, Saves, Initiative)
Constitution: (14) (+2) (HP, Conentration)
Intelligence: (8) (-1)
Wisdom: (14) (+2) (Cleric Multi-Class)
Charisma: (18) (+3) (Sorcerer/Warlock Spells)

Spell Changes: This build is not changing anything:

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 6 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 11
Total: (11)

Cantrips: (11)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Mage Hand
(Manipulate objects from a distance) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
you want Sorcerer/Cleric Spell list) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 14 + (1 Divine Soul) = 15
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Fey-Touched Spells Known: 2
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 15 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) + 2 (Fey-Touched) = 26
Total: (26)

1st level: (7) (Ability to change out 3 First level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer
Gift of Alacrity (Initiative Buff 8 Hours) - Fey-Touched

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait
Aid (Raise HP Maximum) - Sorcerer
Darkness (Can see because of Devil's Sight) - Sorcerer
Misty Step (Teleport) - Fey-Touched

3rd Level:
Counter Spell (Nope!) - Sorcerer
(Short Rest in 10 minutes) or Haste (+2 AC, Extra Action, (Twin)) or Disple Magic (Dispel Magicacl effects) - Sorcerer

4th Level:
Banishment (Take an enemy out of the game) - Sorcerer
Polymorph (Twin for maximum effect) - Sorcerer
Death Ward
(Protection from Death 8 Hour buff (No Concentration))

5th Level: (2)
Greater Restoration (Cure Conditions) - Sorcerer
Mass Cure Wounds
(Mass Heal) - Sorcerer

6th Level:
Heroes' Feast (Increase Max HP (Combine with Aid and Inspiring Leader) - Sorcerer - Divine
Globe of Invulnerability (Protect the group from magic) - Sorcerer

7th Level:
Resurrection (Hi Friends) - Sorcerer
Delayed Fireball
(Better Fireball) - Sorcerer

8th Level:
Power Word Stun (Incapacitate a enemy) - Sorcerer

Pact Magic Spells: (3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (4) - 2nd (3) - 3rd (3) - 4th (3) - 5th (2) - 6th (1) - 7th (1) - 8th (1) - 9th (1)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2) - 1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest
1 Misty Step per Long Rest - 1 Gift of Alacrity per Long Rest
Concentration Check:
(Advantage) 1d20 + 6(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Level 20: Sorcerer - Mass Heal - Wish
(17th lvl) 119 + 4 (Avg Sorcerer) + 2 (Con) = 125
HP: 125
Proficiency Bonus: +6
Sorcery Points: 17 (Normal) 2 (Metamagic Adept)

Metamagic: Heightened Spell: When you cast a spell that forces a creature to make a saving throw to resist its effects,
you can spend 3 Sorcery Points to give one target of the spell disadvantage on its first
saving throw made against the spell.

Spell Changes:
This build is changing Mass Cure Wounds to Mass Heal and it is Learning Wish.

Mass heal:
A flood of healing energy flows from you into injured creatures around you. You restore up to 700 hit points,
divided as you choose among any number of creatures that you can see within range. Creatures healed by this spell
are also cured of all diseases and any effect making them blinded or deafened.
This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

Wish: Wish is the mightiest spell a mortal creature can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter the very foundations of reality in accord
with your desires. The basic use of this spell is to duplicate any other spell of 8th level or lower. You don't need to meet any requirements
in that spell, including costly components.

You might be able to achieve something beyond the scope of the above examples. State your wish to the DM as precisely as possible.
The DM has great latitude in ruling what occurs in such an instance; the greater the wish, the greater the likelihood that something goes wrong.
This spell might simply fail, the effect you desire might only be partly achieved, or you might suffer some unforeseen consequence as a result of
how you worded the wish.

It is important to remember that the Divine Soul Sorcerer gets access to the Cleric spell list. The spells are labeled by the class that chose them.

