Raven Queen: A large array of utility, and spiritual weapon.
False Life: Outclassed by armor of agathys, or you can get it at-will with an invocation.
©Sanctuary: A good protection spell, but doesn't scale.
silence: A good way to shut down casters, but that includes youself. Eldrich blast takes V.
Spiritual Weapon: A strong spell that scales well.
feign death: A niche utility spell that beggs for creativity.
speak with dead: A niche utility spell that can undermine a campaign.
ice storm: An smaller damage spell that adds a touch of control.
locate creature: A niche utility spell.
commune: A flexible utility spell.
cone of cold: A nice large AoE. Does a good bit more damage than ice storm.
1: Sentinal Raven: A nice array of utility features.
6: Soul of the Raven: Utility flying.
10: Ravens Shield: Immunity and necrotic resit are decent. Advantage on death saves doesn't help a huge amount, but more features is more features.
14: Queen’s Right Hand: Good single target damage, plus a zombie. Why is the raven queen gives zombies?
False Life: Outclassed by armor of agathys, or you can get it at-will with an invocation.
©Sanctuary: A good protection spell, but doesn't scale.
silence: A good way to shut down casters, but that includes youself. Eldrich blast takes V.
Spiritual Weapon: A strong spell that scales well.
feign death: A niche utility spell that beggs for creativity.
speak with dead: A niche utility spell that can undermine a campaign.
ice storm: An smaller damage spell that adds a touch of control.
locate creature: A niche utility spell.
commune: A flexible utility spell.
cone of cold: A nice large AoE. Does a good bit more damage than ice storm.
1: Sentinal Raven: A nice array of utility features.
6: Soul of the Raven: Utility flying.
10: Ravens Shield: Immunity and necrotic resit are decent. Advantage on death saves doesn't help a huge amount, but more features is more features.
14: Queen’s Right Hand: Good single target damage, plus a zombie. Why is the raven queen gives zombies?
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