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Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

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kolvar said:
@Tanilen: how far are you with the hentai rule?

Here are some ideas and a PrC for the sex ninja. by the way, while it is based on La Blue Girl, I am not sticking to it 100%. Also, we prolly should not use the copy righted terms like "shikima, Suzuka, and Miroku clans"----i am open to suggestions for new names for the Sex Demons and for the two clans of Sex Ninjas.

Here are my ideas for the Hentail rules so far:

SexCraft Ninja

It began centuries ago when warring ninja clans struck deals with the evil Shikima in the underworld in a never ending quest for supremacy. These ninja clans strove to learn the secrets of Sex Craft that allowed the demons to overwhelm and control their human slaves.

Years of strife and warfare have left only two ninja clans who know the secrets of SexCraft--the Suzuka, who seek to use their arts to one day rule both the human and Shikima realms, and the Miroku, who try and protect the innocent from the depredations of the perverted Shikima and Suzuka.

Hit Die: d10.

 Base Attack Bonus: +3.
 Monk's fast movement
 Knowledge (Shikima lore): 1 rank.
 Sex Craft: 5 ranks. (Must have the Enduring Lover and Delay Orgasm sex tricks)
 Feats: unarmed strike
 Special: Must have been raised in a SexCraft Ninja clan. Characters who have been raised thus can treat SexCraft as a class skill for monks and a cross class skill for all other classes. Otherwise, SexCraft is a prohibited skill.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Skills: The SexCraft Ninja's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str) Knowledge (shikima) (Int), Listen (Wis), move silent (Dex), SexCraft (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), and Tumble (Dex).

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: SexCraft Ninjas are proficient with all weapons and armor.

Table: SexCraft Ninja

Level BAB Fort Ref Will
Save Save Save
1st +1 +0 +0 +2
2nd +2 +0 +0 +3
3rd +3 +1 +1 +3
4th +4 +1 +1 +4
5th +5 +1 +1 +4
6th +6 +2 +2 +5
7th +7 +2 +2 +5
8th +8 +2 +2 +6
9th +9 +3 +3 +6
10th +10 +3 +3 +7

Table: SexCraft Ninja Powers
Powers Discovered
Level Special Power Points/Day
0 1 2 3
1st Favored enemy (shikima), +3 — — — —
2nd Shikima sense +5
3rd TBA +5 — — — —
4th Bonus feat* +5 — — — —
5th TBA +5 1 — — —
6th Bonus feat* +7 2 — — —
7th TBA +7 2 1 — —
8th Bonus feat* +7 2 2 — —
9th TBA +9 2 2 1 —
10th Bonus feat* +9 2 2 2 —
11th TBA +9 2 2 2 1

Class Features

Sex Points: SexCraft Ninjas gain sex points per day as shown on Table: SexCraft Ninjas Powers. These power points are added to the character’s previous total. Ninjas do gain bonus Sex Points based on the Charisma score

Powers Discovered: SexCraft Ninjas discover powers as shown on Table: Ninja Powers. The powers are added to the character’s previous total powers known.

Favored Enemy (Shikima): At 1st level, the Ninja selects Shikima (and Shikimakin) as her favored enemy.

Shikima Sense: The SexCraft Ninja senses the presence of Shikima within 60 feet of herself.

Bonus Feats: At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level, a SexCraft Ninja gains a bonus general, psionic, or metapsionic feat.


There are a number of Sex Craft effects that are used in both the video and the graphic novel versions of La Blue Girl upon which this is loosely based. I am having a hard time deciding if they should be Powers (a la psionics) or Feats that require SexPoints to power them (like Psion feats) or a mixture of both. Also, I would like to find a way to work Psionic combat into this if possible. Help is appreciated =)

Here are some concepts I have:

Sex Craft Skill
Sexcraft is the sexual skill used by Shikima to dominate and overpower their foes. When the ninja clans started targeting the Shikima, they found the most effective way to dealing with them was learn their sex craft secrets--normal sexual prowess was powerless against the demons. The first SexCraft secrets were learned from captured and tamed shikima demons

Sexcraft is used instead of Sexual Prowess for sex ninja effects and feats. Shikima also have a sex craft skill they use when :):):):)ing someone, not sexual prowess. Sex Craft is used, in fact, on any roll that would normally use the Sexual Prowess check for a normal character, or the Spell Craft skill for a wizard. Because of this, a sex ninja is likely to have a much higher sex craft skill rating then sexual prowess. A sex ninja can get a +2 synergy bonus to the their sex craft if they have 5 ranks of sexual prowess.