Total number of Cantrips: 6 (Sorcerer) + 3 (Cleric) + 2 (Warlock) = 11
Total: (11)

Cantrips: (11)
Chill Touch (Target can not regain HP) - Sorcerer
Green-Flame Blade
(Extra Damage with melee weapon) - Sorcerer
Mage Hand
(Manipulate objects from a distance) - Sorcerer
Message (Communicate from a Distance) - Sorcerer
Mending (Fix Broken Items) - Sorcerer
you want Sorcerer/Cleric Spell list) - Sorcerer
(Buff to Ability Checks) - Cleric
Resistance (Buff to Saves) - Cleric
Minor illusion
(Visual or Audio) - Cleric
Eldritch Blast (Damage) - Warlock
Mind Sliver (Save De-buff (Intelligence save)) - Warlock

Racial Trait Spells:
(2) (1 = 1 Cleric Domain Spell) 2 - 1 = 1
Sorcerer Spells Known: 15 + (1 Divine Soul) = 16
Cleric Spells: 2 Domain, 3 Prepared
Pact Spells Known: 3
Fey-Touched Spells Known: 2
Total number of spells available to cast: 1 (Racial) + 16 (Sorcerer) + 2 (Domain) + 3 (Prepared) + 3 (Pact) + 2 (Fey-Touched) = 27
Total: (27)

1st level: (7) (Ability to change out 3 First level Prepared Cleric Spells)
Bless (Buff to Attack Rolls and Saves) - Cleric Domain
Cure Wounds (Heal)(Wisdom Modifier) - Cleric Domain
Detect Magic (Is there magic? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Detect Poison and Disease (Is it poisoned or diseased? Ritual) - Cleric Prepared
Sanctuary (Protection Not Concentration) - Cleric Prepared
Shield (+5 AC Reaction) - Sorcerer
Gift of Alacrity (Initiative Buff 8 Hours) - Fey-Touched

2nd level:
Lesser Restoration (End Conditions) - Racial Trait
Aid (Raise HP Maximum) - Sorcerer
Darkness (Can see because of Devil's Sight) - Sorcerer
Misty Step (Teleport) - Fey-Touched

3rd Level:
Counter Spell (Nope!) - Sorcerer
(Short Rest in 10 minutes) or Haste (+2 AC, Extra Action, (Twin)) or Disple Magic (Dispel Magicacl effects) - Sorcerer

4th Level:
Banishment (Take an enemy out of the game) - Sorcerer
Polymorph (Twin for maximum effect) - Sorcerer
Death Ward
(Protection from Death 8 Hour buff (No Concentration))

5th Level: (2)
Greater Restoration (Cure Conditions) - Sorcerer

6th Level:
Heroes' Feast (Increase Max HP (Combine with Aid and Inspiring Leader) - Sorcerer - Divine
Globe of Invulnerability (Protect the group from magic) - Sorcerer

7th Level:
Resurrection (Hi Friends) - Sorcerer
Delayed Fireball
(Better Fireball) - Sorcerer

8th Level:
Power Word Stun (Incapacitate a enemy) - Sorcerer

9th Level:
Wish (Be careful what you wish for) - Sorcerer
Mass Heal (700 HP) - Sorcerer

Pact Magic Spells: (3) 1st Level (Used for replenishing Sorcery Points or niche situations)
Comprehend Languages (Comprehend Languages) - Warlock
Hex (Boss Combo) - Warlock
Protection from Evil and Good
(Niche Buff) - Warlock

Spell Casting Level:
Spell Slots: 1st (4) - 2nd (3) - 3rd (3) - 4th (3) - 5th (2) - 6th (1) - 7th (1) - 8th (1) - 9th (1)
Pact Slots: (2) 1st Level
Racial Trait: 1 Cure Wounds per Long Rest - Wisdom Modifier (+2) - 1 Lesser Restoration per Long Rest
1 Misty Step per Long Rest - 1 Gift of Alacrity per Long Rest
Concentration Check:
(Advantage) 1d20 + 6(Proficiency) + 2 (Consitution)

Total number of cantrips available to cast: 11
Total number of spells available to cast: 27

There are several spell combos utilized in this build.

