• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Heavy Gear Blitz Kickstarter [Funded $150,000, Complete]


First Post
For those who missed this Kickstarter but have taken an interest, Dream Pod 9 is opening a new BackerKit on Fundafull through Paypal for those wanting to join in getting in on the Core Starter Set.

From the DP9 forums, one of the members asked,
"I have been talking to a few friends that missed out on the kickstarter, are there still options for people to pledge that were not in the original effort? If so, how, and for how long?"

Mr. Dubois responded: "Here is the new direct link to setup an account on the War for Terra Nova Pledge Manager, for new backers who missed the Kickstarter campaign. If you already backed the Kickstarter don't use this link, you need to register using the invite email that was sent out to you previously.


While it is unclear, the new period for those interested will last one or two months. In the meantime the ladies and gentlemen who joined are asked not to 'finalize' their addresses unless they are certain of where they will be over the course of the next year while the plastic molds are created and tested.

There is also the possibility of unlocking the additional miniatures already discussed if 330 more Backers can be found.

So for those interested, review the Kickstarter, and feel free to ask questions on the Dream Pod 9 forums. Peace, hope your Christmas was merry, and here's looking forward to a Happy New Year!

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