Sex Craft Combat: When two practitioners of Sex Craft engage in combat, they may try and overwhelm each other sexually till one or the other has been drained of all SPs. Sex Ninjas do not gain any SPs from their own orgasms, only from others they bring to climax. If two Sex Ninjas battle each other, they gain from the other the SPs they would normally get from recharging.
Example: A 5th level ninja of the Miroku clan is battling a Suzuka ninja of the same level. The Miroku forces her foe to orgasm, taking 5 SPs from her.

Root of Lust: Shikima are so strong in their natural Sex Craft that whenever they :):):):) a human with their Root of Lust and make the person orgasm, there are two different automatic effects that can happen without the demon announcing it or consciously deciding to do it. One of these is to drain SPs from the victim, the other is to drain temporary wisdom points from the victim.

Shikima Vs Opponents with PPs: shikima demons drain SPs from sex ninjas from each forced orgasm equal to the margin by which the sexual prowess succeeds. Ex-Kilmaru is :):):):)ing Miko Mido with his root of lust, his sexual prowess roll to make her climax is 25, her sexual prowess roll to resist climax is 19, so Miko loses 6 PPs.

Once a sex ninja is drained of her PPs, she suffers the same effects as a sex mage who is down to zero PPs. In addition, she must make a sexual endurance check after each new orgasm or pass out and a will check. The dc for the will check is 10+the margin of the demon’s sex craft roll. If a will check is failed, the sex ninja loses a number of temporary wisdom points equal to the margin she failed her save by. Once her temporary wisdom points reach zero, the sex slave as though Dominated and Charmed by the shikima until they regain their PPs. Ex-Kilmaru has been :):):):)ing Miko for hours now, her sex and sweat coated body weakening now that she has no SPs left. Kilmaru rolls a 33 and Miko’s resist orgasm sex craft check is 27--another orgasm racks her body! Mido makes her sexual endurance check, but her will save is a 13. The DC for the save was 16 (10 + Kilmaru’s sex craft margin of 6), so Miko fails and loses 3 temp wisdom points. (note--something similar to this can be done by non-sex craft practitioners, but requires the Advanced Sexual Technique feat and the results are less drastic--see Advanced Sex Rules for more information--Sexual Overload)

Shikima Vs. Normal victims: Normal victims are those that have no SPs to start with. For them, each orgasm they are forced to enjoy requires a will save to avoid losing the Temporary Will Points
Succubus Lust: Succubae and Aryneas are the classic shikima-type demons already found in the MM. They operate in a similar manner to what is already shown, with the main difference being the effect of their “kiss.” For any Shikima-based succubus, the power requires the she-demon to climax their victim, not kiss them. The victim still gains negative levels, per the normal, but acquiring a number of negative levels no longer means death, but thralldom until the negative levels are lost.
Shikima and SPs: Shikima recover lost SPs by having sex and draining them from victims with the Roots of Lust or Succubus Kiss. They can also get them from non-SP victims--they get the victim’s CR in SP for every orgasm extracted. Also, just as the gain SPs, they also can Overload. A Shikima can have a number of SPs equal to their HPs. Once they have absorbed more, they need to start following the rules for Overcharging. Lesser Shikima demons are like goldfish and will keep draining SP without regard to overcharging, greater demons must make will checks per the Sex Mage rule. If a shikima overcharges and discharges, they are banished from earth in a puff of smoke and light. If they are already in the Shikima realm, they just pass out.

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First Post
wow, that is a nice first take. My first comments.