Fey-Touched + Gift of Alactriy:
The character will have a (+1d8 bonus to Initiative rolls for 8 hours) without expending a Spell Slot. (1 per Long Rest)

Hexblade's Curse + Eldritch Blast + Quicken Spell
Hexblade's Curse + Green-Flame Blade + Quicken Spell
Hexblade's Curse + Magic Missile
Hexblade's Curse + Scorching Ray

Hexblade's Curse: Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to place a baleful curse on someone. As a Bonus Action,
choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target is cursed for 1 minute. The curse ends
early if the target dies, you die, or you are incapacitated. Until the curse ends, you gain the following benefits:

- You gain a bonus to damage rolls against the cursed target. The bonus equals your proficiency bonus.
- Any attack roll you make against the cursed target is a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.
- If the cursed target dies, you regain hit points equal to your Warlock level + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 hit point)
You can't use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

Level 13+ Boss Combo:
Turn 1: (Action) Hex: +1d6 (per hit) - (Bonus Action) Hexblade's Curse + Proficiency bonus (+5 at level13)(+6 at level 17)
Turn 2: (Action) Eldritch Blast - Quicken Spell - (Bonus Action) Eldritch Blast
If all hit at Level 13-16: (Action) (3(1d10 (Eldritch Blast)) + (3(1d6 (Hex)) + (6 (Dmg Rolls) x 5 (Proficiency) = 30 (Curse Dmg))
Min: 3(1) = 3 + 3(1) = 3 + 30 = 36
Max: 3(10) = 30 + 3(6) = 18 + 30 = 78
(Bonus Action) (3(1d10 (Eldritch Blast)) + (3(1d6 (Hex)) + (6 (Dmg Rolls) x 5 (Proficiency) = 30 (Curse Dmg))
Min: 3(1) = 3 + 3(1) = 3 + 30 = 36
Max: 3(10) = 30 + 3(6) = 18 + 30 = 78

6 Attack rolls - Min: 72 Max: 166 - Criticle Range: 19-20

If all hit at Level 17-20: (Action) (4(1d10 (Eldritch Blast)) + (4(1d6 (Hex)) + (8 (Dmg Rolls) x 5 (Proficiency) = 40 (Curse Dmg))
Min: 4(1) = 4 + 4(1) = 4 + 40 = 48
Max: 4(10) = 40 + 4(6) = 24 + 40 = 104
(Bonus Action) (4(1d10 (Eldritch Blast)) + (4(1d6 (Hex)) + (8 (Dmg Rolls) x 5 (Proficiency) = 40 (Curse Dmg))
Min: 4(1) = 4 + 4(1) = 4 + 40 = 48
Max: 4(10) = 40 + 4(6) = 24 + 40 = 104

8 Attack rolls - Min: 96 Max: 208 - Criticle Range: 19-20

OR - For Character Role Play as a Melee Champion

Turn 2: (Action) Green-Flame Blade: Long Sword - Quicken Spell - (Bonus Action) Green-Flame Blade: Long Sword
(2 Attacks) Does less Damage

Twin-Spell + Heal Spells or Buff Spells: Haste is one of the best.
Twin-Spell + Banishment:
2 creatures for 1 level 4 Spell Slot, and 4 Sorcery Points
When you cast a spell that targets only one creature and doesn't have a range of self, you can spend a number of Sorcery Points
equal to the spell's level to target a second creature in range with the same spell (1 Sorcery Point if the spell is a Cantrip).
To be eligible, a spell must be incapable of targeting more than one creature at the spell's current level. For example, Magic Missile
and Scorching ray aren't eligible, but Ray of Frost and Chromatic Orb are. (The build does a lot of buffing and healing)

Subtle-Spell + Damage Spells =
Harder to Be Counter Spelled.
Subtle-Spell + Suggestion or Command =
Easier to influence in and out of combat without being spotted.
Subtle-Spell: When you cast a spell, you can spend 1 Sorcery Point to cast it without any Somatic or Verbal Components.

