I'm very aware of korpokkur, but, y'know, myths where a gnome-like being described as beautiful have a biiiiit of a stretch that they ended up as bow legged, scraggly bearded, noted-in-game-text as looked down on caricture of a race
Well, we're talking about it coming back as part of FR, so we probably want to consider how something fits in the setting where the award winning game Baldurs Gate 3 is set given, y'know, the sheer impact that game's had, and folks wanting KT back due to it being part of Faerun.
I do not care about player stat regularity on this, I care about them out and about in the world. Given we're, once again, talking about a place in Faerun with its numerous locations where even Thri-kreen have their roaving bands, KT seems absolutely lacking given 'comfortable in human society' needs to be a thing. There should absolutely be non-human societies around given there are tons of non-human societies elsewhere. Humans shouldn't be the only societies. That alone makes the place not feel like its part of FR
Hooves are not the defining feature of a kirin? The whole not being covered in scales alone thing is a clear sign this isn't one. I have a
mechanical robot kirin on my desk that turns into a cube and its clearly more kirin than that. That is clearly not a scaled, horned horse-like celestial being in the slightest, Its probably "Apply fu-creature template to horse" or something like that, given the lion mane and slightly horrifying teeth situation
Well, maybe we should just. Drop the racism entirely, go back to the original myth, and make 'em a gnome or halfling variant given we don't need to slap "Oh yeah its a dwarf but out east" on things any more like the most dull, bored reskinning ever?
The setting needs changes and given it was done in the 'being narrated by someone from the region' you can easily go "Yeah that person was wrong and lying, here's a better look", which also helps given OA's other many, many issues as brought up by other parties why just keeping it as-is is a terrible idea. The setting needs to be changed, especially in a day and age I can just, send a message to any number of folks in east Asia and get some recommendations on appropriate fantasy in ten seconds