- Do we have to name the clans? Than my suggestions: Clan of Pleasure and Clan of Rape (weak, I know)
- For the Shikima/ Demons of Sex/ Sexual Demons/ Fiends of Pleasure, we would need either a template or some monster/monsters (maybe something along the line of the 1st edition hordling with tables for looks, might and what ever)
- The Prerequisits:
Base Attack +4
Base Movement 40 (or a feat/ feats, that allow for faster movement) To open the class to other classes (especially the psionic classes).
Knowledge (Shikima Lore) 5
Special: must be member of one of the clans for at least one year and must have partaken at some rituals that included the sex demons (to open the class to other characters, too). Characters, who where born to the clan are allowed to take Knowledge (Shikima Lore) and Sex Craft as class skills.
The other prereqs stay the same

- The Sex Craft rules seem to be all right so far, (change the acronym SP to something different (SP = Skill Points)). Maybe the Ability to drain another charakter could be gained on a later level, increasing up to level equaling that of the Shikima (Maybe the character becomes part Shikima (another nice template) at 10th level, gaining increased sexual immunities. Maybe when a victim is drained to half its Wisdom (or less) by a shikima it becomes a slave to its pleasure and the creature causing the pleasure as long as the victim receives pleasure every day (second day) from the master.
- If the Sex Points power Psionic Feats and Psionic Powers the character should receive more of them and its own list of powers.

- How about a temporal raise of Sex Points if a Sex Ninja becomes aroused or horny?

- what are those slots in the list (0 1 2 3? Psionic Powers? (if yes: yea, we get more psionic sex powers!)

- Where are the rules for Sex Mages (g)?

- For the psionic combat like sex "combat" we should do some new defenses and attacks (which could be based or influenced by the mini-feats).
if we do this, we surely should do a sex mage, too, as you probably have done, although more or less based on the psion, who is heavier on the shikima magic/ powers but worse in combat (like psion and psychic warrior).

that where my 5 cent.


First Post
Sorn said:

But, we are still looking for some art for the "regular" guide. Namely, we are short on the following:

-male nudes (gotta give the ladies something to look at too),

-Prestige Classes (transgender shaman, controller, psiducer)

-illustrations for magic items and spells (e.g. the frictionless sheets just scream for a comic/cartoon-type illustration)

I would add
- Other characters than "elfettes", "centaurettes" and "satyrettes".


First Post
@gez: In my defense:

I know the majority of the current artwork is female, and predominantly elven. However, that's a problem with fantasy art, especially nudes/semi-nudes. If you look around, you will find 95% of fantasy art is elves, faeries, angels and demons. If anyone does dwarves, they are usually clad in plate mail. Gnomes and halflings are hardly found at all. I did manage to come up with a decent number of humans. Natacha Choquet was kind enough to come up with the naked dwarves and the halfling dominatrix with her slaves, which brings in some different racial flavor.

Trust me, I scoured elfwood for days in search of varied artwork. There is hardly any dwarf, halfling, gnome or half-orc suitable for the guide. Also something to consider, I found a lot more than what's on the site right now. I have over 100 drawings that would be great, but I have not received an answer to my emails asking for permission. Two of the artists I heard back from had great stuff, but did not want to be associated with a RPG supplement about sex.

Also bear in mind that not all the art posted on the site will make the final version. If you read the header, it is art we are considering to put in. I am certain that only one of the female centaurs and satyrs will make it, and quite a few elven ladies will be cut as well. The final determination will happen when I get the edited copy of the guide from Averil. Once I go over the text, I will carefully consider the best artwork available for each section, and then try to make it fit on the page.

But yes, if anyone has any art suitable for anything in the guide (especially non-elven, non-female), let me know. Same thing goes for anyone who knows an artist who might have good artwork. The more artwork I have permission for, the better choices in the final layout I can make.


First Post
kolvar said:

- The Prerequisits:
Base Attack +4
Base Movement 40 (or a feat/ feats, that allow for faster movement) To open the class to other classes (especially the psionic classes).
Knowledge (Shikima Lore) 5
Special: must be member of one of the clans for at least one year and must have partaken at some rituals that included the sex demons (to open the class to other characters, too). Characters, who where born to the clan are allowed to take Knowledge (Shikima Lore) and Sex Craft as class skills.
The other prereqs stay the same

I set the BAB requirment at 3 to allow a monk class to be able to qualify for the PrC at level 5, instead of 6. Setting the BAB at 4 would take a lot longer to meet all the requirements, especially for multi-classes characters!!!!!!! By the way, this PrC is based on the "Slayer" PrC found in the Psionic's handbook---they are practically identical, infact--i just replaced psion references with Sex Craft references, and Mind Flayers with Shikima demons, etc. I did this so as to give me a template to keep the class as balanced as possible.

