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Hakan shows Mirashi that Gnomes are not to be trifled with!


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Mirashi Iso continues his search for his prey. Wandering around the Iron City, you find yourself face to face with him.

"Prepare to defend your life from my blade!"

Thug 0
Scorpion Style
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*going about his business in the City of Iron he sees the arrogant human*

You should be careful whom you attack...for we are not all as we seem...

I accept your challenge Yakuza Thug... for the sake of honest merchants everywhere

Hakan Keeneyes

White Belt 0-0
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"You expect me to fight a pathetic little gnome? Very well... but I find your spouse to be uncivilized, your field to be drab, and your katana to be careless."


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Bah.. you know nothing of true ability human.. the rarified air up there doesn't aid your minds any.. and your noses don't help any either...

"I find your kitten to be honorless, your sky to be malodorous, and your shield to be offensive."

That kitten you work for is an honorless dog (if that can be said of a cat), the city you call home is so poluuted I can smell it on the wind, and the pathethic shield you carry is a sign of human craftsmanship so offensive it almost hurts to look upon it


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MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the ruins south of the Lake of the Sacred Tortoise on the morning of the kama.

For such a little guy in stature, you sure have a big and nasty mouth. Haken may set the type and length of match.

Haken also posts first until Mirashi uses his dirty trick.


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This match was taken to chat. Vanor judged.

<Mirashi_Iso> Mirashi Iso: Thug 0 Record 1-0 Yen: 0
<Mirashi_Iso> Bleh? :)
<Vanor> DW already posted the winner of the insult round
<Vanor> and I'll go with that
<Mirashi_Iso> Ok. :)
<Mirashi_Iso> Hakan, due to my eeeeevil Dirty Trick, you may post first. ;)
<Mirashi_Iso> Hakan?
<Hakan> ok
<Hakan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Hakan: The hammer sings below the delta; silences the assailment of the four winds!
<Mirashi_Iso> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Mirashi_Iso: The fist silences the coast; negates the terror of the lily!
*** Darkwolf is now known as Killer_judging_bunny
<Vanor> hmmm
*** Killer_judging_bunny is now known as Darkwolf
<Vanor> gotta watch out for those scared Lilys ;D
* Mirashi_Iso comforts the poor scared little flower
<Vanor> Point Hakan, due to defense
<Vanor> 1 point Hakan
<Vanor> err 1 flag Hakan
<Mirashi_Iso> So he won because my defense was useless? Gotcha. :)
<Vanor> well not exactly :)
<Hakan> Alrighty
<Vanor> I liked your attack slightly better then his, but liked his defense much better
<Hakan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Hakan: The fan shouts before the valley; leaps over the offensive of the vermin!
<Mirashi_Iso> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Mirashi_Iso: The mongoose decimates the marsh; redirects the chaos of the dark sunbeam!
<Hakan> what... vocal moves :p
<Vanor> heh
<Mirashi_Iso> Perhaps you are a Gnomish Bard. :)
<Vanor> Point Mirashi both flags neutral
<Hakan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Hakan: The staff slides underneath the island; averts the rising of the four winds!
<Mirashi_Iso> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Mirashi_Iso: The fox glides next to the city; protects against the kick of the shadow!
<Hakan> can I get an attack please?
* Mirashi_Iso glides in and then STABS REPEATEDLY!
<Vanor> Point Hakan 1 flag Hakan
<Hakan> alrighty
<Hakan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Hakan: The jaguar secretly assails the hells; shreds the pain of the water!
<Mirashi_Iso> Dirty Trick!
<Hakan> saw that coming
* Mirashi_Iso giggles like a schoolgirl
<Hakan> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Hakan: The tiger drops in the midst of the temple; blocks the pain of the snow before it painlessly grasps the motion of the cat!
<Mirashi_Iso> Maybe that wasn't a good idea...
<Mirashi_Iso> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Mirashi_Iso: The crab glides atop the wetlands; dodges before the assailment of the bird!
<Vanor> Point and Match Hakan
* Mirashi_Iso looks stricken, as the Gnome just beat him


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Hakan has won this fight, and is promoted to Copper Sash 1, with a record of 1-0. Your sig style is Tiger.

Mirashi Iso your loss has cost you greatly, you are now a Thug 0 Down on luck. Your record is now 1-1.


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Looking completely mortified, Mirashi bows to his foe.

"You have bested me, gnome. I am surprised. I shall never underestimate a gnome again, and I owe you a boon. Name it, and it shall be done."
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Good to see you have learned something then...
Most of you tall folks take a few times... especially the elves... they are the worst =P.

Anyways.. a boon? can't think of anything I need at the moment.. but if I do I will look you up...

Voidrunner's Codex

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