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Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within

Relique du Madde


:D Galactus would totally kick Unicron's metallic ass.

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Like superheroes?

began with "Spider-Hulk" back in 1978.

By 1984 I created the GI JOE of superheroes- America's Best

Then came The Ranger and the Mutant men soon after.

Then Survivor

and finally Megamania.

Megamania has had many various incarnations.

I did one picture in kindergarten which was supposed to be of my favorite thing to do with my dad (it was a father's day assignment), which I drew my self fishing while my dad was getting drunk. The description said "I like going fishing with my dad. When he fishes he drinks beer."

Sadly, I'm not joking.

I can top that..... :uhoh:

At the age of four I came to understand the difference of boys and girls B-day suit wise. I saw King Kong and decided to draw a "correct" version of a male and female Kong. With pride I taped them on the outside of my bedroom door... unknown to my mother.
We had the plumbers come by and they found the drawings very good and commented on.... sizes of both.

My father was quite proud. My mother couldn't find a hole deep enough to crawl into. :D

so even as a lil' chil' I was perverted and liked puppies.

why is everyone moving away from me?

Relique du Madde

Thor kicked butt.

Not as strong as the Iron man series but still very good.

The one thing about super hero and comic book movie is that its so hard to come up with a decend rating scale using movies as a base. Like generally speaking Iron man is a 8 through 9, Batman begins and dark knight were an 8 through 10, then Scott Pilgram was a 1 through 8 depending on if you are a hipster, high on something, or older then 29.

Destroyed my lawn mower today.

half of my lawn was torn up for a new septic system last fall and the other half was torn up by a state plow truck (I think I have pictures of the crash still).

I asked my wife to rake it and she said she had.

Grass grew and I trusted she had and set out to mow.

She got what she thought was big rocks only.

The mower grabbed a rock, took large chunks out of the blade then wedged the rock into the cut grass chute area.

The blades are badly chipped, bent and the shaft bent. :.-(

280 dollars later I got a new one. No more heroclix for a bit. :rant:

At least no one got hurt as the rock was expelled and rolled hard for about 5 feet.


Especially with Thor.

He is not a god but god-like here. So he is a less powerful but magically enhanced Superman kinda.

Destroyer went down waaaaay too easily.

Frost Giants max at a bout 8 feet tall.

But the story was still solid with some humor. Especially as the rednecks line up to get his hammer.

The after credits scene was perhaps the weakest however of the series. It does line up for the Avengers however.

Many names and such dropped that Thor / comicbook fans will spot and have a good time with including Agent Barton (Hawkeye).

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