- what are those slots in the list (0 1 2 3? Psionic Powers? (if yes: yea, we get more psionic sex powers!)

Yes, they are =) I have a list of the different powers used in the cartoons, i just need to write the mechinics for them and then decide if they are feats or powers. If we do a psionic combat system as well, then some of them may work there instead. Its ultra confusing at this point, but i am trying =)

Where are the rules for Sex Mages (g)?

if we do this, we surely should do a sex mage, too, as you probably have done, although more or less based on the psion, who is heavier on the shikima magic/ powers but worse in combat (like psion and psychic warrior).

Oh yes, there is a Sex Mage, and most of the rules for Sex Craft are built into it's description. And yes, the Sex Mage is very much a Psion like character. I will polish that and present it soon so that a more complete view can be seen.

On a different note--you have the link to my original version of the sex rules listed on the web page as "nakes swords conversion." Can you please change that to "Naked Blades" for me?

I will try and neaten the area up a bit and give you a new link to use that will also include access to the rest of the website as well


First Post
Sorry, for the nakes blades (I thought, I had changed that some time ago, although I probably put it up again. My fault). Will change it asap (i.e. the ftp-connection works again)

The +3 BAB Prereq ist probably ok (have thought again about it. As far as I remember though, the slayer is not possible that early?).)
How about the other prereqs?
About the naked blades sex-rules: how far can we make them compatible with the rules we got in the soft-sex guide?
(I think I would like to do the naught-guide in a way, that you could use it as an add-on. What do you think?)

How about doing the whole thing more on the line of psionics and less like magic? (seems to fit the hentai feeling better)


First Post
Erm, I'm not sure if I should jump in here with this since it's my first post here but I had some time earlier and fiddled a bit with what got put up about Sexcraft to try and make it a touch 'neater'.

I've seperated off what Shikima can do as opposed to somebody with the Sexcraft skill by making their stuff a special 'attack'. Additionally, I added a few little bits such as beign able to use sex tricks with Sexcraft which only makes sense to my mind...


Sexcraft (Cha; Trained Only; Armor Check Penalty; Exclusive)
Use this skill to apply the true secrets of seduction and sensation, to tap into the primal power behind sexual pleasure and use it to overwhelm or to draw it out from another.
Check: The DC and effect depend on the task you attempt.

