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Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge

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Zelda: I haven't really seen anything from Mongoose yet, but when 3e first came out, the big trend was away from "Chicks in Chainmail". Hell, compare the 2e monster manuals with the 3e MM. There was a hell of a lot more scantily clad women in those than now. Of course 3rd party publishers are not as bound to marketing studies as WotC was. They made the teen market a prime audience, so certain things had to be toned down. I am in contact with several artists who are making a few custom pieces. Whenever possible, I am asking them to go for the more unusual suspects like dwarves, gnomes and halflings. I am also letting them know that they don't really need to cover anything up since it is an adult subject matter to begin with.

I'll probably be going back to Elfwood and try to find some more non-elf stuff.

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It is good to hear that I am welcome here from you all, so I've dug up something two prestige classes for the book that I had been fiddling with and tidied them up a bit. They are in a doc file attached to this and should look nice and spiffy if anyone cares to glance at it.

tanilen: Unfortunately, I haven't seen the anime itself, although I have read through a bit of the manga. What I put down was mostly inspired by what you wrote and two series of fanfiction based on La Blue Girl "La Blue Girl - Play'in Around" and "Dark Queen's Reign". Both of these can be found at http://www.greyarchive.com/ in the Anime section.


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Things that would be cool:

Half-orc domina :D

Gnome illusion-based "cybersex"

Any idea for halfling and dwarves ?


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While going home (1/2 h walk at 1 o'clock at night) yesterday, I had the idea for the following feat:

Lace Spell: Horny [Eldritch]
By lacing energy to a spells cast against single targets you imbue them with lustful energy
Prerequisite: Spellcaster level 5th+, Cha 17+
Benefit: Everyone you hit with a spell laced with horny energy becomes horny, if he fails a will-save vs. the DC of the spell. In addition every spell cast with this feat receives the descriptor [lust] (whatever this may imply).

(maybe a bit weak but if coupled with the hentai rules, you could add sexcraft damage)
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@Merior: The classes are orignial, have realy fitting and interesting abilities and are not overpowered (as far as I can see). The second seems rather underpowered (especially in a campaign not tottaly focused on sex).
I like them.

Isawa Sideshow

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@Zelda: I don't know if I'd have enough time to contribute much. I can see if my better half wants to donate some more art to the cause, but I make no promises. Part of me wants to stick around, since the sex resolution system was my baby, but the other part of me feels so far out of the loop that I wouldn't be much help. Yet another part of me just wants to go out for Chinese food. :)


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I've been pretty busy lately, and have not made any major progress, however, I did collect all of my diverse projects for the book into one webpage so you all can see them and make comments, offer help or suggestions, or just laugh yourself to death at the sheer silliness that I have worked upon =)


Kolver, please add this link to the main website as well, if you would be so kind =)


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You are realy nasty Tanilen (G).
I have not read everything, but it realy feels hentai (for normal play, though, the Domination rules seem a bit fast, i.e. it is rather easy to break and bring someone, who is not willing, but that is why we do two versions, isn't it)
How can we help you, though? You seem to have done everything (in your head at least).
I am trying to build a hordling generator, that will give you the number, length and type of the D***s, too.
If yes, please tell me, what you would like to see.

I added the link at the menu. I am thinking about adding it to "The Pages".


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@tanilen: I was glancing through your write up of the Sexcraft Ninja again and found myself frowing a bit at the entry for 'Special' which seemed to be describing an advantage for a character rather than a prerequisite for a prestige class. After thinking for a bit I came up with the following feat which could replace that entry and be added to the feats needed for the Sexcraft Ninja.

Oh, and don't you mean 'Improved Unarmed Strike' not 'unarmed strike'?

Sex Craft Initiate [General]
You have been trained to have a basic knowledge of Sexcraft and the Shikima.
Prerequisite: Raised by or initiated into a sexcraft practicing group.
Benefit: Knowledge(shikima) is always concidered a class skill for you and you may purchase ranks in Sexcraft as though it were not an Exclusive skill.
Normal: Normally exclusive skills may never be purchased cross-class, but may only be taken by those who have them as a class skill.

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