• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within


Life is sucking at my end again.

Mack is not rehiring me.

So since my 18.88 an hour job is gone and I barely got by with that I will to get TWO full time jobs at minimum wages (VT = 9.25) to hope to get by

How is the wife handling it?

To see how far she can push me until I leave it looks like......

Wow, that really sucks. Any recourse at all with Mack? Union?

Vermont is an 'at will' state, but Physical Disability is a protected class of employee there, so you might talk to a labor lawyer. If you have a decent job record before you got sick you might have a case. I don't know a whole lot about such things, but maybe. Lord knows that folks we let go sue us for everything under the sun. You might get a lawyer to take the case on the prospect of what can be won rather than having to come out of pocket. There are several lawyers (actual lawyers not just rules lawyers) on this site who might be better able to advise.

Isn't minimum wage going up there? I thought I saw something about it increasing a little bit each year to over ten? I'm sure it won't go anywhere near 18. We've been following wage discussions around the country because it is only 7.25 in Tennessee and so our re-reimbursement we get from the state to pay staff is very low making it hard to get find employees when they can do better flipping burgers. We pay more that that, but it makes it tight. The state offered us enough to give an eleven cent raise this year. Needless to say potential employees aren't exactly beating the door down to get a job. I know it is really tough out there.

I wish you the best of luck.

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Not much for work out there. Went to find jobs and instead learned most people are currently letting go of employees.

The good news. Got time to work on the outdoor and DnD projects I keep putting off


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Is it a bad sign if I found myself rubbing up against the monitor?
IMNSHO - not necessarily, but you might want to keep in mind that modern flat screens probably have fewer hit points than those huge old school monitors.

Disclaimer: I'm not a hardware expert in any way, nor do I play one on YouTube.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Bought me a new gaming computer. Battlefleet Gothic not as fun as I had hoped for. Now waiting on the new total war.

I've forgot to keep you updated on the Middle Earth rpg... We've played couple sessions now. Been fun. Wife plays the shortest hobbit you'd ever see and my elven warrior is 7ft tall.

Voidrunner's Codex

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