Task DC
Drain 10
Enslave 20
Frustrate 5
Overwhelm 15
Pleasure Special
Snare 15

Drain: If you bring a being to orgasm using Sexcraft then you may attempt to overwhelm them with their own pleasure and tap it for your own use. You prevent their normal /sp/ recovery from that orgasm and may transfer a number of points up to your ranks in Sexcraft minus three (minimum limit of one point) from their pool to your own. This can not bring the victim’s /sp/ pool below zero.
Enslave: By plying your craft on a victim who is already in sexual delirium, you may warp them into your plaything.
The victim may attempt to resist with an arousal check (DC of 10+ the modifier of your check result from table S-1), but if they fail then they are effectively charmed and will obey almost any commands that you give them to the best of their ability and understanding.
A victim may resist a command if it is completely contrary to their normal nature by making a Will save (DC as it was before) at a +1 to +4 bonus, depending on the exact action required. Obviously self-destructive orders are bit carried out and entitle the victim to an immediate Will save to break free.
This effect lasts until the victim has regained all their /sp/ and healed all temporary Wisdom damage they have taken.
Frustrate: When bringing any being with Sexcraft to orgasm, you may immediately make a Sexcraft check against this DC as a free action to prevent their normal recovery of /sp/ from that orgasm.
Overwhelm: If brining a victim with no /sp/ (either from having run out or from never possessing any) to orgasm then you may inflict points of temporary Wisdom damage equal to one third of their ranks in Sexcraft. The victim can negate this ability damage with a Will save (DC of 10 + the modifier of your check result from table S-1). If reduced to zero Wisdom, the victim becomes Sexually delirious instead of suffering the normal effects of being reduced to that level.
Pleasure: Any check which would normally be made using Sexual Prowess may instead be made as Sexcraft checks.
Snare: By touching against a victim in just the right manner, you can cause the pleasure of your touch to overwhelm their better judgement. The victim must make a Will save (DC of your check result) or be fail to bring themselves to actually take an action such as moving away or screaming for help that might cause the pleasurable feelings to end. If the circumstances indicate to them that not leaving would be suicidal or directly harmful though then this effect is immediately broken.
You may only use this ability on one victim at any one time and can only take partial actions while maintaining it. However you may use Sexual Prowess and further uses of Sexcraft upon your victim without any problems from this.
Special: Having 5 or more ranks in Sexual Prowess gives a +2 synergy bonus on Sexcraft checks. Also, you gain a +2 synergy bonus to Sexual Prowess checks if you have 5 or more ranks of Sexcraft.
Bonuses granted by Sex tricks which apply to Sexual Prowess checks may also be applied to Sexcraft checks under the applicable circumstance.
You may add your ranks in Sexcraft to your Constitution when calculating the length of time before sexual fatigue sets in. Additionally, you may extend the duration between checks for sexual fatigue up to a number of minutes equal to your ranks in Sexcraft.


Root of Lust (Su): When a creature with this ability brings any being to orgasm they will automatically transfer, as per the use of the Sexcraft skill, a number of /sp/ equal to the amount by which the victim failed their arousal check from the victim to the creature.
If the victim has no /sp/ then they instead take an equal amount of temporary Wisdom damage and the creature gains the appropriate amount of /sp/. Victim’s drained to zero Wisdom in this fashion are considered both charmed and dominated by the creature until they recover all temporary Wisdom damage taken and recover their all /sp/.


Any comments? If I'm being presumptious about this then just let me know and I won't bother anybody about it again.


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Merior said:

Any comments? If I'm being presumptious about this then just let me know and I won't bother anybody about it again.

Presumptious? Hell no---thank you, Merior! I welcome and encourage any and all help in this. Are you, by chance, familiar with La Blue Girl? Or are you more just going off based on what I wrote? Just curious--I could use help cataloging the stuff in the cartoons.

As for your ideas. . . . .I like a lot of it, but for the moment, I want to hold off on the DC checks for the skill applications. Instead, i was planning having feats and powers (and possible combate modes) that emulate these same effects.

And yes to Kolvar, it SexCraft is magic in name only--mechanics wise, it is very much psionics.


First Post
kolvar said:

About the naked blades sex-rules: how far can we make them compatible with the rules we got in the soft-sex guide?
(I think I would like to do the naught-guide in a way, that you could use it as an add-on. What do you think?)

One of these days, I will run through my conversion book, rip out all the stuff thats already been put into the new book, or replaced (sex rules, magic spells) and then look at what's left.

Things like the advantages/disadvatages will then be put into the hentai book as optional rules. I really really really like the advatages and disadvantages. =) Also, I have other items I am working on that will be perfect for the hentai triple x book.

Zelda Themelin

First Post
It's great seeing all this. :)

kolvar, do you still have problems with ftp?

tanilen, it's really wonderful to have you participating again.
Your advantages/disadvantages system would be nice to see. Also, have you made/do you feel like making few templates to La Blue Girl style demons.

Merior, nice to have new person with ideas around.

I will be gone for weekend, I wait so see something intesting here when I come back. ;)

Sorn, your efforts with finding art has been wonderful. Too bad really, that fantasy nude pictures have so common, limited scope.
Have you noticed, btw, that non-sex-rpg-books (Moongoose etc.) seem to have almost as much 'erotic' art than our book probably will have.

Isawa, so we lost contact? Congratulations. Too bad they wanted "our picture". Well, that just says they have good taste. :)
Are you going to stay around, even if art-thing is iced for now?

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