Devil's Sight + Darkness: Devil's Sight: You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.

Darkness: Magical darkness spreads from a point you choose within range to fill a 15-foot-radius sphere for the duration.
The darkness spreads around corners. A creature with darkvision can't see through this darkness, and nonmagical light can't illuminate it.
If the point you choose is on an object you are holding or one that isn't being worn or carried, the darkness emanates from the object
and moves with it. Completely covering the source of the darkness with an opaque object, such as a bowl or a helm, blocks the darkness.
If any of this spell's area overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, the spell that created the light is dispelled.

Catnap + Short Rest: This build will utilize a trick to allow 3 creatures to rest twice while this character changes 2 (1st level) Pact-Magic spell slots into
3 Sorcery Points (Similar 20th level Sorcerer feature)

This is done Only when the group wants to take a Short Rest for Short Rest benefits.

- First the player changes Pact-Magic Spell Slots into Sorcery Points: 2 (1st level Spell Slots) gaining (4) Sorcery Points. Then the player casts Catnap,
a 10 minute short rest for up to 3 creatures, at the cost of a 3rd level spell slot. (acquired at level 9)
- Then the Player regains the 2 spent Pact-Magic Spell Slots.
- Then the player can buy a third level Spell Slot for 5 Sorcery Points. (The build only losing 1 Sorcery Point.)
The 3 creatures that took the 10 minute Catnap then can guard for the rest of the Short Rest (The build only losing 1 Sorcery Point.)

- If the DM allows the 3 players, who took the Catnap, take a second Short Rest, since the first one only took 10 minutes.
the player can then convert the 2 (1st level) Pact-Magic Spells-Slots into 4 more Sorcery Points. With that 8 total Sorcery Points are gained.
- The player then converts 5 Sorcery Points into a 3rd level Spell Slot (5 Sorcery Points)
- Ultimately gaining 3 extra Sorcery Points (much earlier than the level 20 Class Feature: Sorcerous Restoration (+4 Sorcery Points per Short Rest)
(Not game breaking if this mechanic is not abused)

Mind Sliver + Banishment: Mind Sliver(Cantrip: De-buff to next save) and Banishment(Quickened) - 1 turn - 2 Sorcery Points
With Quicken Spell the build can cast Mind Sliver wait to see if the de-buff works then quicken Banishment if it does.
Also the build can do Heightened Spell(Save at Disadvantage) at Level 20 - Banishment - 1 turn - 3 Sorcery Points

Aid + Inspiring Leader + Heros' Feast: Aid:
Your spell bolsters your allies with toughness and resolve. Choose up to three creatures within range.
Each target's hit point maximum and current hit points increase by 5 for the duration. At Higher Levels.
When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, a target's hit points increase by an
additional 5 for each slot level above 2nd.

Inspiring Leader: You can spend 10 minutes inspiring your companions, shoring up their resolve to fight.
When you do so, choose up to six friendly creatures (which can include yourself) within
30 feet of you who can see or hear you and who can understand you. Each creature can
gain temporary hit points equal to your level + your Charisma modifier
. A creature can't
gain temporary hit points from this feat again until it has finished a Short or Long Rest.

Heroes' Feast:
You bring forth a great feast, including magnificent food and drink. The feast takes 1 hour to consume and disappears
at the end of that time, and the beneficial effects don't set in until this hour is over. Up to twelve creatures can partake of the feast.
A creature that partakes of the feast gains several benefits. The creature is cured of all diseases and poison, becomes immune
to poison and being Frightened, and makes all Wisdom saving throws with advantage. Its hit point maximum also increases by 2d10,
and it gains the same number of hit points. These benefits last for 24 hours.

Thanks for reading.

Any thoughts are welcome.
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