I think it is too much for one primal path. You only get 4 features. The concept would have to be split between the armor focused one, the low-blowing one, the heavy one, and the pushy one.
Sure. But you have to come up with four features for each of four archetype that are (a) interesting and (b) not so one-note the archetype feels boring when it can't do that one thing. If a Juggernaut loses its armor, what makes it cool?
Its better to combine them into one or two archetypes. Juggernaut/Heavy, Low-Blow/Pushy.
It's very niche but no more that the Wild Magic barbarian. Less even.
Yes, agreed. I didn't say it was bad, just very niche.
The Tribal Chief is just the Barbarian with more skills and focused fighting archetype a-la the Samurai and Cavalier
Still many problems with it:
From a lore point of view, why is a tribal chief not with their tribe?
From a gamer point of view, the same problem as with the warlord:
you're not the chief of me.
From a reality point of view, "tribal" is a thing that is frequently viewed in a very negative light. Combined with
barbarian, another thing that people look down upon as being uncivilized, uncouth, mindless, etc., and you're using some very unfortunate terminology here.
The Savage is the Tarzan or Wolverine.
Tarzan is probably a ranger.
I'm not an X-Men fan but I
did read quite a bit of Clairmount's run on it and managed to get through the bit where Clairmount was totally on some "Japan it totally cool and its the 80s!" kick and had had Wolvie have being trained at dojos in all sorts of samurai/ninja lessons stuff. Then I gave up because even after reading several hundred issues I found I didn't like any of the characters. Which means in
my mind, Wolverine is a monk. Maybe multiclassed to barb, but not primarily.