D&D 5E Half races as sub-races? (+)

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Why are the halves only human.

Where are the Elflings, Dwarflings, and dwelfs?
Oh sure, engage in Punnett squares to your Mendelian heart's content. There's, what, n^2 / 2 choices? With just human, elf, dwarf, halfling, orc, and gnome that's 18 combinations. Add in teifling, aasimar, and gensai that's close to 40, right?


Oh sure, engage in Punnett squares to your Mendelian heart's content. There's, what, n^2 / 2 choices? With just human, elf, dwarf, halfling, orc, and gnome that's 18 combinations. Add in teifling, aasimar, and gensai that's close to 40, right?
I prefer to call it Heritage bingo.

Voidrunner's Codex

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